GRS Information Session Professor Garry Allison 15 December 2016
About Curtin Largest University in WA with ~46,000 students in total ~2300 HDR students, ~ 1/3 International students Member of the ATN group of Universities UniSA, UTS, RMiT, QUT, Curtin
What we will cover in this session GRS Services and Support – what we do Research Integrity, Ethics, Hazards and Safety University Travel – policy, processes Research Training opportunities - Workshops and Seminars for HDR students and supervisors Morning tea Panel – Q&A with the GRS team and Concur specialists
Office of Research and Development Planning and Research Policy Development University-wide support for Researchers e.g. The GRS Funding, Contracts, Consulting Services IP and Commercialisation Research Integrity, including: Research Ethics – Human and Animal Biosafety, radiation and hazardous material safety
Graduate Research School beginnings The GRS at Curtin opened in early 2015 Sits within the Office of R&D Brings together the faculty graduate studies officers into one central team, and has streamlined processes across the enrolling areas. “Our aim is to provide high quality support and research training to both students and supervisors and to assist in the growth of a vibrant research culture that facilitates great outcomes for students, supervisors and the University.”
Overview of the Research Degree Process Enrolment Application for Candidacy Application for Admission Research Integrity Unit Proficient English Language Assessment - support Ethics Clearance YES NO Research and Writing of Thesis Annual Progress Reports International Sponsored Students Reports Submission of Thesis for Examination Graduation
Important webpages to find information… GRS website “Postgraduate Research”
Important webpages to find information… GRS Current Students page, will tell you about Applying for Candidacy During Candidacy (variations; LOA, conversions; etc) Thesis Preparation/submission/examination Student forms Student policies and procedures APR’s RTP Scholarship Policy
Important webpages to find information… GRS Student Policies and Procedures page. It provides links to things like: Academic integrity/academic misconduct Authorship/joint authorship Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Copyright Information English Language assistance Essential Facilities (HDR Student Consumables Allowance)
Important webpages to find information… GRS Student Policies and Procedures website cont’d HDR Rules (Rule 10 for Doctoral and Rule 11 for Masters) Supervision – Guidelines for Establishing the Supervisory Relationship Thesis production, submission and examination Thesis editing Travel and Insurance
Don’t forget these things… Students must be aware of, and adhere to, the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research - The Enrolment of HDR students is covered by Rules 10 (Doctoral) and 11 (Masters) Research involving humans or animals must get ethics clearance before data collection starts, after Candidacy – See Research Ethics and Integrity All HDR students must complete the Research Integrity Training before Candidacy
Don’t forget these things… Research Data Management and the Research Data Management Planning Tool – to help you create a data management plan; Research Data Management LibGuide - R-Drive (Research Drive) – shared network drive for storing Curtin research project data. It assists researchers to comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Curtin’s Research Data and Primary Materials Policy. The Essential Facilities guidelines includes details of the Support for Consumables and Fieldwork