Data Foundations And Terminology (DFT) IG


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Presentation transcript:

Data Foundations And Terminology (DFT) IG Data ← Statements about data (metadata), document about data ^ ← Observations producing data ← Statements about Observations | (also metadata) Data Processes What problem we originally tried to solve What problem we ended up solving and why What the outputs are Who is adopting it What we learned DFT IG Breakout Session Breakout 6 - Friday, 16 Sept, 15:30 – 17:00. Co-Chairs DFT IG : Gary Berg-Cross & Raphael Ritz 1

Overview of Objectives for P8 1. Continue IG discussion – Who is completing work and has vocabularies? How do they relate to each other? What are the psychological and linguistic dimensions involved?..... 2. Facilitate community discussion on group core concepts Help systematize the already large body of domain definition work on terms and their meaning using a rationalized “consensus” knowledge of domain experts, especially as involved in RDA’s efforts. 3. Solicit additional data use case scenarios to illustrate what areas of work they plan on using the models and vocabulary for. 4. Cooperative work with VSIG on term tools Discuss tool progress and issues such as export, use of RDF and SKOS, implementing a pilot 5. Extension to Domain Vocabulary What are the needs and what services can be provided? Thesaurus service may help some but others need something stronger and may be able to leverage activities between groups.

Agenda DFT Objectives & Overview (Gary Berg-Cross) Vocabulary Updates & liaison relation to other RDA Groups for candidate vocabulary items. Examples for various types of metadata, Legal Interoperability Domain Vocabularies (Chem Research, Global Water, Marine Data Harmonization etc.) 2. Tool Update (Raphael Ritz) Working relation with VSIG & Ahmed Eleish Fellowship work Issues and Interested Parties Discussion VSIG, MIG, Data in Context, Data Fabric IG, Brokering IG, Big Data IG, Research Data Repository Interoperability WG, National Data Services …..

Some Vocabulary Updates Collections and various types of metadata have been discussed Collection of Data Descriptive metadata is a type of metadata that describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification and Contextual Metadata Curation metadata describe who supports a curated resource and its availability. Data Citation Metadata is a type of metadata/Administrative metadata that plays the role of citing a dataset in an analogous way that books or journals or a computer, access date, version number, and a persistent identifier or locator. Metadata that maps to DataCite schema or Dublin Core Terms etc. Domain Metadata or domain-specific metadatais non-general metadata used to capture domain information as reflected in domain vocabularies and when possible domain-specific metadata should maps to metadata standards used within a scientific domain. Rich Metadata describes data with enough accurate and relevant attributes to make it easily findable. Key Metadata is information associated with a digital object (or entity) that are required for discovery. Metadata Catalogue A type of data catalog (catalogue) used to access informatation about data Data Transparency‎; Fair Use‎; Patent‎; Copyright Infringement‎; Rights Statement‎; etc.

Working Relation with VSIG VSIG provides guidance about how a controlled vocabulary should be structured and published. Use Cases such as importing our vocabulary into RDF form to a VS tool supporting SKOS to the process whereby DFT captures content, for example, the DFT term tool has been enhancing its services by adding a SKOS thesaurus function to its term tool to identify such things as synonyms and related terms. Interest in further vocabulary integration and harmonization using SKOS Continued collaboration will ensure the DFT vocabulary is structured and published to high standards and maybe better management, URIs etc. Future work includes Fellowship activities, hackathons, NDS testbeds, Extension of thesaurus models and vocabulary mapping services 

RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG relates to other RDA IGs & WGs with candidate vocabulary items. RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG) provided some focus on terms that related to Policy but also other things. A rich vocabulary area to discuss relations between concepts like: Open access (to data) essentially means that online and stored digital information is free of charge, as well as free of most copyright and licensing restrictions that prevent is open use. Intellectual property rights Copyright is the right to monopolize a work of art and literature. Database protection rights etc. Citation “A Citation is a reference that acknowledge a source for material “ Legal Interoperability has more detail on Citation: “A reference in an academic or research communication that documents any sources used in a research output, for the two-fold purpose of: (a) giving credit to existing sources of ideas, data, and information, and (b) enabling others to identify and locate those sources used in the research.

Some Legal Interoperability Conceptual Areas Data Datasets Legal Conditions Legal Agents Legal Instruments Data Policy Data Conditions Data Processes

Some Legal Interoperability Conceptual Areas Rights Individual Contracts Use Agreements Executive Agreement Policy Regulation Legislation Rights Statement Data Producers Data Users Government Agency Research Organization Rights Holder Data Datasets Derived Data Metadata Legal Conditions Legal Instruments Legal Agents Data Policy Data Conditions Research Policy Inter-Governmental Policy Non-Governmental Access Open Data Harmonization Dissemination Reuse Fair Use Restriction Data Processes

BoF for Domain Vocabulary Development, Standardization, Registration, Harmonization and Support Growing interest in the topic of domain vocabulary services from vocabulary registration to harmonization, for example,at P7's joint DFT and VSIG meeting . To date RDA’s DFT WG & IG, for example have focused on the data domains as opposed to a non-data research domain such as marine science or chemistry. Groups: Chemistry Research Data IG, Marine Data Harmonization IG. Global Water Information IG, Geospatial IG, Structural Biology IG, Biodiversity Data Integration IG Quality of Urban Life IG, Health Data, Agrosementics …...

Note: Saturday Meetings Joint meeting VSIG & DFT IGs Saturday 17 Sept, 09:00 - 10:30. BoF Domain Vocabulary Development, Standardization, Registration, Harmonization and Support Saturday 17 Sept, 11:00 - 12:30.

Uses of Domain Controlled Vocabularies (CV) CV Role: Past work (eg HC) demonstrates the value of controlled vocabularies as aiding “metadata” documentation to finding, using & integrating data. CVs are often used for indexing and retrieving data resources but early efforts were often arbitrary with little supporting conceptualizations or real standardization. This results in domain vocabularies that have the same concept scope; but are represented with different terms, use different formats and formalisms, and are published and stored with alternative access methods. For example, most water quality vocabularies conflate multiple concepts but insert these into a single, compounded term. Thus a term for some type of observation may mix the substance (or taxon) with the medium (e.g. water) observed, along with the procedure used as part of the observation and the units used for measurement. Alternate terms, the lack of clear definitions & poor maintenance of vocabularies makes systematic vocabulary use and integration with other vocabularies difficult.