Fashion Terminology
Fashion Terms Clothing: body covering; any tangible or material object connected to the human body; all items of apparel and adornment used to cover and decorate the body Appearance: includes physical attributes. Total composite image created not only by clothing, but also by the human body and any modifications to the body that are visual Appearance management: decisions and acts related to one’s personal appearance
Dress: to cover or decorate the body; act of altering or adding to appearance Adornment: to make attractive or to lend to beauty Body modification: to change the appearance of the body in some way Fashion follower: one who accepts the innovation of fashion leaders and by doing so make the styles acceptable to the masses
Fashion innovator (leader): one who creates new fashions by departing from socially accepted clothing norms Fashion laggers: those who are last to adopt trends Fads: passing fashions; usually short lived. Examples?? Style: identified by distinct features that create an overall appearance. Examples?
Fashion: the accepted, prevailing style of any given time (an ongoing process that changes over time in demand for something new) Design: a particular, unique version of a style Avant-garde: the most daring and wild designs Classic style: one that continues to be poplar over an extended period of time Ford: style or design that is produced at the same time by many different manufacturers at many different prices
Apparel: any or all men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing Garment: any particular article of apparel Garment parts: components that make up a garment (sleeves, collar, waistband, etc.) Silhouette: shape of a clothing style Fashion trend: the direction fashion is moving High fashion (high style, haute couture): items that are the very latest or newest fashions (top quality , fine workmanship, beautiful fabrics)
What are some current fashion trends that you are seeing?
Fashion trends 2017 7/back-to-school-outfit-ideas/ back-to-school-outfits/amp 866/cute-back-to-school-outfits-clothes/
Fall trends 2017 Embriodary Patchwork denim Massive sleeves Neons Overalls Animal prints 70’s styles Mixed prints Plaid What else?? >>>>>
Trend Cycle
Craze: similar to fad, but contains a display of emotion or crowd excitement with it Wardrobe: all of the apparel a person owns Accessories: articles added to complete or enhance your outfits Back fullness silhouette: A recurring style with extra fullness at the back only Bell silhouette: a recurring style with fullness at the bottom Tubular silhouette: a style that is slim and straight from top to bottom
Couturier: a designer who creates original, individually-designed high fashions and usually owns the fashion house Custom-designed: apparel created specifically for a particular person with special fit, design, and fabric Custom-made: apparel made for the person who has ordered it, usually after seeing a sample garment, sketch, or picture Fashion piracy: the stealing of design ideas, or the use of a design without the consent of the originator
Irregulars: articles of merchandise with slight imperfections that are sold to consumers at reduced prices. Knock-offs: copies of other, usually higher-priced, garments Overruns: extra first-quality items produced by a manufacturer but not ordered by retailers Price markets: market categories based on retail selling prices of merchandise Retail: the selling of merchandise directly to consumers Seconds: items that are soiled or have noticeable flaws and must therefore be priced lower than perfect goods Wholesale: the selling of goods in large lots to retailers
Clothing Construction Terms Fit: how tight or loose a garment in on the person who is wearing it Fitted garment: shaped to follow the lines of the body Seams: lines of stitches that join two garment pieces together Darts: short, tapered, stitched areas that enable the garment to fit the figure Bodice: area above the waist
Draped garments: those that are wrapped or hung on the human body Tailored garments: garment pieces are first cut then sewn together to fit the shape of the body Composite garments: made by a combination of the tailored and draped methods Ready-to-wear garments: those that are mass-produced in factories
Retro Culturally outdated aged style
Fashion Cycle The introduction, Rise, Culmination, Decline, and Obsolescence of a given style over a period of time. Introduction: the beginning of a new style, trend Rise: gain in popularity and familiarity Culmination: the highest point or peak of the trend Decline: the end of a style or trend
Recurring cycle in skirt lengths
Trend Cycle
Fit The right size or shape for