Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Certificate IV TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 10317NAT next 1
In this lesson we will look at: Unit 8 Session 28 In this lesson we will look at: Review of text types (genre) Using Facebook as a tool for writing next 2
Genre/ text types and purpose Discuss: What is the definition of ‘Genre’? In pairs, discuss and write down as many genres or text types as you can think of. What are the social purposes for each of the genres or text types you have written down. Turn to page 27 – 33 of your text book, let’s look at the features of different genres. next 3
The Genre approach to TESOL Genre is a category of text that is characterized by similarities to form, style or social purpose, and include types such as narrative, description, discussion, explanation, exposition, etc. The genre approach to teaching English language, is to teach learners to produce coherent, purposeful spoken or written texts (Hyland, 2003). The approach focusses on the conventions (structure) a text Needs to follow to be acceptable to its audience and achieve Its social function (Muncie, 2002). next 4
Genre approach to TESOL Building knowledge of the field - field trips - hands-on creativity - use of audio-visual resources - texts of all sorts that deal with the topic Modelling the text - authentic texts or teacher can write a sample text - this stage is for learners to become aware of the stages and characteristics of a particular text type and the kind of language (grammar) associated with it. next 5
Genre approach to TESOL Joint construction - students begin writing their own texts with teacher assistance - whole class/ in groups or pairs - scaffolding is provided by the teacher - teacher will engage students in a flow of discussion about the text they are creating, its organization and the language used. Independent construction - teacher is the resource for the learners - teacher aids the process of re-drafting and editing - post writing reflection to identify and discuss difficulties next 6
Genre Narrative Information report Text Type Purpose Structural Features Language and Grammar Features Narrative To entertain, amuse. To tell a story Orientation complication series of events, resolution Noun groups to describe characters and settings, time words, action verbs Text Type Purpose Structural Features Language and Grammar Features Information report To present factual information in general terms, usually about an entire class of things. Opening general statement, usually defining the topic, usually in paragraphs, finishing off statement, can include glossary, diagrams, photos, tables, graphs, illustrations General nouns. Technical or topic specific language. Passive voice, usually third person. Relating verbs e.g. has action verbs to describe behaviour. Word chains. Repeated naming of topic as theme. next 7
Recount Procedure Text Type Purpose Structural Features Language and Grammar Features Recount To retell events in sequence. Orientation includes background information. Series of events recorded in time order. Conclusion with a personal comment or reorientation. Descriptive language, past tense, time words to connect events, words which tell us where, when, with whom, how. Adverbial phrases (e.g. just before midnight) Procedure To tell how to do something. To tell how to get somewhere. To give rules of behaviour. Statement of the goal or the activity. Materials needed. Series of steps, listed in order. Can include cautions and warnings and helpful tips. Nouns, action verbs, adverbs, commands. next 8
Explanation Exposition/argument Text Type Purpose Structural Features Language and Grammar Features Explanation To explain why things are or how they happen. To explain the steps of a process. General statement to identify the topic (can include a how or why question). Series of events in time order. Optional concluding statement. Nouns, action verbs, time sequence words (e.g. then, next, afterwards, simple present tense, passive voice, adverbial phrases). Exposition/argument To argue a case for or against a point of view. Statement of point of view. Arguments in a logical order (each one with points and elaboration). Evidence. Reinforcement of a point of view or recommendation. General nouns, abstract nouns, technical language, action verbs, relating verbs (e.g. It is important...). High modality (e.g. What we must do is...). Connectives (firstly, secondly). Evaluative language (e.g. It would be foolish to...). next 9
Text Type Purpose Structural Features Language and Grammar Features Exposition/ persuasion To persuade people to act in a certain way. To promote something. Opening positive statement to attract attention. Series of arguments to support the subject (not supported by evidence). Nouns, verbs, adjectives, emotional language, high modality, can be biased, questions, statements, commands, slogans. Response To summarise a text. To tell your thoughts or feelings about something. To analyse a text, work of art, movie. Context - background information about the subject. Exploration of the subject's qualities (can include feelings). Judgement - opinion and/or recommendation. Nouns, adjectives, action verbs, saying and thinking verbs, persuasive language, present tense (can change to past if setting is historical). Subject in theme position. next 10
Writing and the use of technology Discuss: What are some ways that you can integrate technology in to the process of writing? What are the benefits? What are some advantages and disadvantages? next 11
PRACTICAL USES OF FACEBOOK IN EFL CLASSROOMS The following slides give you: Examples of how you can set up and use Facebook in your classroom. 34 practical ways to integrate Facebook in your classroom next 12
Setting up a FB page Set up a new account dedicated to teaching only No personal photos Set up a class page next 13
Purpose: class announcements next 14
Grammar: future – would like to Activity: students write a post online asking other students if they “would like to” join them in an activity. Purpose: get students to use FB as a means of communication through writing next 15
Grammar: can / can’t Topic: travel next 16
34 practical ways to use Facebook in your classroom!!! Open up word document Discussion: Write a short description of how you could use ONE of Espinosa's 34 practical ways to use Facebook in an ESL classroom. This task requires you to create a writing activity and adapt it to your chosen strategy suggested by Espinosa. Share your ideas on this online discussion and comment on each other's posts next 17
Reference Withers, P. (2014). TESOL MADE PRACTICAL FOR ALL SITUATIONS (4TH ed.). Nambour, Sunshine Coast: Language Training Institute. next 18