Monday, September 12 SSR- 12 min Do Now: Today you will need: Objective: I will read about and describe the life of Rodman Philbrick. I will begin the writing process for my first personal narrative. Homework:
1: They’re Proof: they’re = they are Example: (they are) They’re leaving.
Sacred Writing Write about a time when someone was very kind or helpful. Use “they’re” and its proof at least 3 times in your writing.
DOL Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. it don’t seam possible that Beethoven could have wrote many of his finest symphonies after going deaf
DOL It doesn’t seem possible that Beethoven could have written many of his finest symphonies after going deaf.
Motivational Monday
Nouns Parts of Speech
Nouns Person, place, or thing. Examples: school George Washington freedom
Proper and Common Nouns Proper nouns refer to a specific thing Proper Nouns are ALWAYS capitalized. Common nouns refer to a general thing. Common Noun Proper Noun shoes Air Jordan's teacher Mr. Morton science class Biology 101 book The Outsiders
Singular, Plural, & Possessive Nouns Singular Nouns = Just one Ex: cat, Jerrel, pen Plural Nouns = More than one Ex: houses, hats, mice Possessive Nouns = Shows ownership Ex: Mia’s, Chris’s, Flanders’, students’ Add apostrophe and “s”, unless word ends in “Z” sound. Then just add apostrophe.
Concrete and Abstract Nouns Concrete Noun: a person, place, or thing occupying the physical world. Ex: desk, muscles, student Abstract Noun: an idea or nonphysical thing. Ex: peace, strength
Review Nouns are people, places, and things. Nouns can be common or proper, AND Nouns can be concrete or abstract, AND Nouns can be plural, singular, or possessive.
Collective Nouns Names a group of people, animals, or things A collective noun subject may be followed by a singular verb or a plural verb, depending on the meaning. Singular Subject Plural Subject Members of the group act as a single unit Each member of the group acts separately
Examples Singular Subject The team shares the field with its opponent. Shares; its; singular Plural Subject The team share their jokes with one another. Share; their; plural
Nouns Scavenger hunt You will need to fill out your scavenger hunt form with TEN different nouns that you find around the room. You will be required to correctly tell me all of the types of nouns that object is AND draw a picture of the item!
Tuesday, September 13 SSR - 12 min Do Now: Today you will need: Freak the Mighty Objective: I will preview the novel Freak the Mighty. I will set up my mind map/mind table. I will learn about pronouns and use them in my own writing. Homework: Finish “The Highwayman” packet
2: There Proof: there = here Example: (here) There they are.
Sacred Writing Tell me about your favorite place to go or be. Use “there” at least 3 times and its proof.
DOL mozart he begun writing symphonies when he was five years old Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. mozart he begun writing symphonies when he was five years old
DOL Mozart began writing symphonies when he was five years old. Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. Mozart began writing symphonies when he was five years old.
Tricky Tuesday WINDMILL I have four wings, but cannot fly, I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. What am I? WINDMILL
About the Author A biography is what type of writing? Read Aloud Independent Reread: Author Name Early Life Genre and Famous Books 3 Interesting Facts
Novel Preview Describe the cover of the book. Where do you think this story takes place? Can you describe any of the character traits of the people on the cover? What do you think the title of the book means? What do you think this story is going to be about? Do you think you will enjoy reading this book? Why or why not?
Create this foldable in your Reader’s Notebook Pink = glue goes on back of these sections Blue= where you should cut
You may work on the following: “The Highwayman” packet Vocabulary flashcards Any corrections for up to a 70 Rodman Philbrick Biography Freak the Mighty Preview foldable You may listen to music IF you are working quietly. You may sit wherever you like IF you are working quietly.
Wednesday, September 14 Do Now: Today you will need: Objective: SSR- 15 min Today you will need: Freak the Mighty Objective: I will use my knowledge of elements of fiction, plot and figurative language to annotate Freak the Mighty. I will begin the writing process for my first personal narrative. Homework: Finish “The Highwayman” packet Study vocabulary words from lists 1 and 2
3: Their Proof: their = our Example: (our) Their friends moved to California.
Sacred Writing Who do you look up to? Why? Use “their” at least 3 times with its proof.
DOL Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. according to legend king Arthur becomes king when he pulled the magic sword Excalibur from a stone
DOL Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. According to legend, King Arthur became king when he pulled the magic sword Excalibur from a stone. Or…. According to legend, King Arthur becomes king when he pulls the magic sword Excalibur from a stone.
Wicked Word Wednesday SAT WORD #1 Labyrinth What does this word mean?
You may work on the following: “The Highwayman” packet Vocabulary flashcards Any corrections for up to a 70 Chapters 1-2 Annotations You may listen to music IF you are working quietly. You may sit wherever you like IF you are working quietly.
Annotations and Highlighting guide Plot Characterization Vivid Verbs Conflict Figurative Language Connections Freak the Mighty Annotations and Highlighting guide
Freak the Mighty Read Chapters 1&2 Exposition (pay attention to setting and mood) Vivid Verbs ( 2-3 per chapter) Characterization ( Kevin, Max, Grim, Gram, Gwen) Figurative Language (at least 2 per chapter) Conflict (internal vs. external)
Thursday, September 8 SSR- 15 min Do Now: Today you will need: Objective: I will show my knowledge of internal and external conflict through the CFA. I will demonstrate my usage of latin and greek roots through vocabulary cards and a quiz. Homework:
4: Too Proof: too = so, also Example: (so) We were too frightened! We were happy, too!
Sacred Writing Tell me about a time you over-indulged. Use “too” at least 3 times and its proof.
DOL Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL.
Tipster Thursday When we are reading a class novel, always make sure to have your colors ready to go. Do not feel like you have to annotate as we read, just underline and highlight. You can go back and annotate at the end of chapters.
Internal and External Conflict DO YOUR BEST :-) CFA Internal and External Conflict DO YOUR BEST :-)
You may work on the following: “The Highwayman” packet Vocabulary flashcards Any corrections for up to a 70 Chapters 1-2 Annotations You may listen to music IF you are working quietly. You may sit wherever you like IF you are working quietly.
Vocabulary Quiz Show what you know!
Friday, September 9 SSR- 15 min Do Now: Today you will need: Objective: I will use my knowledge of elements of fiction, plot and figurative language to annotate Freak the Mighty. I will begin the writing process for my first personal narrative. Homework:
5: Two Proof: two = three Example: (three) Two people were singing.
Sacred Writing FREE WRITE FRIDAY Use “two” and “too” at least 3 times total and their proofs.
DOL exxon is the most large corporation in America Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. exxon is the most large corporation in America my brother knowed all about WW I and WW II after taking history 101
DOL Exxon is the largest corporation in America. Use either red, green, or purple to complete your DOL. Exxon is the largest corporation in America. My brother knew all about World War I and World War II after taking History 10.
On Google Classroom Flashback Friday when done Vocabulary Quiz On Google Classroom Flashback Friday when done
Flashback Friday Please complete your flashback Friday, and draw on the back when finished.
Annotations and Highlighting guide Plot Characterization Vivid Verbs Conflict Figurative Language Connections Freak the Mighty Annotations and Highlighting guide
Freak the Mighty Read Chapters 1&2 Exposition (pay attention to setting and mood) Vivid Verbs ( 2-3 per chapter) Characterization ( Kevin, Max, Grim, Gram, Gwen) Figurative Language (at least 2 per chapter) Conflict (internal vs. external)
Freak the Mighty Read Chapter 3 Exposition (pay attention to setting and mood) Vivid Verbs ( 2-3 per chapter) Characterization ( Kevin, Max, Grim, Gram, Gwen) Figurative Language (at least 2 per chapter) Conflict (internal vs. external)
Mind Map vs. Mind Table -Student Choice -Same Expectations, Same Topics, Different Format for Different Learners
Mind Table Gather at back of room with paper Fold your paper like example Fill in information based on example Plot Vivid verbs Characterization Summary Title Theme Figurative Language Conflict Connections
Mind Map Set-Up Theme Figurative Language Summary Title with graphic Plot Connections Vivid Verbs Characterization Conflict