Energy Audit for SMEs Ing. Domenico Santino


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Presentation transcript:

Energy Audit for SMEs Ing. Domenico Santino Head of the Service on Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector - ENEA Brussels November 30, 2016

Lgs. Decree 102/14 Directive 2012/27/EU establishes a common framework of measures for the promotion of energy efficiency (EE) in order to ensure the achievement of the Union’s EE target of 20 % by 2020 and to pave the way for further EE improvements beyond that date. Italy has transposed the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) into national law by issuing the Lgs. Decree n°102 of 4 July 2014 (G.U. Serie Generale n°165 of 18/07/2014)

Directive 2012/27/EU According to Art. 8.2 Member States shall develop programs to encourage SMEs to undergo energy audits and the subsequent implementation of the recommendations from these audits. According to Art. 8.4 Member States shall ensure that enterprises that are not SMEs are subject to an energy audit carried out in an independent and cost-effective manner by qualified and/or certified experts or implemented and supervised by independent authorities under national legislation by 5 December 2015 and at least every four years from the date of the previous energy audit.

According to Art. 8 of Lgs. D According to Art. 8 of Lgs. D. 102/14, the hereinafter mentioned companies must undergo energy audits on their production sites, by 5 Dec. 2015, and at least every four years: Large Enterprises (paragraph 1); Energy intensive Enterprises (paragraph 3)

According to Art. 8.9 «By December 31, 2014 the Ministry of Economic Development, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, shall issue a call for tender aimed at co-financing regional programs addressed to support the implementation of energy audits in SMEs or the adoption of EMS according with ISO 50001”.

Art. 8.9 The regional support programs shall envisage that incentives will be granted to the beneficiary enterprises in compliance with State aids Law and following the actual implementation of the energy efficiency opportunities identified from energy audits or after achievement of the ISO 50001 certificate.

MD 21 dicembre 2015 Programs issued by 14, out of 20, Regions, aimed to support energy audits implementation or adoption of an EMS according to ISO 50001 in SMEs, have been approved by the above mentioned Ministerial Decree .

Italian government allocated about 10 million euros for co-financing regional programs. Taking into account the amount to be funded by Regions, 20 million euros will be finally available to cover 50% of the costs that SMEs shall bear to carry out energy audits or to implement EMS according to ISO 50001.

Annex 1- List of recipient grant programs Recipient autonomous Province/Region Maximum amount of MiSE grant (€) 1 Lombardia 2.686.500 2 Veneto 1.343.250 3 Valle d’Aosta 149.250 4 Emilia Romagna 1.194.000 5 Piemonte 6 Sicilia 895.500 7 Liguria 402.975 8 Marche 447.750 9 Abruzzo 298.500 10 Friuli Venezia Giulia 11 Sardegna 12 Umbria 13 Provincia Autonoma di Trento 14 Basilicata TOTAL AMOUNT 9.805.725

On going Regional call for tenders: Lombardia Piemonte Sardegna Signed agreements by Regions and Ministry: Friuli Liguria

2016 August 4th Call for tender This Call for tender is providing Regions and autonomous Provinces with 15 million of Euros to support energy audits implementation or adoption of an EMS according to ISO 50001 in SMEs. The expiry date to send programs is 2016 October, 15th.

2016 August 4th Call for tender Taking into account the amount to be funded by Regions, 30 million Euros will be finally available to cover 50% of the total costs that SMEs shall bear to carry out energy audits or to implement an ESM according with ISO 50001. This action will be put in place every year until 2020, with the same amount of public funding.

ENEA’s role ENEA’s role is to provide the Ministry of Economic Development with technical-scientific support for the implementation of Art. 8 of the Lgs. D. 102/14 as technical advisor. Mandatory energy audit reports shall be sent to ENEA that shall manage an ad hoc database. ENEA has to control over the energy audit reports in order to check their compliance with law. Energy audit reports from SMEs eventually will be sent to ENEA for their inclusion in the database, after Regions approval.

Thanks for your attention