Helping Out of School Youth Get Back on Track Request For Proposals Bidders Conference
Who is the Lehigh Valley Workforce Board? We sometimes refer to ourselves as the LVWIB or LVWDB We administer workforce development programs in the Lehigh Valley We are all about Employment ~ Jobs Training
What Is CareerForce?
LVWDB Funding Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Federal funds awarded to every state and every local workforce area in the country Three funding streams Adult Dislocated Workers Youth
This Request for Proposals Is all about youth More specifically – out of school youth
What is an Out of School Youth? A young person at least 17 years old who has not reached their 24th Birthday and Is a resident of the Lehigh Valley They live in the Lehigh or Northampton County, and If the young person is male They registered for selective service
AND They are a high school drop out Over the age of mandatory attendance, or Within the age of compulsory attendance but haven’t attended school for the last high school quarter
OR They are not a drop out, and They are not enrolled in any school, and They are economically Disadvantaged, and Basic Skills Deficient or Require additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment
OR They are not a drop out They are not enrolled in any school, and they are Homeless, or A runaway, or A youth with any connection to the foster care system, or Pregnant or A parent, or An ex-offender, including any contact with the criminal justice system such as an arrest, or Disabled
How Can you or Your organization make a difference NOW THAT WE KNOW WHO WE ARE TARGETING FOR SERVICES How Can you or Your organization make a difference
Option 1 – The Navigator A way for LVWDB to support organizations working with out of school youth LVWDB can provide additional resources to Fund a case manager / counselor and lower the caseload Provide funds for WIOA activities that lead to the youth’s employment or entry into post-secondary education.
What is a Navigator The intent is to leverage funds and provide the youth with Intensive “round the clock” holistic services Comprehensive guidance and counseling Supplement activities to result in the desired WIOA outcomes for the youth.
The Navigator Read All of Part One Complete the Navigator Option Application. It is very short It has its own evaluation instrument
Option2 – The Vendor WIOA has identified services that help make youth programs successful Not all youth need all the services 9 of the 14 elements are embedded in the Navigator Option We have grouped the other services which LVWDB would like to have delivered in combination. LVWDB would like to purchase each grouping on a one by one or as needed basis as determined by a youth’s case manager
The Vendor Services
The Vendor Option Read All of Part One Complete the Vendor Option Application. It is very short It has its own evaluation instrument
Option 3 Service to a Class Sized Group of Youth By providing a combination of the WIOA Youth Elements Programs proposed should be based on through Research and/or Replication of successful models Objective should be to meet the WIOA objectives as determined by the federal and Commonwealth performance measures
Option 3 - Program Design Enrollment into post-secondary school/training/ GED resulting in The attainment of a recognized post-secondary credential and Placement into unsubsidized employment. Training may be Class sized occupational skills training in a demand occupation Through an individual training account GED LVWDB will NOT pay for GED which is provided through the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act LVWDB will consider costs of tutoring and work experience Youth must be within a year of attaining their GED Must be placed or go on to post secondary school Employability skills and placement All youth must receive a paid work experience tied to their career pathway developed by proposer or an on the job training LVWDB will pay for the wages and workers compensation. See more details in the RFP
Option 3 Read part 1 Complete the large application
Let’s Review the RFP Let’ s begin with the instructions …
WIOA Performance If enrolled in a GED program or in high school, completion of high school/GED, attainment of the high school credential and enrollment into post-secondary school or placement into unsubsidized employment or the military; or If enrolled in post-secondary school, completion of post-secondary school, graduation/attainment of the credential and placement into unsubsidized employment; or If enrolled in a job search/placement program, completion of pre-employment skills training and placement into unsubsidized employment; AND For youth placed in employment, attainment of the wage rate to be set by the Commonwealth for youth; and For youth placed in employment attainment of the employer satisfaction measure when it is established by the Commonwealth.