Tourette’s Syndrome By: Krysta Young
What is it? Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics.
Symptoms Tics are either Simple or Complex. Some simple ones are motor tics which are brief repetitive movements. Ex: eye twitching, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging Complex tics are distinct, movements involving several muscle groups. Ex: hoping, jumping
Diagnosis/ Prognosis There is no cure for Tourette's, but some may be come symptom free after there teen years. People who have it live just as long as those who don’t. It’s diagnosed when the doctors have seen the person having the same tics for more than a year.
Chromosomes? There is no specific chromosome it is on. I found mentions of it being on the 7, 13, 18, and 22. So it could be on all of them or some of them.
Treatment Since the tics doesn’t impair the people who have it in any way. There is really no medication taken for having Tourette’s. However, for those whom have tics that interfere with their daily life there are medications that you can take to help prevent it from being so bad. They help suppress the tics. For example: haloperidol and pimozide
Current Research In the federal government there is research currently being done at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Also they are trying to find a gene or genes for Tourette syndrome which would be a major step toward understanding genetic risk factors.
Story of a person with it. Story No. 12 Hi Craig, I really don't know why I am writing this, but I think my input to this disorder might help someone. I was married to a man with Tourette's for 11 years. I loved him with all my heart we have 3 daughters, all together 6 children. I feel that due to his illness he turned to drinking, being drunk and nasty at least once a week really tore me apart. When he got drunk it would release all the built up pressures he felt all week. He refused to take medication due to his paranoia of any side affects the would have. More recently and after many years of hell I realized he is and has been using other illegal drugs. He would get the drugs after he was drunk. What a life! Anyway its all over between us. I will never go back to him. Its just a shame that he never wanted to get any help and take the chance of a side affect. He will probably have liver problems or OD on drugs anyway. I often wondered if their were many others with Tourette's that turned to drugs and drinking as an escape. Thank you for listening.
Genetic Counseling The Tourette's Syndrome Association's NYC Counseling Program (NYCCP) is the only working counseling place in this country. It provides counseling for couples, families, and groups.
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