Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Home Affairs Performance report of the Department for Quarter 1 of 2015/2016 03 November 2015
Content Vision, Mission and Values DHA outcomes and strategic objectives Progress against objectives : April-June Major challenges : April-June Overall performance Performance Per Branch Performance Programme
Vision A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship Mission The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the management of immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfill our international obligations Value Statement The Department of Home Affairs is committed to being: People-centred and caring Patriotic Professional and having integrity Corruption free and ethical Efficient and innovative Disciplined and security conscious
Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity. Strategic Objectives All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system.
Outcome 2: Secured and responsive immigration system. Strategic Objectives Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently. Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach. Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely.
Outcome 3: Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient. Strategic Objectives Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. Good governance and administration. Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
Progress against objectives: APRIL- JUNE 2015 During the first quarter, 498 253 Smart ID Cards were issued to citizens 70 959 IDs (First Issue) were issued within 54 working days. 56 838 IDs (Re-Issue) were issued within 47 working days. 125 468 machine readable passports (new live capture process) were issued within 13 working days. Edenvale model office was launched on 11 May as part of the Moetepele programme. This challenges officials to lead in delivery improvement. The DHA organised the inaugural Immigration Stakeholder Forum on 13 April to enhance cooperation, coordination and information sharing.
Progress against objectives: APRIL- JUNE 2015 BMA: Operation Pyramid launched on 19 June in Skukuza to strengthen borderline. An Imbizo was held with municipalities in Mpumalanga on 9th April, hosted by Minister and Deputy Minister, in order to deliberate on issues of mutual interest in relation to migration. An assessment of Marabastad Refugee Reception Centre conducted under Moetapele programme to identify interventions required. In excess of 9 500 000 travellers were cleared at 72 Ports of Entry. A total 10 242 immigrants deported for transgressions against the laws. 70% of guilty verdicts pronounced in finalised misconduct cases
Major challenges: APRIL- JUNE 2015 Managing the implementation of the new Immigration Regulations to ensure they are properly and consistently applied. We are continuing to engage with the Ministry of Telecommunications and Postal Services on the problem of unreliable networks that impact negatively on service delivery. Treasury agreed that the DHA baseline budget for missions can be transferred to DIRCO. With the assistance of SCOPA, the DHA is still engaging on the responsibility for collection of revenue residing with Dirco.
Major challenges: APRIL- JUNE 2015 (continued …) The development of technical specification for some systems is taking longer than anticipated. The systems are large and complex and the IT resources of the Department are limited. Low registration at some health facilities due to non-connectivity to NPR. Birth on weekends and public holidays when DHA is not operational, thereby increasing possibilities to exceed the threshold of 30 days. Process of securing the funding for Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) upgrade from IJS is slower than anticipated.
OVERALL PERFORMANCE-APP 2015/16 (Quarter 1) The Department has a total of 41 targets planned for the first quarter of 2015/16 financial year. The Department achieved a total of 27 targets representing 67% achievement rate , 14 (33%) targets were not achieved .
PREFORMANCE PER BRANCH PLANNED TARGETS ACHIEVED % Not Achieved IS 3 0% 100% LA 2 67% 1 33% IPS F&SCM HR CC&SS 5 COMMS 6 CS 4 80% 20% IMS 13 46% 7 54% TOTAL 41 27 14
Immigration Services (3) PREFORMANCE PER BRANCH Programme No of Targets Achieved Not Achieved Administration (1) 23 17 (74%) 6(26%) Civic Services (2) 5 4 (80%) 1 (20%) Immigration Services (3) 13 6 (46%) 7(54%) TOTAL 41 27 (67%) 14 (33%)
PROGRAMME 1:Administration Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.2: An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. 3.2 Good governance and administration. 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
Strategic Objective 1.2 : An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Hardware for the development of new Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) procured in preparation for National Identity System (NIS) Concept document for the development of new AFIS approved by DHA (DG). Not achieved The purchase order to SITA has been issued to develop the concept document and technical specifications. Technical specifications for AFIS tender finalised. The purchase order to SITA has been issued to develop the concept document and technical specifications. Phase 2 of EMCS implemented in line with new Immigration Regulations Technical specifications approved by DDG: IS. User requirements specifications developed by Business.
Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 350 officials trained on DHA National Certificate: Home Affairs Services (skills programmes within the Certificate) to improve performance 90 officials trained on DHA National Certificate: Home Affairs Services (skills programmes within the Certificate) to improve performance. Not achieved 81 Officials trained on skills programmes within the Nat Cert Home Affairs Services. 250 managers (junior, middle and senior) trained in leadership and management development programmes to 60 managers (junior, middle and senior) trained in leadership and management development programmes to improve performance. Achieved 75 managers, 55 junior and 20 middle managers, were trained in leadership and management development programmes.
Strategic Objective 1.2 : An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 200 officials in identified front offices and ports of entry trained on Client Relations Improvement and Professionalising Programme 50 officials in identified front offices and ports of entry trained on Client Relations Improvement and Professionalising Programme. Achieved 56 officials in identified front offices and ports of entry were trained on the Client Relations Improvement and Professionalising Programme. This is an achievement of 112%. The 56 officials underwent training on the Client Relations Improvement and Professionalising Programme: 26 at Beit Bridge in Limpopo,18 in Commercial Road and Umngeni Offices, KZN and 12 from Harrison Street, Randburg and Germiston Offices, Gauteng.
Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made DHA contact centre solution implemented as per project plan. Contract with service provider signed by DHA (DG). Not achieved Specifications for both the request for proposals and the closed tender finalized and presented to BAC for approval. Evaluations for the RFP completed and presented to Bid Adjudication Committee. Tender specifications and invitation letters for the closed tender issued to shortlisted service providers. User and technical specifications defined and approved by DDG:IP&S and DDG:IS.
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Annual financial statements submitted to the Auditor- General by 31 May annual Accurate and complete annual financial statements submitted to the Auditor- General by 31 May annually. Achieved Annual financial statements was submitted to the Auditor-General by 31 May annually. In-Year Monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury by the 15th of each month In-Year Monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury by the 15th of each month. IYM reports for April, May and June were submitted by the 15th of each month.
Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 3 DHA 2014/15 and 1 DHA 2013/14 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter. 1 (2014/15 FY) Quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter. Achieved DHA quarter (4) performance report was verified and approved by EXCO on 06 May 2015 and submitted to National Treasury and DPME as prescribed. Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2016 Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below. Department vacancy rate recorded at : 30 April 2015 - 6.9% 31 May 2015 - 6.7% 30 June 2015 -6.2
Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 20 of awareness initiatives on ethics, fraud prevention and counter corruption conducted 5 Awareness interventions conducted and report signed off by DDG: Counter Corruption and Security Services. Achieved 12 Awareness interventions conducted and report signed off by DDG: Counter Corruption and Security Services. 62 % of reported case investigations finalised within 90 working days 65% of reported case investigations finalised within 90 working days. 2 Arrests 1 Project. 2 reviews on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG Plan developed (research and information gathering) and approved by DDG:CCSS for first business process to be reviewed. 1 preliminary report on review of Citizenship process conducted at information gathering phase and report signed off by A/DDG: CC & SS.
Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 80 Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information- (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) 20 Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information- (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS). Achieved 25 Threat/Risk assessments and Security Audit conducted. 980 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) 258 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA). 265 Vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and submitted to State Security Agency (SSA).
Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Communication Strategy and action plan implemented with a focus on: • Corporate Communication Services 3 publications of Ministerial Home Affairs Today produced. Achieved 3 publications of Home Affairs Today were produced. 2 publications of Notes from the DG’s Desk produced. 3 publications of Notes from the DG’s desk were produced. 1 publication of Ikhaya (internal newsletter – printed) produced. 1 publication of Ikhaya was produced.
Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Communication strategy and action plan implemented with a focus on: • Media Relations 3 media briefings organised. Achieved 3 media briefings were organised. • Public Awareness Engagement 3 Ministerial/departmental Izimbizo organised. 9 Ministerial Izimbizo and/or stakeholder engagements were conducted. Budget Vote exhibition participated in. 2 Exhibitions were participated in.
PROGRAMME 2 :Citizen Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system.
750 000 Births registered within 30 calendar days Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 750 000 Births registered within 30 calendar days 187 500 births registered within 30 calendar days. Not achieved 175 734 births were registered within 30 calendar days during the review period. 2.2 million smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above 286 000 planned ID Smart cards were issued to citizens 16 years of age and above. Achieved 498 253 ID Smart cards were issued to citizens 16 years of age and above.
90% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 90% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application) 90% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application). Achieved 93,1% of IDs (First Issues) were issued within 54 working days (RSA applications only). 70 959 IDs (First Issue) were issued within 54 working days and 5 258 above. The total number of IDs (First Issues) issued during the review period was 76 217. 95% of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application) 95% of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application). 97,8% of IDs (Re-Issues) were issued within 47 working days (RSA applications only). 56 838 IDs (Re-Issue) were issued in 47 working days and 1 257 above. The total number of IDs (Re-Issues) issued during the review period was 58 095.
Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 90% of machine readable passports (new live capture system) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application 90% of machine readable passports (new live capture system) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application. Achieved 96,9% of machine readable passports (MRP) (new live capture system) were issued within 13 working days (RSA applications only). 125 468 MRPs (new live capture process) were issued within 13 working days and 3983 above. The total number of MRPs issued during the review period was 129451.
PROGRAMME 3:Immigration Affairs Citizen Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 50% of refugee IDs (first issue) issued within 90 working days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) 50% of refugee IDs (first issue) issued within 90 working days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application). Achieved Out of 2245 applications received between 21 November 2014 to 18 February 2015, 2071 were issued within 90 working days from the date of application at the RRO until document is ready at the office of application, which translate to 92 % achievement. 80% of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days(from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) 80% of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days(from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application). Not achieved Out of 795 applications received between 21 November 2014 to 18 February 2015, 459 were issued within 90 working days (from the date of application at the RRO until the document is ready at the office of application), which translates into 58 % achievement.
Strategy for local integration, Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Strategy for local integration, Repatriation and resettlement of refugees submitted to Minister for approval Base document outlining the comprehensive strategy for local integration, repatriation and resettlement of refugees developed and approved by DDG: IMS. Achieved Discussion document outlining strategy for integration, repatriation and resettlement approved by DDG:IMS. .
BMA legislation promulgated Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made BMA legislation promulgated BMA Bill drafting process commenced and first draft of Bill approved by Minister. Not achieved The first draft BMA Bill was finalised on the 29th of June 2015 and was presented to Minister on 3 July 2015. Over-arching strategy developed and approved by Minister Planning conducted and approved by Project Manager: BMA for research and drafting of overall strategy to ensure well-managed borders. Preliminary work, in the form of the BMA Multi-Party Agreement, has been undertaken for conducting research and drafting the strategy. The BMA Multi-Party Agreement is considered a pre-cursor in this regard.
Strategy and Operational Framework approved by DDG:IMS. Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Rollout of Port Control Strategy and Operational Framework to 5 priority ports of entry Strategy and Operational Framework approved by DDG:IMS. Not achieved Interim reporting measures implemented with Port Managers following Ministerial approval of the changed reporting lines from Provincial Managers (Civic Services) to Port Control (Immigration Services). Consultation and proposals on the finalisation of a migration plan on the transfer of functions and resources to give effect to the changed reporting lines. 1surveys of borderline communities conducted Research methodology, project charter and implementation plan approved by DDG:IMS. Achieved A project plan has been developed. Weekly meetings are held and project timelines have been set on the project charter outlining dates when oversight visits to areas to be surveyed will be held.
Final draft of Green Paper on International Migration submitted to Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Final draft of Green Paper on International Migration submitted to Minister for approval First draft of the Green Paper on International Migration submitted to EXCO for consideration and recommendation to Minister. Achieved The first draft of the Green Paper on International Migration was submitted to EXCO on 25 June 2015 for consideration and recommendation to Minister. . 1 survey of borderline communities conducted International migration policy colloquium with thought leaders hosted in order to enrich the policy development process. The Colloquium on International Migration Policy was successfully held on 30 June 2015 and 1 July 2015 at Kievitskroon Country Estate, Kameeldrift, Pretoria.
Final draft of Green Paper on International Migration submitted to Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Final draft of Green Paper on International Migration submitted to Minister for approval 1 Foreign mission visited in support of feasibility study. Not achieved The visit to the targeted mission for the feasibility study was not carried out.
Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 70% of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) (Above applications refer to : critical skills (s27b), general work (s26a) and business (s27c) only) 70%of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) (Above applications refer to : critical skills (s27b), general work (s26a) and business (s27c) only. Not achieved A total of 20 out of 1468 permanent residence permits were adjudicated within 8 months, thus representing a 1,36% achievement.
Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Annual Target Q1 Target Progress made 70% of business and general work visas adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) 70% of business and general work visas adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application). Achieved Out of a total of 2386 applications, 2668 were adjudicated within the prescribed turnaround times, thus yielding a 94% achievement against the targeted 70%. 65% (%) of critical skills visas adjudicated within 4 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) 65% (%) of critical skills visas adjudicated within 4 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application). Not achieved Out of a total of 961 applications, 511 applications were adjudicated within the prescribed time frames, thus yielding a rate of 53%.
Major issues to address going forward Finding an alternative network provider to SITA to ensure a stable network. Continuing to find creative ways to deliver services, such as the partnership with the banks. Ensuring the BMA bill is successfully taken through the parliamentary process. Preparing for the closing of the current Late Registration of Birth procedure and introducing much stronger measure. ,
Building DHA as a Security Department BUDGET VERSUS EXPENDITURE AS AT 30/06/2015
EXPENDITURE AS AT 30/06/2015 – PER PROGRAMME Budget Allocation Adjustment/ Virement Adjusted Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure % Budget spent Amount Available R'000 Administration 1,598,202 161,340 1,759,542 393,115 22.3% 1,366,427 Citizens Affairs 4,131,701 (166,964) 3,964,737 1,040,074 26.2% 2,924,663 Immigration Affairs 720,919 5,624 726,543 190,704 535,839 Total 6,450,822 – 1,623,893 25.2% 4,826,929
EXPENDITURE AS AT 30/06/2015 – PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Description Budget Allocation Virement /Shifting Adjusted Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure % Budget spent Amount Available Programme R'000 CURRENT 4,790,509 (30,247) 4,760,262 1,330,624 28.0% 3,429,638 Compensation of Employees 2,868,125 – 673,467 23.5% 2,194,658 Goods and Services 1,922,384 1,892,137 657,157 34.7% 1,234,980 TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES 1,649,420 647 1,650,067 290,056 17.6% 1,360,011 Provinces and municipalities 1,548 57 1,605 109 6.8% 1,496 Departmental agencies and accounts 1,644,888 13 1,644,901 282,914 17.2% 1,361,987 Households 2,984 577 3,561 7,033 197.5% (3,472) PAYMENT OF CAPITAL ASSETS 10,893 29,600 40,493 3,213 7.9% 37,280 Building and other fixed assets Machinery and equipment 26,849 37,742 8.5% 34,529 Software and Intangible Assets 2,751 GRAND TOTAL 6,450,822 1,623,893 25.2% 4,826,929
EXPENDITURE AS AT 30/06/2015 (PER SUB-PROGRAMME) Description Budget Allocation Shifting/ Virement Adjusted Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure % Budget spent Amount Available R'000 ADMINISTRATION 1,598,202 161,340 1,759,542 393,115 22.3% 1,366,427 Ministry 43,771 (2,997) 40,774 7,207 17.7% 33,567 Minister 28,452 (2,081) 26,371 5,044 19.1% 21,327 Deputy Minister 15,319 (916) 14,403 2,163 15.0% 12,240 Management Support Services 109,588 (1,625) 107,963 30,240 28.0% 77,723 Audit Services 25,647 (2,510) 23,137 3,851 16.6% 19,286 Director-General 11,984 268 12,252 2,512 20.5% 9,740 DDG: Border Management Agency – 7,196 779 10.8% 6,417 Chief Operation Officer (COO) 2,190 512 23.4% 1,678 Intergovernmental Relations 10,311 (2,072) 8,239 1,875 22.8% 6,364 Legal Services 50,736 (10,901) 39,835 17,966 45.1% 21,869 Policy and Strat Management 10,910 4,204 15,114 2,745 18.2% 12,369 Corporate Services 589,111 299,914 889,025 135,548 15.2% 753,477 Communication 51,915 (14,074) 37,841 13,477 35.6% 24,364 Counter-Corruption & Security 173,389 (20,053) 153,336 34,986 118,350 Financial Services 214,884 332,830 547,714 55,990 10.2% 491,724 Human Resources 113,789 (21,132) 92,657 21,610 23.3% 71,047 Learning Academy 35,134 22,343 57,477 9,485 16.5% 47,992 Transversal Inform Tech Man 476,245 (31,315) 444,930 113,715 25.6% 331,215 Information Services 351,245 319,930 79,631 24.9% 240,299 Transversal IT Project (WAIO) 125,000 34,084 27.3% 90,916 WAIO Self Financing Who Am I Online Office Accommodation 379,487 (102,637) 276,850 106,405 38.4% 170,445 DHA Offices 103,820 (9,060) 94,760 29,692 31.3% 65,068 Border Post Infrastructure State Owned Leases+ Private Leases 275,667 (93,577) 182,090 76,713 42.1% 105,377
EXPENDITURE AS AT 30/06/2015 (PER SUB-PROGRAMME) Description Budget Allocation Shifting/ Virement Adjusted Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure % Budget spent Amount Available R'000 CITIZEN AFFAIRS 4,131,701 (166,964) 3,964,737 1,040,074 26.2% 2,924,663 Citizen Affairs Management 24,400 10,319 34,719 8,097 23.3% 26,622 Status Services 107,901 (25,306) 82,595 196,132 237.5% (113,537) Identification Services 275,158 (68,970) 206,188 52,703 25.6% 153,485 Access to Services 106,000 (36,465) 69,535 15,453 22.2% 54,082 Service Delivery to Provinces 1,973,426 (46,542) 1,926,884 484,781 25.2% 1,442,103 Eastern Cape 256,681 (26,626) 230,055 56,331 24.5% 173,724 Free State 158,764 (9,258) 149,506 39,900 26.7% 109,606 Gauteng 431,017 (21,541) 409,476 105,647 25.8% 303,829 Kwazulu-Natal 227,022 2,170 229,192 56,778 24.8% 172,414 Limpopo 249,581 9,850 259,431 65,130 25.1% 194,301 Mpumalanga 187,439 15,775 203,214 52,939 26.1% 150,275 North West 173,125 (4,218) 168,907 41,776 24.7% 127,131 Northern Cape 97,971 5,619 103,590 24,143 79,447 Western Cape 191,826 (18,313) 173,513 42,137 24.3% 131,376 Film and Publication Board – Government Printing Works Electoral Commission 1,644,816 282,908 17.2% 1,361,908 IMMIGRATION AFFAIRS 720,919 5,624 726,543 190,704 535,839 Immigration Affairs Management 30,687 33,975 64,662 4,852 7.5% 59,810 Immigration Services 365,137 (131,656) 233,481 60,334 173,147 Admissions Services 259,577 108,997 368,574 109,318 29.7% 259,256 Asylum Seekers 65,518 (5,692) 59,826 16,200 27.1% 43,626 GRAND TOTAL 6,450,822 1,623,893 4,826,929
REVENUE COLLECTED AS AT 30/06/2015 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE PERFORMANCE OF DHA AS AT END OF: JUNE 2015 JUNE 2015 Projected as per printed ENE Actual R'000 Sales of Goods and Services Produced by Department 727,022 54,613 Sales by market establishment 3,652 226 Administrative fees 720,789 54,138 Other sales 2,537 245 Sales of scrap, waste and other used current goods 44 4 Programme – Fines, Penalties and Forfeits 59,358 1,473 Interest, Dividends and Rent on Land 271 43 Sales of Capital Assets 2,367 Financial Transactions in Assets and Liabilities 1,773 404 Total 790,791 56,533