Mountainland Continuum of Care HUD grant orientation July 31, 2017, 1:00 PM
Agenda Welcome and introductions Background Continuum of Care collaborative application HUD priorities New project funding opportunity Selection process for 2017 Timeline To-do list
Background Continuum of Care There are three CoCs in Utah. This orientation is about the CoC grant process Total possible funding for the Mountainland CoC is $ 1,240,359 The funding for renewal projects is $1,009,783 The possible bonus funding is $94,585 PPRN is $1,576,416 (area need estimates totaled)
CoC Collaborative Application Community-wide application Submitted to HUD by United Way of Utah County. CoC staff provide training and technical support to applicants Information is pulled from HMIS, agencies, and others If funded, HUD contracts go directly to applicants (not UW) Grant covers CoC planning, governance structure, performance, and strategic planning.
HUD Priorities End homelessness for all persons subpopulations to focus on include veterans, youth, families, and those experiencing chronic homelessness Create a systemic response to homelessness focus on length of time homeless, returns to homelessness, exits to permanent housing, and coordinated entry Strategically allocate resources improve resource utilization by reviewing project quality, performance, and cost effectiveness Use a Housing First approach
HUD Funding for New Projects Funding for new projects may be created by: Using the permanent housing bonus: $94,585 Bonus projects may be: New permanent supportive housing for 100% chronic homeless individuals and families (DedicatedPLUS) New rapid rehousing that serves homeless families and individuals Coming directly from the streets or emergency shelter Coming directly from transitional housing, AND before entering TH were in places not meant for human habitation Coming directly from institution (90 days or less), AND before entry came from places not meant for human habitation Persons fleeing domestic violence situations and other persons that meet the definition of homelessness
HUD Funding for New Projects Funding for new projects may also be created by reallocation New permanent supportive housing projects dedicated to serving chronic homeless individuals and families (DedicatedPLUS) New rapid rehousing projects (Category 1 & 4 eligibility) New rapid rehousing/transitional housing projects (Category 1&4 eligibility) New supportive services only project specifically for coordinated assessment New dedicated Homeless Management Information System to be carried out by the HMIS lead
Scoring and Selection Process HUD will continue the Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding process in 2017 Tier 1 is equal to 94% of the CoC’s ARD which is $949,196 Tier 2 is the difference between Tier 1 and the ARD plus any amount available for the permanent housing bonus = $155,172 CoC scoring criteria (see Rank and Review Criteria handout)
HUD Scoring and Selection Process HUD will award a point value to each new and renewal project that is in Tier 2 using a 100-point scale: CoC Score: Up to 50 points in direct proportion to the score received on the CoC Application. CoC Project Ranking: Up to 40 points for the CoC’s ranking of the project applications. Commitment to Housing First: Up to 10 points for how the permanent housing project commits to applying the Housing First model.
New Project Applications New project applications must provide: A description of the proposed project including the population/subpopulation it will serve The type of housing and services that will be provided The budget activities that are being requested to be carried out
Timeline for New Project Applications – page 1 HUD Notice of Fund Availability posted June 14th Mountainland CoC funding competition opened July 17th Orientations for new projects – July 31st A letter of intent for renewal projects due by August 3rd New and renewal applications are two part – the supplemental application and the e-snaps application – and are due by 11:59 pm August 22nd. You must update or complete the e-snaps Profile.
Timeline for New Project Applications – page 2 Review and Ranking Committee will review all applications the week of August 9th CoC will rank the new and renewal projects at the CoC meeting on August 24th CoC staff will review all applications between August 22nd and Sept. 6th and work with agencies to make any needed changes to clarify
CoC Collaborative Application Timeline – page 1 Registration completed within required timeframe Completed and submitted the GIW within timeframe Review of debrief of 2017 application Develop the sections of the collaborative application in partnership with stakeholders between – August 31-September 15th. Acquire all required attachments by September 15. Public posting of project selections and ranking on Sept. 5th
CoC Collaborative Application Timeline – page 2 Public posting of initial draft of collaborative application on September 15th for CoC and stakeholder feedback until September 22nd. Final collaborative application and project listing completed by Sept. 22nd. Submission of collaborative application and project listing in e- snaps by end of day Sept. 22nd (HUD deadline Sept. 28)
To-Do List (see Simple Applicant Guide) See if this competition is right for you Does your organization meet all the thresholds? 2. Project type, project term 3. Budget 4. Are you enrolled to receive federal funding? 5. Download all instructions Get started in e-snaps!
Resources CoC Program - Training and Resources: E-snaps helps - CoC FAQs - Ask a question – HUD NOFA General Section – Visit the following website to join the listserve:
Resources CoC Program interim rule (24 CFR part 578 published July 31, 2012 at 77 CFR 45422) CoC Program Components and Eligible Costs eligible-costs/ E-snaps login – CoC Program - CoC Program Toolkit -