Job Analysis & Reporting Job Management Job Analysis & Reporting
Job Analysis & Reporting The job of bookkeeping & Accountancy is about writing up, analysing, ensuring legal compliance and filing accounts with the relevant authorities We therefore have to monitor several areas to be able to properly alert & remedy any issues The Pick Up & Job Management Object is split into several Record Types Stage 1 - Pick Up Stage 2 - Pre Job Checks Stage 3 - Nominals (PERIOD ONLY) Stage 3a - Nominals - YEAR TO DATE Stage 4 - Post Jobs Checks Stage 5- Job Analysis & Reporting Job Analysis & Reporting
Job Analysis & Reporting As we know, the job of bookkeeping & Accountancy is about writing up, analysing, ensuring legal compliance and filing accounts with the relevant authorities This section is the section where one has to have a brain as we are now Analysing the results of the job so that you or someone else can & report on the job Job Analysis & Reporting
HMRC & Governmental Compliance Departments have a field day with Inaccurate or late accounts As they often interpret inaccuracies or late filings to to be a sign of fiddling This is where we apply the same logic and tests that HMRC do Its better that we find inaccuracies before HMRC do Compliance Testing
Job Analysis & Reporting We can analyse accounts & ratios, general business knowhow & knowledge of that particular client in order to measure the effect & extent of bad management We can then apply the relevent solution to any issues Job Analysis & Reporting
We can offer solutions based on: Simple advise & tips Our product range Independent research
The point of completing the Job Analysis & Reporting section of the record is so that it can act as a prompt to ask the right questions and offer the opportunity for issues to be spotted or remedies offered that you did not spot The questions are not exhaustive and you can add if you think necessary Questions
The accountant completing this section will dramatically increase their standing with the client and in general, will develop stronger and more relevant skills and will be able to present or at least alert opportunities, which they will be given credit for as well as a share in any resulting fees Opportunities
Job Analysis & Reporting This record relies on the accurate completion of the previous records within the Pick Up & Job Management Record which is why it is so important that they are completed properly Proper completion: Gives you, at your fingertips relevant information so you can quickly & properly analyse the job Automatic procedures can be set and fired We improve our own due diligence Opportunities for improved service, efficiency & income are created Job Analysis & Reporting
We consider the Job Analysis & Reporting routines so important that we will only allow people who we consider responsible & intelligent to perform this job If not done properly or not performing this job as required you will have this privilege taken from you There is plenty of available assistance and advice It is within this section of our company where employees progress and increase income Caveat
Job Analysis & Reporting If you are unable to perform the review Complete as much as possible, explain the problem and escalate a task Job Analysis & Reporting
Solution Products: Bank Stream Bank Management Bookkeeping Software On Site Bookkeeper BVTV Pack Salesforce Admin Upgrade to gold Crisis Management AD – Business Admin Service Auto Enrolment Constant Contact Marketing services Solution Products
Solution Products: Bank Stream Bank Management Bookkeeping Software On Site Bookkeeper BVTV Pack Salesforce Admin Upgrade to gold Crisis Management AD – Business Admin Service Auto Enrolment Constant Contact Marketing services Solution Products
We also have a range of free facilities to client which you can check for Check the Account Page before you ask These are: BVTV Pack Bulk Email Portal Constant Contact Solution Products
Remember when approaching clients – some people may not wish to discuss the issue with someone they don’t know At this point simply transfer to Tony or Stuart or advise the client that you will get Tony to Call – then update and assign the Task They will explain that you are handling the case (if you wish) and refer the call back to you Hi John, its Bill from the accountants, Tony asked me to give you a quick call because the accountants noticed some potential issues with your accounts and he wanted be to clarify the situation before he calls you Is that Ok? Approaching Clients
Stages 1-4 are about getting the job done; alerting & recording compliance issues and generally improving job standards, staff ability & opportunity Stage 5 is where a suitably competent person will review the job in preparation for consultancy with the client The CRM by now should have discussed compliance issues with the client and is now going to discuss management and opportunity areas In Summary
Use you BRAIN!