Advanced Research Computing Eric Michielssen Center for Network and Storage-Enabled Collaborative Computational Science Workshop – May 18, 2017
Advanced Research Computing COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE MICDE: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering DATA SCIENCE MIDAS: Michigan Institute for Data Science research, education, faculty hiring, industry collaboration RESEARCH IT SERVICES ARC – TS: Technology Services CONSULTING SERVICES CSCAR: Consulting for Statistics Computing and Analytics Research data science & analytics high performance computing storage, cloud data management, databases, analytics, visualization, GIS, statistics, computing
Advanced Research Computing COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE MICDE: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering DATA SCIENCE MIDAS: Michigan Institute for Data Science research, education, faculty hiring, industry collaboration RESEARCH IT SERVICES ARC – TS: Technology Services CONSULTING SERVICES CSCAR: Consulting for Statistics Computing and Analytics Research data science & analytics high performance computing storage, cloud data management, databases, analytics, visualization, GIS, statistics, computing
Advanced Research Computing COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE MICDE: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering DATA SCIENCE MIDAS: Michigan Institute for Data Science research, education, faculty hiring, industry collaboration RESEARCH IT SERVICES ARC – TS: Technology Services CONSULTING SERVICES CSCAR: Consulting for Statistics Computing and Analytics Research data science & analytics high performance computing storage, cloud data management, databases, analytics, visualization, GIS, statistics, computing
Advanced Research Computing COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE MICDE: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering DATA SCIENCE MIDAS: Michigan Institute for Data Science research, education, faculty hiring, industry collaboration RESEARCH IT SERVICES ARC – TS: Technology Services CONSULTING SERVICES CSCAR: Consulting for Statistics Computing and Analytics Research data science & analytics high performance computing storage, cloud data management, databases, analytics, visualization, GIS, statistics, computing
Advanced Research Computing COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE MICDE: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering DATA SCIENCE MIDAS: Michigan Institute for Data Science research, education, faculty hiring, industry collaboration RESEARCH IT SERVICES ARC – TS: Technology Services CONSULTING SERVICES CSCAR: Consulting for Statistics Computing and Analytics Research data science & analytics high performance computing storage, cloud data management, databases, analytics, visualization, GIS, statistics, computing