Human Resource Management Lecture-21
Purpose & Importance of Socialization
Improve ability Learn company values/system Increase commitment to the successes
Feel comfortable at new environment Willingness to work with commitment Feel comfortable at new environment To know each other in the company
Socialization Process Steps
Prearrival Encounter Metamorphosis
Before starting the job Enter with values, attitudes, expectations Schools, training Interviews prepare for organizational fit
Upon entry into organization Shock at possible dichotomy Expectations Reality Affirmation Detachment
Problems worked out Comfortable with environment Productivity Commitment Turnover
Many People Socialize new Hires
HRM Orientation Schedule others Supervisor Peers Organizational culture CEO
Topics covered in employee Orientation program
To organization To supervisor To trainers To coworkers To system
Job Duties
Job location Job tasks Job safety requirements Overview of job Job objectives Relationship to other jobs
Organizational Issues
History of employer Organization of employer Name & titles of key executives Employee’s titles and departments Layout of physical facilities
Probationary period Overview of production process Company policies and rules Disciplinary regulations Employee handbook Safety procedures
Employee Benefits
Pay scales & paydays Vacations Rest break Training & education benefits Counseling Housing facilities
Insurance benefits Retirement program Employee-provided services for employees Rehabilitation program
Balance for New Employee Training Efficiency Orientations Productivity New Employee Capabilities Job Demands
The Hiring Process
Recruitment Selection Socialization
Training A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals.
Training involves planned learning activities designed to improve an employee’s performance at her/his current job.
Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs.
Training Is Everything
“The Peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education”
All efforts to provide employees with the abilities the organizations will need in the future
Training and Development Trends
Skill requirements will continue to increase Workforce will become significantly better educated & more diverse
Corporate restructuring reshapes businesses Technology will revolutionize certain training delivery methods
The role of training departments will change More flexible courses aimed specifically at performance improvement
More firms will strive to become learning organizations Emphasis on human performance management will accelerate