Name Role & Responsibility Kyle Mininni Project Manager – provides project direction and cohesion. Responsible for planning and organizing project. Will serve as liaison between group and customer. Ensures objectives are attended in a timely manner. Coordinates on-site visits. Gathers required data and resources. Collaborates and develops the assessment report. Provides input on the economics of energy saving opportunities. Rob Hudson Chief Engineer – background in energy audits. Responsible for guidance on performing the energy assessment. As well as, the generation of potential energy saving opportunities. Helps create methods and tools to be used to audit. Performs heat exchange and transfer analyses. Uses team engineers to complete objectives as seen fit. Mauricio Pommier Industrial and Systems Engineer – performs functions required by the energy audit. Key tasks include data, economic and cost/benefit analyses. Responsible for review of energy billing structure. Joanne Okvath Electrical Engineer - performs functions required by the energy audit. Responsible for sustainability feasibility research. Assists with design, development and construction of pilot renewable energy project. Ryan Anderson Mechanical Engineer (assistant lead) – Provides help and support on the energy assessment requirements. Provides technical assistance with EDGE updating. Helps direct pilot renewable energy project.