Dr Sujan Chhetri MS (ENT) X-Rays in ENT Dr Sujan Chhetri MS (ENT)
How to read X-ray Plain or contrast Region: Nose and PNS, mastoid, soft-tissue neck View: AP, lateral Important anatomical landmarks Pathological findings Diagnosis
X-ray nose & paranasal sinus
Types of X-Rays Occipito-mental (Water) view Occipito-mental view with mouth open (Pierre) AP or fronto-occipital (Caldwell) view Lateral view Lateral oblique of orbit (Rhese) view Submento-vertical (base skull) view
Best views Maxillary: occipito-mental (Water’s) view Frontal: antero-posterior (Caldwell) view Ethmoid: lateral oblique (Rhese’s) view Sphenoid: submento-vertical (base skull) view
Water’s view
Water’s view with mouth open (Pierre view)
Lateral view
X-ray mastoid
Why do mastoid x-ray? Type of pneumatization: cellular, sclerotic, diploetic Position of dural plate Position of sinus plate Presence of bone destruction Presence of mastoid cavity Presence of cholesteatoma
Types of mastoid x-ray Towne’s view: b/l antero-posterior view showing both mastoids & internal auditory canals Law’s view: 150 lateral oblique view Schuller’s view: 300 lateral oblique view
Towne’s view
Cellular Mastoid
Sclerotic Mastoid
Diploetic Mastoid
Cholesteatoma erosion
Mastoid cavity Cholesteatoma Post-mastoidectomy cavity Mastoid abscess in coalescent mastoiditis Tympano-mastoid malignancy Eosinophilic granuloma Mega-antrum
X-ray soft tissue neck antero-posterior & lateral view
Coin in esophagus
Coin in bronchus
Acute retropharyngeal abscess
Chronic retropharyngeal abscess
FB bronchus
Acute epiglotitis
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