Day 1 Music
Please Pull Out a Piece of Paper Pull out a Lined Piece of Paper Put your name in the top right hand corner. Put the date under your name. In the middle of the top of the page put Name that Song On the line list the numbers 1-5
Name That Song!
Name that Song!
Please Turn in Your Paper Thank You!
Day 1 PE
Today Air-Hockey Tournament!
Here is the Bracket!
Day 1 Reading
Today Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Questions
What does the Brown Bear See? What color is the bird? What color is the horse? Why do you think they used this color? Have you ever seen a purple cat?
Day 1 Spanish
Take a piece of paper and… Write down 1-10 in Spanish
Numbers 1-Uno 2-dos 3-tres 4-cuatro 5-cinco 6-sies 7-siete 8-ocho 9-nueve 10-diez
Day 1 Math
On a piece of paper… Write down what kind of math you know how to do.
Day 1 Art
Today Draw your face. Use some details..not a lot but some.
Thanks For Coming! Good Bye and See You on Day 2.