LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers A Presentation by LinMot, Inc.
What Do You Want to Learn? I’d like to write down any questions that you have at this point so that we can be sure to answer them at the proper time. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot Servo Controllers LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Three Families of Controllers E100 / E1000 Series E1100 Series Basically, they all look alike LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Three Families of Controllers B1100 Series The latest controllers They all look alike as well LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers A Word About Current One of the differences between the different models of controllers is their current ratings. 3 Amps in the E100 series 8 Amps in the E1001 series 4 and 15 Amps in the E1100-MP/MT series 8, 15 and 25 Amps in the E1100/B1100 controllers More current means more force, so current is important. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
All LinMot Servo Controllers: Have control and amplifier electronics integrated into one single unit. Have inputs for two separate power supplies: Signal Supply Motor Supply This is so that in an emergency stop condition, the power can be removed from the motor electronics only (Motor Supply), leaving power on the logic circuits (Signal Supply) to retain position Need to be properly grounded per the installation instructions. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
The E1100 Servo Controllers LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers E1100 Family All of these Servo Controllers look similar. All have terminals for a regeneration resistor. All require a signal power supply voltage of 22 to 26 Vdc (48 Vdc won’t work). All require a motor power supply of 24 to 80 Vdc. Most are UL listed. If customer needs UL, check the specific model. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers E1100 Family There are four different current ratings: 4 Amps (no suffix) E1100-MP and E1100-MT Only used Dsub connector 8 Amps (no suffix) E1100-RS/CO/DN/DP/GP Dsub only or terminal block for “W” cable 15 Amps, designated with the “HC” suffix E1100-GP-HC Uses terminal block for “W” cable 25 Amps, designated with the “XC” suffix E1100-GP-XC LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers The MPC Controllers There are two models in the E1100 series that are referred to as the MPC controllers. MPC stands for Multi Position Cylinder. They are: E1100-MP and E1100-MT These are the “Simple” Servo Controllers. These controllers (along with a linear motor) are meant to replace pneumatic cylinders. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Guided Actuators E1100-MP and -MT Servo Controllers are often paired with Guided Actuators to create a complete MPC system. The guides used are very familiar to users of pneumatic cylinders. Note that these actuators can be used with any controller. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
What Can They Do That An Air Cylinder Can’t? They can move to different positions with repeatability of ±0.1mm (0.004”) They move faster than an air cylinder They last longer than an air cylinder They don’t require air LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Let’s Look At These Controllers: There are two types of controllers: E1100-MP E1100-MT LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers E1100-MP Has 8 discreet command inputs Meant to be triggered by a PLC output or switch Edge triggered This means that the command “happens” when the controller sees the voltage go from low to high. The fact that the voltage is low or is high means nothing. Only the transition counts. This allows outputs to be wired to inputs Each input triggers a move Each move is defined using the configuration software - LinMot MPC Config Note that this is different form LinMot Talk software LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Types of Moves There are three types of moves that can be made: Absolute Relative Press LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers The E1100-MT The same as the E1100-MP except that instead of 8 moves, there are 256 moves. To accomplish this, the 8 inputs are treated like an an 8-bit binary word. An 8-bit word has 256 possible combinations Like 00000001, 00001001, and 11111111, etc. Does everybody get it? LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Keep In Mind The E1100-MP and E1100-MT are very simple controllers, they are easy to set up and easy to use – ideal for those who are used to pneumatic cylinders. Do not expect sophisticated motion control features. If you need that, choose another controller (and we have lots to choose from). The only time these controllers talk over the RS232 bus is during configuration. Commands from the master controller are via discreet inputs and outputs. The “master controller” is the PLC, process computer, etc. It’s the device that controls the entire machine. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Any Questions? Lets move on to the smart side of the family. We call these the “Bus Controllers”. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers The E1100 Bus Controllers The remaining members of the E1100 family of Servo Controllers are all sophisticated motion controllers. The bus controllers all have the same functionality, the difference is the buses they communicate on. See the following slides for a comparison. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers E1100 Communication Buses E1100-RS / E1100-RS-HC / E1100-RS-XC RS232 to 115.2k Baud RS485 to 115.2k Baud E1100-CO / E1100-CO-HC / E1100-CO-XC CANOpen to 1M Baud E1100-DN / E1100-DN-HC / E1100-DN-XC DeviceNet 125, 250 and 500k Baud LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Communication Buses (cont.) E1130-DP / E1130-DP-HC / E1130-DP-XC (a good place to start) PROFIBUS DP to 12M Baud DeviceNet 125, 250 and 500k Baud CANOpen to 1M Baud RS232 to 115.2k Baud RS485 to 115.2k Baud LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Communication Buses (cont.) E1100-GP / E1100-GP-HC / E1100-GP-XC DeviceNet 125, 250 and 500k Baud CANOpen to 1M Baud RS232 to 115.2k Baud RS485 to 115.2k Baud Discreet I/O Access to Command Table Firmware change to E1100-MT (or MT-HC) LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
After That, They’re the Same Other than the communication buses (and the I/O of the GP controller), all of the bus controllers have the same functionality. Lets look at what these controllers can do. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Servo Controller Modes Following are the modes that the Servo Controllers can run in, i.e. this is what they can do. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Triggered VA Interpolator What the heck is that?! It just means Velocity and Acceleration This is just a basic two point (trapezoidal) move. On the rising edge of the trigger input, you configure: the position it goes to the maximum velocity the acceleration the deceleration Same for the trailing edge. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Rise Triggered VAI For/Backward Motion When the trigger bit goes true, the slider moves out and then back. This eliminates the need to worry about when the trigger bit goes false. Good for rejecter applications. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Two Position Continuous This is the same as the previous move (two point) except that the slider moves out to the first point and in to the second point continuously, until you shut it off (remove the Switch On input). LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Position Indexing Also known as “Step and Direction”. This way the system can act like a stepper motor. In this mode, the controller uses one digital input for a Step signal and a second input for a Direction signal. Note that step and direction inputs are RS422 differential line driver signals brought in on an encoder input. Step and direction can also be 24 Vdc single ended, but frequency is lower. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Analog Position Very simple. The master controller (computer, PLC, etc.) outputs an analog signal (0-10 Vdc) and the slider moves to a position proportional to that signal. 10 bit A to D Converter provides limited resolution for long moves or curve following. A similar mode called Triggered Analog reads the analog input and starts the move only when the trigger goes high. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Trigger Curve With the LinMot Talk 1100 software you can create curves (position vs. time). These curves are downloaded into the non-volatile memory of the controller. You configure the controller to run one desired curve on the leading edge of the trigger input You can run another curve on the trailing edge if you want to. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Continuous Curve This is the same as the previous move (Triggered Curve) except the curve move is executed continuously, until you shut it off (remove the Switch On input). LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Triggered CAM Curve This uses a CAM curve (Position vs. Encoder counts). Once the trigger signal goes high, the slider position will move to a new position for each encoder count. This allows the motor’s movement to be synchronized with some other device like a line shaft, conveyor belt, cam, etc. This standard feature cost extra in previous controllers. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers A Word About Curves Curves are created using the LinMot Talk 1100 configuration software. The software contains a wizard to automatically create curves of different types, including: Point to point (trapezoidal) Sine Minimum jerk (S-curve) Limited jerk LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Winding Mode The Servo Controllers contain firmware that is specially designed for winding material onto spools. LinMot motors are very good at this because we can change directions very quickly at the edge of the spool, which reduces “dog boning”. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Command Table A table with 256 rows can be created and stored in the controller. Each row stores a command. Any of the rows can be executed by using 8 discreet input bits. Rows can be strung together, creating sequences. Only accessible via discreet I/O on the E1100-GP controllers. It can be accessed via the bus on other controllers and with some discreet I/O points. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Command Table (cont.) What can you do in a row? Execute a point-to-point (trapezoidal) move Run a curve (time or CAM) Start the winding mode Execute any motion command Change a parameter Wait for a condition Wait for a period of time LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers What Does It Look Like? Example Command Table LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Motion Command Interface This means that the controller will respond to commands given to it over the master bus, such as: RS232 RS485 DeviceNet CANOpen PROFIBUS DP Over the bus you can do everything previously discussed plus a lot more. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Any Questions? Next we’ll discuss how this is all accomplished by looking at the I/O. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Inputs There are 9 pins that can be individually configured as inputs or outputs. There are many more than 9 functions that exist and can be assigned to these 9 pins, so we have to choose carefully. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Input Functions Safety Voltage Enable (non-GP controllers) Dedicated input to disable motor voltage in hardware. This eliminates the need to open a relay in the motor power supply during emergency stop. It works, but the circuit does not presently meet safety requirements. Voltage Enable Connected to the above input in all but the E1100-GP controllers. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Input Functions (cont.) Trigger Can assign a point to point move to each edge Can assign a curve to each edge Can assign a move via the bus, then execute it when trigger goes high. This way several Servo Controllers can be started at exactly the same time with no delay due to the bus. Can assign a Command Table row to execute on each edge Analog Input LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Input Functions (cont.) Switch On This is the main input used for Enabling and Disabling the drive via software. This bit must be cycled once after power up. Home Switch The motor can be homed either to a hard stop or to a switch. PTC1 This is an input for a external Positive Temperature Coefficient temperature detector. These are often imbedded in servo motors, transformers, etc. to protect from excessive temperatures. It is not needed when using a LinMot motor because we have our own internal overtemp sensor built into the motor. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Input Functions (cont.) /Quick Stop Turns motor power off (slider can move) Switch On bit must be cycled Enable Operation This tells the Servo Controller whether or not to listen to the command interface (RS232, DeviceNET, PROFIBUS, etc.) /Abort Aborts motion commands Stops slider where it is and maintains position under power (slider won’t move) LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Input Functions (cont.) /Freeze Stops slider where it is and maintains position under power (slider won’t move) When this input goes high, movement resumes Go To Position Causes the slider to move to a configurable position Error Acknowledge When an error occurs, this bit must be cycled to clear the error. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Input Functions (cont.) Jog Move + Slider moves Out (+) either a configurable distance or Moves at a configurable velocity until the bit goes false Jog Move – As above except it moves In (-) Home Executes the home sequence (to hard stop or switch) Action in configurable LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Input Functions (end) Clearance Check This will cause the slider to go through a clearance check See below to get back Go To Initial Position Causes slider to move to initial position LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers On To Output Functions Any questions? LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Output Functions Error If this goes true, the controller is shut down Which things cause an Error is configured using the Error Mask Warning Can tell you something’s wrong before a shutdown Does not shut down the controller – output just goes false when the warning condition goes away Which things cause a Warning is configured using the Warning Mask LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Output Functions Operation Enabled Switch On Active Enable Operation Voltage Enable /Quick Stop LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Output Functions (cont.) Homed In Target Position Switch On Locked This tells you that you need to toggle the Switch On input. Motion Active This indicates that the slider is moving (or at least trying to) LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Output Functions (cont.) Range Indicator 1 This indicates that the slider position is within the first configurable band Range Indicator 2 As above with second band Brake Driver (1 Amp) This is a high current output (1 AMP vs 100 mA for the other outputs) that provides a means to drive a braking solenoid LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Easy Steps Easy Steps is an “Application” that has to be installed in the controller when the firmware is installed. Easy Steps has three components: Smart Control Word Behavior Analog Parameter Scale I/O Motions Let’s look at each one. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Smart Control Word Behavior Allows the controller to automatically enable itself (Switch On bit TRUE) when it powers up. Allows the controller to automatically Home after Switch On. Allows the controller to automatically clear a fault (Error Acknowledge) when the Switch On bit goes FALSE. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Analog Parameter Scale Allows control of just about any parameter via an analog input. Example is controlling maximum current (therefore maximum force) with a potentiometer. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers I/O Motions This allows you to use any or all of the six input pins to control moves. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers I/O Motions cont. Moves include: Go To Absolute Position Go To Absolute Position with Max Current Increment Demand Position Go To Analog Position Execute a time curve Execute a CAM curve Execute a Command Table Row Start Winding mode LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Any Questions? Let’s move on to Startup and Troubleshooting Features. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
Startup and Troubleshooting The E1100 controllers contain some very helpful features for use when starting up a system or trying to solve a problem. These include: Variable monitoring Message Log Error Log Oscilloscope LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Variable Monitoring This feature allows just about any parameter in the controller to be monitored while the controller is running. These include: Position (demand and actual) Current Power supply voltage States of inputs States of outputs Many, many more LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Message Log This is a running record of what the controller has been doing. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Error Log This is a running record of any errors that have occurred and when. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers Oscilloscope This is a VERY helpful troubleshooting tool. The oscilloscope is similar to a four channel digital storage oscilloscope. It allows you to record, display and store up to four different parameters. It includes a trigger feature to capture data only when a certain event occurs. An example would be to look at current and power supply voltage starting when voltage goes below 60 Volts. LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers
LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers That’s It!! Any other questions? The End (of this one, anyway) LinMot E1100 Servo Controllers