Eleni – Danai MAVRAKI, MSc. Research Assosiate 8th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change 7 – 9 October 2015, Athens, Hellas Mapping the main behavioral, educational, economical and institutional barriers in the Hellenic Transport sector Eleni – Danai MAVRAKI, MSc. Research Assosiate Energy Policy and Development Centre
Contents HERON project Hellenic Transport Sector Key findings Deliverable D 2.1 The Hellenic report Hellenic Transport Sector National Policy & Policy measures Technologies for achieving EE Barriers Key findings
project “Forward- looking socio- economic research on Energy Efficiency in EU countries” WP2: Mapping and assessment of social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport D2.1: Working paper on social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport within each partner country
D2.1: The Hellenic report: Transport sector National policy and Policy instruments Technologies for achieving energy efficiency Barriers Key findings
National policy and Policy instruments Entities / actors Responsible for national policy Part of the implementation network Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (YPEKA) Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Savings (CRES) Academic Institutions Research Institutions Governmental bodies Local authorities Environmental NGOs and Institutes
National policy & policy instruments Policy Instrument (type) Emission reduction actions in transport Emission standards (Euro 5 and Euro 6) (Regulatory policy instrument) Establishment of Permanent Committee on Green Transportation (Regulatory policy instrument) Energy labeling for tires in transport (Regulatory – informative policy instrument) Consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars (Dissemination and awareness policy instrument) Reduction of GHG emissions, promotion of RES, EE Taxation of energy products and electricity (applies for gas oil (diesel), biodiesel and kerosene for transport for transport (Economic instrument) Registration tax rates (Euro 5) (Hybrid and electric cars are exempted) (Economic instrument) Circulation fee (road tax) (Economic instrument)
National policy & policy instruments Policy Instrument (type) GHG reduction actions in transport and promotion of energy efficiency Incentives to replace old technology cars (Economic policy instrument) Green Public Procurements for transport (Voluntary approaches) Cycling and pedestrianism in the city (Planning and dissemination- awareness policy instrument) Improvement of infrastructure for electric vehicles (Planning policy instrument) Promotion of EE Eco-driving (Dissemination – Awareness – educational policy instrument)
Technologies for achieving EE Transport Technologies Road / Passenger Vehicles: Gasoline, Diesel, Natural gas, hybrid vehicles, CNG, LPG, e-vehicles Replacing EURO 2-3 with EURO 4-5 engines Road / Freight Vehicles: Diesel, Natural gas Replacing light trucks of EURO 2 to EURO 5 engines Rail Rail/ Freight Electric and Diesel locomotives Updated standards coaches High comfort and speed wagons Aviation Fuel efficient A320/321 aircrafts Fuel efficient A319 aircrafts Reduced flaps Take off Reduced Acceleration altitude Idle versa on landing Sing engine shutdown Technologies for achieving EE
Barriers Factors influencing end-use Gender Age Education level & Education level of the head of the household Occupation Environmental behavior
Barriers List of barriers Types of barriers Barrier Scale Social Cultural Educational Cruising traffic Local Low penetration of ICT from elderly people Local/National Disappointment for new transport systems Local/national Lack of ‘green transport behaviour Old habits Wrong perception of people towards their capacities on eco-driving Lack of certified instructors and examiners for eco-driving Low public awareness towards eco-driving Negative public perception towards electric vehicles National Low environmental sensitivity Limited knowledge on public transport Citizens’ preference of private cars due to convenience and affordable running costs Perception of status symbol and good lifestyle
Barriers List of barriers Types of barriers Barrier Scale Economic Conflict of financial interest among different target groups Local Financial crisis National Non-renewal of fleet and infrastructure Unattractiveness of sector for investments Energy efficient solutions more expensive than conventional ones
Barriers List of barriers Types of barriers Barrier Scale Institutional Ineffective urban transportation planning Local/National Non-integrated policies National Low prioritization of EE Overlap of responsibilities Lack of support schemes Non-integrated of energy efficient modal shifts in urban planning Local
Barriers Assessment criteria of barriers Number of different policy instruments linked with same type of barrier Number of different resources identified in same barrier Number of sub-sectors linked with same barrier Easiness of barrier confrontation Duration of barrier appearance
Barriers Assessed Transport barriers Impact of Barriers Barriers Big Cruising traffic Wrong perception of people towards their capacities on eco-driving Energy efficient solutions more expensive than conventional ones. Old habits Non-renewal of fleet and infrastructure Lack of certified instructors and examiners for eco-driving Ineffective urban transportation planning Low public awareness towards eco-driving
Barriers Assessed Transport barriers Impact of Barriers Barriers Medium Financial crisis Limited knowledge on public transport Citizens’ preference of private cars due to convenience and affordable running costs Perception that owning and driving a private car shows the status symbol and good lifestyle Unattractiveness of sector for investments Lack of support schemes Non-integrated policies Non-integrated energy efficient modal shifts in urban planning
Barriers Assessed Transport barriers Impact of Barriers Barriers Small Low environmental sensitivity Low penetration of ICT from elderly people Disappointment for new transport systems Lack of ‘green transport behaviour Conflict of financial interest among different target groups Negative public perception towards electric vehicles Low prioritization of EE Overlap of responsibilities
Key findings Perception of owning and driving a vehicle Eco-driving < old habits (inefficiently driving) Public transport < Convenience and Status symbol of private cars E-vehicles < negative public perception Not robust yet technology – lack of support scheme About e-vehicles market penetration…
Barriers Assessment criteria of barriers Number of different policy instruments linked with same type of barrier Number of different resources identified in same barrier Number of sub-sectors linked with same barrier Easiness of barrier confrontation Duration of barrier appearance
Barriers Assessed as BIG barriers Criteria A (different policy instruments) B (different resources) C (subsectors linked) D (easiness) E (duration) Energy efficient solutions more expensive (Economic barrier) At least 1 policy instrument 2 references Whole sector Difficult- Moderate More than 5 years Ineffective urban transportation planning (Institutional barrier) 4 references Non-renewal of fleet and infrastructure 1 sub sector Cruising traffic Old habits Wrong perception of people towards their capacities on eco-driving Lack of certified instructors and examiners for eco-driving, Low public awareness towards eco-driving (5 social-cultural-educational barriers) Eco – driving
Thank you www.kepa.uoa.gr Research Associate edmavraki@kepa.uoa.gr Eleni – Danai MAVRAKI MSc. Energy Policy and Development Centre www.kepa.uoa.gr Research Associate edmavraki@kepa.uoa.gr HERON project www.heron-project.eu