Welcome to Curriculum Night Miss Childs 4th Grade “Without Confidence & Love there can be no true Education” – St. John Bosco
Expectations Students will be respectful to other students, teachers and school property. Students will come prepared to school each day with the proper writing utensils, work due and notebooks. Students will be responsible for copying down homework each day in their planner. Students will be responsible for turning in homework, classwork, reports, and projects on time. Students will follow and acknowledge classroom rules and will understand consequences when rules are broken. Students are responsible for taking notes in appropriate notebooks. Students are responsible for asking for and completing missing assignments due to an absence.
Books and Policy All textbooks need to be covered. Students need to be in full uniform at all times. Please refer to uniform policy
Assessments Quizzes and Tests Homework Projects/ Book reports Classwork Maintenance Sheets
Grading Policy Summative Assessments (Tests)-- 45% Quizzes-- 25% Classwork & Participation– 20% Homework– 10% All grades will be posted on Cornerstone Grades will be posted within 5 days of the assignment due or test given
Grading Continued At times I often use “check grades” √++ = 100% √+ = 95% √ = 85% √- = 75%
Newsletters I will post a weekly newsletter on my Teacher Web as well as provide you a hard copy sent home with your child on Mondays. You will find: What we are working on and will work on Upcoming Projects and Tests Classroom Events
Homework Homework will be displayed within the classroom and posted on my Teacher Web daily Homework will be checked and should be placed in the appropriate bin upon arrival
Curriculum Math Science Religion Social Studies English Language Arts
4th Grade Math Ms. Scarpelli will be teaching Math to your child this year. I will be teaching reading and spelling/vocabulary to the other fourth grade class.
In Science this year we will discover the following: Properties of Water Interactions on Air, Water and Land Animals and Plants in Their Environment Magnetism We will work with science terminology, complete labs, group work, research, and use technology to help explore the wonderful world of science!
Religion Morality Lessons and rules Jesus gave his people to help them be happy and contribute Explore the Ten Commandments Beatitudes Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
Social Studies Native American Indians of New York State Three Worlds (Europe, the Americas, Africa) meet in the Americas Colonial and Revolutionary periods Revolutionary War in New York State The New Nation Industrial Growth and Expansion Urbanization: economic, political, and social impacts Government and Purposes of Government Local and State Government The students will complete notes, work with vocabulary, discovering cause and effect, create timelines, complete group work, and use technology to expand learning.
English Language Arts Writing Grammar Spelling/ Vocabulary Summarizing, poetry, research based writing, explanatory paragraphs, informational paragraphs, text connections, comparing and contrasting, writing a good paragraph, essay writing, research based writing, and using evidence to support ideas Grammar Sentences, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs and Conjunctions, Prepositions, Punctuation and Capitalization Spelling/ Vocabulary Spelling and Vocabulary tests are alternating every other week Words can be found in my newsletter and on my Teacher Web
Reading We will focus on the following Fluency, speaking and listening, language, and comprehension Informational texts, exploring various forms of nonfiction, literary texts, poetry, and historical fiction Text analysis, interpreting main idea, making inferences, point of view, imagery, making observations, clarifying, summarizing, questioning, and researching We will be using various novels and the Reading Street textbook which is aligned with the Common Core Standards to reinforce different types of texts in addition to Engage NY Modules.
Technology We will be using the computer lab and iPads to help support learning and create presentations/ projects The promethean board will be used daily for interactive learning throughout each subject area
Absent Work If your child is absent Work will be collect throughout the day for your child If you wish to pick up work, please call the office. Work will be sent to the office to be picked up by 2:30pm. Your child is expected to bring in completed work when they return to school.
Upcoming 4th Grade Educational Field Trips •Van Cortlandt Manor –Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 •The Bardavan: Lights, Camera, Math! –February 9th, 2017 •Lego Land –Tentatively for June 2017
Important Dates •Midterms begin January 17, 2017 •NYS ELA Exam –March 28-30, 2017 •NYS Math Exam –May 2-4, 2017 •ADNY Religion Final Exam –Thursday, June 1st at 9am
Any Questions? Please feel free to email me with any additional questions or concerns you may have Sign up for my NewsFlash for any important announcements Email: Kchilds@smdpschool.net Phone: (845) 452-4428
I am looking forward to getting to know you and your children throughout the school year! Please check the Teacher Web for this PowerPoint presentation and the updated teacher conference schedule.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” – Mother Teresa