GRIDCC Project at Industry EU FP6 Project GRIDCC Project at Industry Silvano Squizzato Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori di Legnaro Legnaro (PD), Italy
Outline GRIDCC project: goals & objectives Architecture overview Strategic targets Pilot applications Focus on new provided capabilities Instrument Element RMM-JMS as fast publishing system Virtual Control Room GRIDCC and Industry
GRIDCC project Grid Enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation It is a 3-years EU FP6 project started in September 2004 Web site: Participant name Country Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy Institute Of Accelerating Systems and Applications Greece Brunel University UK Consorzio Interuniversitario per Telecomunicazioni Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A IBM (Haifa Research Lab) Israel Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi ambientale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Universita degli Studi di Udine Greek Research and Technology Network S.A.
GRIDCC: Goals & Objectives 1. Remote control and monitoring of complex and distributed instrumentation 2. Tight integration between instrument grid and classical computational grid 3. Human interaction with Grids via Virtual Control Room (collaborative environment) 4. Enactment of complex workflows
Collaborative Environment GRIDCC: Architecture Instruments Grid Computational Grid IE CE SE DATA Instrument Element Information & Monitoring System Problem Solver Grid Collaborative Environment VCR Execution Services ES Workflow
Architecture: New “instruments grid” Component Name Description Instrument Element (IE) This is a unique concept to GRIDCC. It consists of a coherent collection of services which provide all the functionalities to configure, partition and control the physical instruments Information & Monitor Service (IMS) It gathers from GRIDCC resources information and monitor data to be disseminated through a publish / subscribe systems or to be stored in persistent repositories. Problem Solver (PS) It offers automated problem solving in a Grid environment at two levels. A local PS, within a given Instrument Element, allows to solve local problems related to functionalities of a given instrument. A global PS, allows to solve system-wide problems. Virtual Control Room (VCR) It provides a common set of collaboration tools and allows users to build complex workflows, which are then submitted to the Execution Services, and to directly monitor and control remote instruments in real-time. Execution Services (ES) They control the execution of the workflows defined by the user in the VCR, maintaining the status of the tasks that make up the workflow. They also support the advance reservation of resources. Security Services (SS) GRIDCC uses a split security system. When interacting with components of other Grids the GSI security will be used and the users identified by their X.509 proxy certificate. When interacting with the IE the user will be identified by a Kerberos ticket.
Strategic plan: 3 main target areas Remote process control Accelerator control (Tele-) Biomedicine Robotics Automotive Electronic microscopes (Large-scale) scientific experiments High energy particle physics (Radio-) Telescopes GRIDCC Middleware Widely Sparse Instrumentation Power Grids Monitoring of the territory Monitoring of the sea Geo-hazard prediction Distributed laboratories Transportation monitoring Sensor network
GRIDCC pilot applications Power Grid Particle Accelerator High Energy Physics CMS Meteorology Device Farm Geohazard Monitoring
Pilot applications: CMS The GridCC middleware has been deployed to control the run of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), one of the four high energy experiments in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN laboratory. CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC), a milestone in the CMS construction, positively carried out. CMS Detector CMS Control Structure Top IE User Interface CSC IE Tracker IE HCAL IE DAQ IE RPC IE Trigger IE DT IE ECAL IE DAQ IM FB RB FF xdaq RS IMS
Pilot applications: Power grid GRIDCC deployed to monitor: A 50kW generator A 1 kw Photo-Voltaic array Virtual Control Room Instrument Manager Power Grid V.O. Instrument Element Solar Panel ... Gas
Pilot applications: Remote Operation of an Accelerator Elettra Synchrotron
GRIDCC: other applications Meteorology (Ensemble Limited Area Forecasting) Weather forecasting system to detect hazardous weather Device Farm for the Support of Cooperative Distributed Measurements in Telecommunications and Networking Laboratories The Device Farm consists of a pool of Measurement Instruments for Telecommunication Experiments Geo-hazards: Remote Operation of Geophysical Monitoring Network The monitoring net will be characterized by different levels of activity: stand-by, pre-alert, alert, plus a control modality An event worth to be monitored is for example the evolution of a “landslip”
Focus on new capabilities provided by GRIDCC Instrument Element Complete integration of Instruments into grid High virtualization and abstraction of diverse physical devices A very scalable and platform-independent component A versatile multi-input / multi-output component Fast Data Publishing System High-performance reliable multicast via RMM-JMS Virtual Control Room Allows effective human interactions with the grid Provides a homogeneous collaborative environment
Instrument Element: instruments into grid The Instrument Element (IE) is one of the novel elements of the GRIDCC architecture. It offers a standard web service interface to integrate scientific and general purpose instruments and sensors within the grid. An IE can control a set of instruments with the possibility to decide on which sub-set to operate. The IE is the key decoupling element between real instruments and the grid GRID Web Services Instrument Element Any Protocol or physical connection Sensor Network Instrument Instrumentation
Instrument Element: Instrument Virtualization The IE grid instruments representation is basically based on: Parameters: they hold configuration information Attributes: they hold instrument variables XML description of the instrument Finite State Machine: the core highly customizable part of the IE Parameters Attributes Control Mode XML Based Language Voltmeter Parameters: maximum and minimum voltage Attributes: measured voltage Commands: start / stop measuring : Perform a measure
Instrument Element: Scalable on embedded systems Instrument Manager on a chip … … towards a grid on a chip 1 Gbps Ethernet FPGA PPC 405 Xilink Virtex IV Custom Board Custom Electronics IE Instrument Manager Grid Web Service GridCC IM JavaVM Linux Custom Logic Standalone Axis Montavista USER INTERFACE JamVM
Instrument Element: Versatile I/O multichannel The IE permits grid accessible operations to control and monitor the instruments (via VIGS), such as: execute a command get / set parameters different data outputs: data mover to/from a grid Storage Element (via SRM) high bandwidth channel for data publishing (via IMS). low bandwidth channel for logs, states etc. (via IMS). Data Subscribers VCR IMS IE Grid Interaction Commands Storage Element (SE) Storage Element (SE) VIGS SRM Storage Element (SE) ES Status Parameters IMS VIGS Virtual Instrument Grid Service IMS Information and Monitor Service SRM Storage Resource Management Logs, Errors, States, Monitors
Fast Data Publishing: RMM-JMS Same data are sent to several subscribers. Multicast protocols can have a benefic impact on performances IE IE Data Producer Data Subscribers JMS provides a standard set of APIs for the communication Many commercial and academic JMS implementations both in C/C++ and Java (NaradaBrokering, Sun, IBM) GRIDCC (IBM Haifa lab) has implemented a Reliable Multicast protocol (RMM) JMS compliant RMM-JMS works within a LAN but an efficient bridge technology has been developed to allow inter-LAN multicast communication
Fast Data Publishing: Some results Message Rate: Case many-to-one 32 Dual Xeon 2.4GHz 1.5GB RAM machines, 1 GB Ethernet switch At most 1 publisher, subscriber, or broker- (Sun MQ3.6) per machine No message lost RMM throughput: 75-90 Mbytes/sec. (for 5 and more publishers)
Grid Virtual Control Room The VCR is a collaborative web portal Enable the user to run, aggregate and display plug-ins that act as “mini applications” Grid
Why could GRIDCC fit industry world? - I High modular and flexible solution The software installation is NOT monolithic, but organized in pluggable independent components The IE architecture is not tied to specific technologies or third party software Multiple and independent I/O interfaces: Commands and Controls directed to Instruments, IMS, Fast Data Publishing, Data Movement to/from the GRID High scalability GRIDCC is portable to different platforms Target environment ranges from large farms to embedded devices GRIDCC middleware is meant to be used in production environments Mature middleware has been used, whenever possible, to assure robustness and stability
Why could GRIDCC fit industry world? - II Fine customization of the Instrument Element The IE is easily adaptable to diverse scenarios and needs High level of abstraction in GRIDCC component interfaces Service Oriented Architecture Adherence to standards: WS-I compliant services Standardized and uniform access to GRIDCC components Services loosely coupled Many different clients can interact with an IE, adopting WS-I compliant technologies (such as Java, LabView, Perl, C++, .NET etc.) High interoperability EGEE (gLite) compatibility EGEE platform is one of the widely adopted solution for production grids A frequent and diffused interaction of GRIDCC modules with production grids (WMS, CEs, SEs) is envisaged Many grid facilities and tools can be reused (for instance GridFTP or SRM interface for data movement)
How to proceed and receive feedback ... The dissemination activities MUST be continued and increased New test-beds are to be set-up Further training events and publications are envisaged Large public companies and industrial stakeholders will be addressed more closely in the third year of the project life
Thank you for your attention Any Questions?
Pilot applications: CMS - I In collaboration with the CERN CMS/TriDAS group CMS Detector
Pilot applications: CMS - II 2 107 electronics channels 40 MHz 100 Hz O(104 ) distributed Objects to be controlled configured monitored On-line diagnostics and problem solving capability Highly interactive system (human reaction time - fractions of second) World Wide distributed monitor and control CMS Detector
Instrument Element – Interconnections II IE VCR Control Panel Computing Element (CE) Fast Data Display Fast Data Publishing Information and Monitor System Log Display Control and Status Existing Grid Elements Log Persistency Data Consumer WorkFlow Mng. System Storage (SE)
References - WS-I, - Java Message Service (JMS), - RMM-JSM, - gLite, - SRM, - StoRM, - Montavista, - JamVM,
Acknowledgments The INFN team working in Legnaro, in collaboration with CERN at Geneva: E. Frizziero M. Gulmini F. Lelli G. Maron A. Petrucci S. Traldi