Ted Corcoran The Rotary Club of Dublin PEPs 2017 Ted Corcoran The Rotary Club of Dublin
Mission of District 1160 “The mission of District 1160 is to provide service to others, promote high ethical standards and advance local, national and world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community based leaders.”
What is your “WHY” for taking on role? Four Questions What is your “WHY” for taking on role? Have you a vision for your year? Have you a team to help you? How will you keep them motivated?
Have you a “Why”? What is it?
Are you PROUD of your club? Why?
Change is impossible without situational awareness!
What is your vision/destination? The Leadership Bus Rotary Club of… What is your vision/destination?
The Concept A leader is like a bus driver Every leader: Must know destination Must get team on board Must keep team there till task completed
The 5 Practices of Great Leaders Challenge the process Inspire a shared vision Enable others to act Walk the talk / Model the way Encourage the heart Jim Kouzes author “The Leadership Challenge”
The Skills of Leadership: Getting Your People on the Bus! Rotary Club of….
What is a team? A team is a group of people who work together to accomplish specific, common goals. They share responsibility for their tasks and depend upon one another to achieve them. “None of us is as smart as all of us” Japanese proverb
The Big 5 of Highly Performing Teams Team members: Have a shared vision Communicate effectively Honour their commitments Hold each other accountable Maintain a positive attitude “Attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude” Zig Ziglar
“Better 100 people do 1 thing, than 1 person attempt to do 100 things”
The Skills of Leadership: Keeping Your People on the Bus! Rotary Club of….. 1
The Lone Ranger President
Keeping your team on the bus Keep them in the picture Support Listen Empower Give feedback re performance Resolve any conflict
1. Those who make things happen 2. Those who wait for things to happen 3. Those who say “what happened!” Three types of people
What is your “WHY” for taking on role? Four Questions What is your “WHY” for taking on role? Have you a vision for your year? Have you a team to help you? How will you keep them motivated?
Inspired? “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.“ Robert F Kennedy
Our motto for the weekend "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ~ Mother Teresa
Ted Corcoran The Rotary Club of Dublin PEPs 2017 Ted Corcoran The Rotary Club of Dublin
What are your expectations for the weekend? What are your hopes and fears for your year in office?