How to do a card trick
Step 1 Take out a full deck of cards
Step 2 Flip the deck over and look at the bottom card. Make sure you remember that card.
Step 3 Spread out the cards and have the person choose a card.
Step 4 While they are looking at the card, split the deck into 3 piles.
Step 5 Tell them to put the card back in one of the piles.
Step 6 Put the deck with the card from before (on the bottom) on top of their card so your bottom card is touching their card.
Step 7 Start dealing the cards into piles. When you see the card that was on the bottom in the beginning make a new pile.
Step 8 Count out the card. For example, if the card is 5 of diamonds, you would count out 14 cards in that pile, because five of diamonds is 14 letters.
Step 9 Put all of the cards together, with the pile with the card.
Step 10 Ask them what their card is
Step 11 Count out their card.