Nouns A noun is a person, place, or thing. Two types: Concrete vs Abstract Concrete nouns are usually things that can be seen. Ex: book, car, chair, hammer. Exceptions are things to small to be seen: atoms, air, wind, breath Abstract nouns are those that cannot be seen Ex: love, liberty, grace, sadness
The same word can be different Part of Speech To test a word to make sure it is a noun check to see if the word is describing another word. If it does, you have an adjective. Candle: a noun or adjective The candle was blown out by the wind. The candle holder was broken
Determiners Determiners help identify nouns in a sentence. Articles: a, an, the Demonstratives: this, that, those, these Possessive nouns: Mr. Jordan’s desk Indefinites: some, few, many, several, no, any