Parts of Speech Grammar Unit 1
How many parts of speech are there? Can you name them all? Eight Parts of Speech Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adverbs Adjective Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections
Nouns Verbs PN ADJ ADV Conjunctions INTERJECTIONS!!!! Prepositions
People Nouns Places Things Ideas
Proper Noun Common Noun
Pronoun Pronouns take the place of nouns. Instead of BOB, you could use HIM or HE Replace DESK with IT or THAT 1st Person: I, me, we, us, our, ours 2nd Person: you, your, yours 3rd Person: it, that, he, she, him, her, they
Pronouns cont. The noun that is replaced by the pronoun is called the ANTECEDENT Nick came to class and he took notes. The pronoun is he and the antecedent is Nick
Subject vs. Object Pronouns Subject Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, they Object Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them **HINT – Subject pronouns normally begin a sentence while object pronouns normally come after the VERB
Describe nouns and pronouns ONLY! Adjectives Describe nouns and pronouns ONLY! The runner ran to a slow tempo. The pop station played this rock song ten times a day.
ARTICLES ARE ADJECTIVES!!! Adjectives - Articles There are three articles: A An The The boy took a walk and saw an awesome animal. Indefinite Definite ARTICLES ARE ADJECTIVES!!!
Possessive Pronouns The dog is his. Possessive pronouns, like HIS or HER or ITS, function as ADJECTIVES when they describe nouns: I love HIS dog.
Verbs Express an action or condition. The runner sprinted during the race. The football team was tired after the game.
Verb Phrases Some verbs cannot function on their own and need helping (auxiliary) verbs to “push” them along. Examples: - I am going to the store. - He is really running fast! - Daniel was trying to get to class on time.
Verbs and Infinitives TO + VERB Example: I am going to flunk the test. An INFINITIVE is one of three types of VERBALS – meaning that it looks like a verb, but acts like a noun, pronoun, or adverb. TO + VERB Example: I am going to flunk the test. - The verb phrase in the sentence is “am going” and the INFINITIVE is “to flunk,” which acts as a noun.
Adverbs Describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Steph Curry is quickly becoming the greatest shooter of all time.
INTERJECTIONS! A word or phrase used to express emotion. Usually followed by an exclamation point. Wow! It is hot outside! Well, where should we begin?
Conjunctions Connect words or groups of words And / but / or Not only will you work hard, but you will also have fun! I like neither mustard nor tarter sauce.
Prepositions Shows the relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in a sentence. Prepositions always begin a prepositional phrase: PREP….NOUN
Prepositions Examples: It’s getting hot in here! He flew across the country. She sprinted through the field. **A preposition is anything that a plane can do to a cloud.