Writing and SPaG workshop What questions would you like answered? Please write your questions on a post it note and stick to the board.
Welcome Writing and SPaG Y1 and Y2 parent workshop January 2017
AIMS WRITING Whole school overview for writing End of Key Stage expectations The writing process within school How you can help at home SPAG End of key stage expectations Demystify some SPAG terminology
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 1 Stories with familiar settings. Repeating patterns in stories. Repeating patterns and counting stories. Traditional tales. Fairy stories. Fantasy stories – superheroes. Labels, lists and signs. Information texts. Instructions. Letters. Songs and repetitive poems. Pattern and rhyme in poetry. Exploring the senses through poetry. Humorous poetry. Poems about nature. Traditional poems. Year 2 Traditional tales from other cultures. Fantasy stories. Quest stories. Stories by the same author. Postcards and letters. Recounts. Traditional poems for young children. Exploring a theme through poetry. Our favourite poems. Observational poems. Year 3 Myths and legends I. Myths and Legend II. Stories in imaginary worlds. Adventure stories. Play scripts and dialogue. Instructions and explanations. Information texts Christmas letters Non-chronological reports. Persuasive writing. Creating images with poetry. Humorous Poetry. Traditional poetry. Performance poetry. Narrative poetry. Shape poems. Year 4 Fables. Stories in familiar setting. Myths and Legends. Fairy Stories and Playscripts. Stories and drama (audio). Tales from other cultures. Gaining information. Chronological reports. Image poems. Poetic form – syllabic poems. List Poems and Kennings. Performance Poems. Poet Study. Poems to learn by heart. Year 5 Classic fiction. Biographies/autobiographies. Short stories. Drama. Classic fiction – mystery. Short stories – fantasy. Argument and debate. Journalistic writing. Slam poetry. Classic poems. Choral/classic poems. Poetic style. Debate poetry. The power of imagery. Year 6 Historical stories. Significant authors. Stories with flashbacks Stories from other cultures Classic Fiction from the past. Classic Modern Fiction. Explanation text. Journalistic reports. Choral and performance poetry. Free-form poetry. Classic Poems. Narrative poems.
The Writing Process–To draft, edit, critique and improve our Writing The Writing Process–To draft, edit, critique and improve our Writing. Step 1 The pupil writes a first draft and will self-assess using the success criteria. Step 2 The teacher will then critique the draft in red pen and the pupil corrects their own work in green pen. Step 3 The pupil writes a second draft, making improvements using the teachers critique. Step 4 The pupils peer critique each others work following the success criteria. Pupils grant two stars and a wish. Step 5 The pupils publish their final piece of writing
“Grammar to a writer is to a mountaineer a good pair of hiking boots or, more precisely, to a deep-sea diver an oxygen tank.”
Let’s start with an activity…
End of Y1 expectations… Year 1 Letter Capital letter Word Singular Plural Sentence Punctuation Full Stop Question Mark Exclamation Mark
End of Y2 expectations… Noun Noun phrase Statement Question Exclamation Command Compound word Adjective Verb suffix prefix vowel consonant Adverb Tense (past/present) Apostrophe Comma
Types of sentences… What a lovely gift you gave me! Exclamation sentences According to the new national curriculum, exclamation sentences must begin with WHAT or HOW. For them to qualify as a “sentence” they must include a VERB. They must end in an exclamation mark. What a lovely gift you gave me!
Stand in a straight line. Types of sentences… Command sentences These start with a verb. Pack away your crayons. Put on your shoes. Stand in a straight line.
Types of sentences… Rose tidied away her crayons. Statements These are telling sentences (they tell us what is happening). They start with a capital letter and end in a full stop. Rose tidied away her crayons. The bus drove down the road. Excitedly, the dog chased after his ball.
Types of sentences… What time is it? Questions These must end with a question mark and start with a capital letter. What time is it? Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Which one do you think is correct? Can you answer the question?
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Thank you Please leave any feedback you have on the post- its provided. Did you find the session useful?
Writing and SPaG workshop What questions would you like answered? Please write your questions on a post it note and stick to the board.
Welcome Writing and SPaG Y5 and Y6 parent workshop January 2017
AIMS WRITING Whole school overview for writing End of Key Stage expectations The writing process within school How you can help at home SPAG End of key stage expectations Demystify some SPAG terminology
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 1 Stories with familiar settings. Repeating patterns in stories. Repeating patterns and counting stories. Traditional tales. Fairy stories. Fantasy stories – superheroes. Labels, lists and signs. Information texts. Instructions. Letters. Songs and repetitive poems. Pattern and rhyme in poetry. Exploring the senses through poetry. Humorous poetry. Poems about nature. Traditional poems. Year 2 Traditional tales from other cultures. Fantasy stories. Quest stories. Stories by the same author. Postcards and letters. Recounts. Traditional poems for young children. Exploring a theme through poetry. Our favourite poems. Observational poems. Year 3 Myths and legends I. Myths and Legend II. Stories in imaginary worlds. Adventure stories. Play scripts and dialogue. Instructions and explanations. Information texts Christmas letters Non-chronological reports. Persuasive writing. Creating images with poetry. Humorous Poetry. Traditional poetry. Performance poetry. Narrative poetry. Shape poems. Year 4 Fables. Stories in familiar setting. Myths and Legends. Fairy Stories and Playscripts. Stories and drama (audio). Tales from other cultures. Gaining information. Chronological reports. Image poems. Poetic form – syllabic poems. List Poems and Kennings. Performance Poems. Poet Study. Poems to learn by heart. Year 5 Classic fiction. Biographies/autobiographies. Short stories. Drama. Classic fiction – mystery. Short stories – fantasy. Argument and debate. Journalistic writing. Slam poetry. Classic poems. Choral/classic poems. Poetic style. Debate poetry. The power of imagery. Year 6 Historical stories. Significant authors. Stories with flashbacks Stories from other cultures Classic Fiction from the past. Classic Modern Fiction. Explanation text. Journalistic reports. Choral and performance poetry. Free-form poetry. Classic Poems. Narrative poems.
The Writing Process–To draft, edit, critique and improve our Writing The Writing Process–To draft, edit, critique and improve our Writing. Step 1 The pupil writes a first draft and will self-assess using the success criteria. Step 2 The teacher will then critique the draft in red pen and the pupil corrects their own work in green pen. Step 3 The pupil writes a second draft, making improvements using the teachers critique. Step 4 The pupils peer critique each others work following the success criteria. Pupils grant two stars and a wish. Step 5 The pupils publish their final piece of writing
“Grammar to a writer is to a mountaineer a good pair of hiking boots or, more precisely, to a deep-sea diver an oxygen tank.”
Let’s start with an activity…
End of Year 3 expectations… Preposition, Conjunction, Word family, Prefix, suffix, root word, Main Clause, Subordinate Clause, Direct Speech, Consonant, Letter, Vowel, Inverted Commas
Possessive pronoun Adverbial End of Year 4 expectations… Determiner Pronoun Possessive pronoun Adverbial
End of Year 5 expectations… Modal Verb, Relative Pronoun, Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Relative Clause, Parenthesis, Bracket, Dash, Cohesion, Ambiguity
End of Year 6 expectations… Subject, Object, Active, Passive, Synonym, Antonym, Subjunctive mood, Past progressive tense Past/present perfect tense Ellipsis, Hyphen, Colon, Semi-colon, Bullet points
Prepositions… Next to… North… South… Adjacent to… East… West… Down from.. Up from… In between… On, above, under… Opposite… To the left of… To the right of…
Determiners… The unicorn danced across the sky. These are always found before a noun or noun phrase. There are many different types of these. The unicorn danced across the sky. A bird flew into a window. Three little mice scared the giant elephant.
Determiners… The unicorn danced across the sky. These are always found before a noun or noun phrase. There are many different types of these. The unicorn danced across the sky. A bird flew into a window. Three little mice scared the giant elephant.
Determiners… The unicorn danced across the sky. These are always found before a noun or noun phrase. There are many different types of these. The unicorn danced across the sky. A bird flew into a window. Three little mice scared the giant elephant.
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Thank you Please leave any feedback you have on the post- its provided. Did you find the session useful?