Stacey K. Vargas VMI Department of Physics and Astronomy A Writing Experiment for a Physicist Using the Portfolio Method in a sophomore optics laboratory course Stacey K. Vargas VMI Department of Physics and Astronomy
Outline Motivation for the experiment Experiment My thoughts Feedback from my students
Motivation Previous methods were not working 1. Formal lab write-ups each week Introduction, theory, data analysis, conclusion Feedback was not transferred from one lab to the next Minimal improvement by the end of the semester 2. Weekly lab notebooks with formal write-ups Only four or five formal lab reports submitted Not enough writing to see significant improvement
The Experiment Use portfolio method Students perform eight labs during the semester Students write and submit a lab report each week Twice during the semester students submit a portfolio
Weekly Lab Reports Introduction (feedback only) Theory (feedback only) Data and Analysis (graded weekly) Conclusion (graded weekly) Emphasis on the physics
Portfolios Submitted at the midterm and the end of the semester Two revised formal lab reports All sections are graded Contemplative Essay Why are you submitting these two labs? What did you learn about the physics and the writing as you revised the labs? Any thoughts you want to share? Emphasis on the writing
My Thoughts Amazing teaching experience and collaboration Students respond to the feedback Students make significant progress Enjoy every part of the process Coaching verses grading
Student Thoughts after First Portfolio “While I feel that completing these labs reinforced my prior knowledge of the concepts discussed, another way I have benefited has been through developing my writing skills. Since the first lab I have felt myself continuously improving the way I write. In the beginning, I feel my writing did not convey the information it was meant to effectively because I frequently got off topic. Now I feel my writing has become more concise and direct so that the information that is meant to be displayed is easy to find and understand. “
“As I was rewriting and revising selected pieces of the labs I selected, I wondered as to the purpose of the entire ordeal. I grumbled through the first phases of the process, muttering to myself about my frustration with having to re-do something I already completed, turned in, and had a grade for. After a little time doing this, however, I began to notice something about the lab report I was revising. It was genuinely improving. The quality and clarity of the information increased, word choices were revised, and ideas were becoming more fully developed. The revision process was working without even my notice or intention. Upon this realization, I focused on my efforts to improve the labs. The point of correction became clear and I suddenly embraced the benefit of correcting the reports wholeheartedly.”
“Revising each report proved to be a learning experience too, as it allowed an opportunity to not only correct previously made errors or include missing components, but to elaborate upon interesting and important parts of each report.”
Student Thoughts after Second Portfolio “To sum up the portfolio, the changes that were needed in the lab write ups were significantly smaller than the last portfolio. My writing has significantly improved which made the revision process much quicker.” “ In regard to my overall experience in the course, the writing component of this lab (particularly evidenced in the two portfolios submitted) proved to be valuable learning experience. I myself have noticed a significant change in my physics writing, both in structure and vocabulary. The lab portfolio offered an opportunity to practice “writing science” and, after having gotten used to the format, I feel that significant improvement has been made. I even dare to suggest that this second portfolio is better than its predecessor.”
“To start this reflection off, let it be said that this time around was not nearly as painful as the first. It was a good bit easier to focus when I kept in mind my overall focus was to improve my writing as much as I possibly could. It also did not hurt that I felt I did not have to do as much revising when it came to the theory sections. Perhaps I got the idea of what was wanted after the first portfolio.”
“The semester is now coming to an end and I can confidently say that my writing skills have improved. When I look back and compare my first couple of labs to my final few, I not only notice an improvement in quality of work, but the time required to complete a lab has been greatly diminished as well.” “In conclusion, this past semester has been extremely beneficial. Both my knowledge of physics and writing have been greatly enhanced. I am thankful that I was able to take this course because I feel the lessons I have learned will be a phenomenal asset as I proceed further into my academic career.”
Unanticipated Results Shared by Students The writing and revising made some students change the way they took notes in class. They said it became easier to pick out the important concepts. Some students said it became easier to read the physics textbooks because they were learning how to write like the textbooks.