Saturday, April 29th 2nd Annual Sacred Heart 5K and Fun Run! Race Starts and Finishes at Sacred Heart School Race Day Registration 7 am Fun Run Start 8 am $10 (children ages 5-15) 5K Start 8:30 am $20 1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals for each age group: 12-15, 15-19, 20-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56 & up Register in person at school office or mail registration form and payment to: (Registration Forms available at Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School 10482 Lemoyne Blvd. D’Iberville, MS 39540 (228-392-4180) or register online at Register by April 15th to receive t-shirt!
Sponsorship Form 2nd Annual Sacred Heart 5K and Fun Run! Saturday, April 29th Platinum Sponsor--$200 Logo on t-shirt, recognition on website and facebook page, company brochures/coupons in goodie bags, 4 entry fees Gold Sponsor--$100 Name on t-shirt, recognition on website and facebook page, company brochures/coupons in goodie bags, 2 entry fees Silver Sponsor--$50 Recognition on website and facebook page, company brochures/coupons in goodie bags, 1 entry fee Company/Contact name____________________________ Phone Number___________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Sponsorship_____________ Amount Enclosed__________ Race at Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School, 10482 Lemoyne Blvd., D’Iberville Call Whitney Moore 228-324-2390 or School Office 228-392-4180 for information
Saturday, April 29th Registration Form 2nd Annual Sacred Heart 5K and Fun Run! Saturday, April 29th Race Starts and Finishes at Sacred Heart School Registration Form Fun Run $10 (children ages 5-15) 5K Run $20 Name________________________________________ Age___________ Phone #_______________________ T-shirt size ____________ Male _____ Female _____ Emergency Contact Name & Phone _____________________ Register in person at school office or mail registration form and payment to: Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School 10482 Lemoyne Blvd. D’Iberville, MS 39540 (228-392-4180) or register online at Register by April 15th to receive t-shirt! By signing, I attest that I am in good health and release Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School from any liability for injuries that result during the event. Signature_______________________________________________ For Office Use: Paid _____________ Number ___________