CSI department of assessment & evaluation August 2017


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Presentation transcript:

CSI department of assessment & evaluation August 2017 2017-2018 SAC Training CSI department of assessment & evaluation August 2017

Agenda General SAC responsibilities Year-long timeline Assessment overviews W-APT READ Act School Readiness ACCESS CMAS PSAT/SAT SBD Accommodations Trainings and Support

General SAC Responsibilities

Assessment Acronyms AF&A = Accessibility Features & Accommodations CBT = Computer Based Test CMAS = Colorado Measures of Academic Success DAC = District Assessment Coordinator DTC = District Technology Coordinator FEP = Fluent English Proficient LEP = Limited English Proficient NEP = Non English Proficient PBT= Paper Based Test PII = Personally Identifiable Information SAC = School Assessment Coordinator SBD = Student Biographical Data SR/PNP= Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile A full list can be found here: http://www.cde.state.co.us/assessment/cmas_acronyms

Primary SAC Responsibilities Be familiar with federal and state assessments, including: Specific procedures for handling testing materials Administration procedures of each test Identification of students to be tested Test windows and deadlines Primary liaison between school staff and CSI DAC Attend all pertinent CSI trainings and/or webinars Review testing manuals and state-specific addenda, when applicable Ensure all pertinent staff are trained on relevant assessments Track student accommodation needs Order and account for all secure material (PBT only) Ensure each assessment is administered correctly Liaise with STC on technical requirements Draft schedule for test administrations (within state windows) During the school year, check email at least once a day Work with school data submissions contact to ensure validity of assessment related data submissions (SBD, READ Act, School Readiness)

Communication School SAC Test Administrators Test Proctors School Technology Coordinator Data respondents CSI DAC Sensitive Data DTC Assessment updates Test materials CDE Assessment Department Data Pipeline Schools communicate with the CSI DAC; never directly with CDE (CDE will refer you back to CSI…save yourself a step!).

Data Privacy: Syncplicity You should have received an invitation to access your school’s assessment folder in Syncplicity. Tip: Use browser-based program; works much better than the desktop app. Any time you need to share or receive ANY student PII, you must use Syncplicity (or the phone). Never email PII!

Year Timeline

Early vs. Extended testing windows: explain Bold/italic = tentative Date Description Type 8/30/2017 New SAC webinar Training 8/31/2017 Returning SAC webinar 8/23/2017 READ Act webinar 9/7/2017 School Readiness webinar 10/17/2017 ACCESS training Oct-ongoing Begin collecting accommodations for state testing Reminder 11/14/2017 CMAS accommodations training 12/13/2017 Unique Accommodation Requests due Due Date 12/15/2017 CMAS PNP File (accommodations) due Dec-Jan READ Act winter assessment window 1/8-2/9/2018 ACCESS testing Testing 1/16/2018 CMAS Administration training 2/22/2018 SBD training 3/19/2018 Extended ELA/Math CMAS window testing window opens 3/26-4/13 OR 4/2-4/20 Early HS Science/SS CMAS testing window 3/21-2/25/2018 ACCESS SBD Due date 4/11/2018 READ Spring Data Collection webinar 4/9-4/27/2018 CMAS testing window 4/10, 11 or 4/12/2018 PSAT 9 and 10 testing 4/10/2018 SAT testing 5/17-5/23/2018 SAT/PSAT SBD Mid April-May READ Act spring assessment window 5/18/2018 READ Data Collection due 5/23-5/27/2018 CMAS SBD Early vs. Extended testing windows: explain Bold/italic = tentative

Colorado State Assessments Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) WIDA: ACCESS 2.0 for ELLs** SAT (11th Grade)* ELA/L & Math** Science** & Social Studies* National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) PSAT 10 (10th Grade)* CoAlt: ELA/L & Math (DLM)** CoAlt: Science** & Social Studies* PSAT 8/9 (9th Grade)* Colorado Spanish Language Arts (CSLA)* * Required by Colorado law ** Required by Colorado and federal law

Colorado State Assessments (cont.) Ongoing assessments: READ Act- Literacy (all K-3, plus 4th-8th grade cohort students) School Readiness (Kindergarten) WAPT (for late enrolling students with YES on HLS)

Overview of SAC’s Year: Fall August: Kick-off webinar Ensure WAPT is administered by trained staff to newly enrolled students with “YES” on home language survey READ Act Fall window September: School Readiness training Submit assessment policy and calendar (with school leader/board) October: ACCESS training Confirm PBT/CBT for ACCESS Begin collecting and organizing accommodations (ACCESS, CMAS, SAT/PSAT) School Readiness data collection due November: CMAS Accommodations training Review rosters in WIDA AMS Create ACCESS testing schedule Work with Tech Coordinator to ensure school is ready for CBT ACCESS

Overview of SAC’s year: Winter December: Train staff on ACCESS testing UARs due to CSI Update PnP for Pearson Access Confirm PBT selection (if using PBT) with CSI January: WIDA ACCESS testing Finalize and upload CMAS/CoAlt PNP in Pearson Access Schedule/communicate PSAT/SAT February: WIDA ACCESS testing window closes Deadline for PSAT/SAT accommodations requests Enroll students in CoAlt DLM Ensure staff complete DLM/CoAlt training Train staff on CMAS testing

Overview of SAC’s year: Spring March: Work with Technology Coordinator to ensure school is ready for CBT CMAS Early online window for CMAS ACCESS SBD Ensure staff is trained for PSAT/SAT administration April: Official CMAS/CoAlt window CO PSAT and SAT testing dates ACCESS results released READ spring window May: All scorable CMAS materials returned to CSI by May 1st. This is a HARD deadline! All nonscorabe CMAS materials returned to CSI by May 3rd Initial data clean-up in Pearson Access CMAS, PSAT, SAT SBD

Assessment Overview

W-APT Purpose English language proficiency ‘screener’ to help in the identification and placement of ELLs (paper-based) Who K-12 students new to the school with a Home Language Survey (HLS) other than English When Training: Online (self-paced); required of anyone administering the screener **Beginning August 31, use link http://wida.us/client/WAPT1-12/ to access materials and training Administer: Within 30 days of enrollment, within 2 weeks of enrollment for late enrollees Consider Process for reviewing HLS, body of evidence Materials may be downloaded directly from WIDA.us Schedule W-APT (individually administered) near start of school Speaking (10), Listening (20), Reading (20) Writing (30) Scored by test administrator at school Resources CDE WIDA Guidebook, EL Proficiency Assessments, & WIDA Transition to WIDA screener will take place next year; latest WIDA will allow WAPT use is May 2018. Training for screener will take place next spring and again in the fall (it’s involved).

READ Act Purpose Identifies students with significant reading deficiencies using state-approved assessments and tracks progress Who Students in K-3 When Training: August webinar (overview) & in-depth training provided by assessment vendor Administer: Interim – 3x/year, first within 30 school days of enrollment Interim Progress Monitoring – as needed within 30 days of interim Diagnostic – as needed within 30 days of interim Submit: READ Act Data submission due in May 2018 Consider Must use state-approved interim and diagnostic assessments School to purchase assessment / training directly from vendor CSI only provides READ Act overview training Resources CSI’s READ Act Overview & CDE READ Act Resource Bank

School Readiness Purpose Contributes to students’ school readiness plans and provides “whole child” measures of school readiness Who Students in publicly-funded Kindergarten programs When Training: August webinar (overview) & in-depth training provided by assessment vendor Administer: Within 60 days of start of school year Schools may request waiver for school readiness assessments, but NOT for data reporting requirements Submit: Data collection due in October of 2017 Consider Must use state-approved assessments School purchases assessment / training directly from vendor CSI only provides data collection training Resources CDE School Readiness Resource Bank

ACCESS for ELLs Purpose English language proficiency exam to monitor student progress in acquiring academic English Who K-12 students identified NEP/LEP When Training: October Ordering: October/November Testing Window: January 8 – February 9, 2018 Consider Process for determining NEP/LEP (W-APT score, prior ACCESS score, body of evidence) Resources CDE ACCESS Guidebook, EL Proficiency Assessments, & WIDA Triple and double check that these designations are up-to-date in your SIS.

CMAS: Science & Social Studies Purpose Measures how students are progressing toward meeting academic standards in Science and Social Studies Who Social Studies  students in grades 4 (sample), 7 (sample), & 11* Science  students in grades 5, 8, & 11 *ALL 11th grade students test in SS and Science this year When Training: 11/14/2017 and 1/16/2018 Administration: April 9-27, 2018 – Grades 4, 5, 7, 8 & 11 **Early HS window: March 26-April 13 OR April 2- April 20** Resources CSI CMAS webpage, CDE CMAS Resource Bank, & CDE Technology Readiness Resource Bank Schools testing this year in SS: Academy, ECA, Frontier, GVA-N, GVA-FC, JICA, Mt Song, RFMA, TPAAK, Pinnacle middle, 2 rivers

CMAS: ELA & Math Purpose Measures how students are progressing toward meeting academic standards in English Language Arts & Mathematics Who Students in grades 3-8 When Training: 11/14/2017 and 1/16/2018 Administer: April 9-27, 2018 Extended window (computer only): Begin as early as March 19 Consider Resources to successfully administer this assessment (bandwidth/devices/headphones) Math path Scheduling: ELA by grade, Math by course Resources CDE PARCC Resource Bank & CSI CMAS webpage

CSLA (Colorado Spanish Language Arts) Purpose Spanish Language version of ELA Who NEP/LEP students in grades 3-4 who have had language arts instruction in Spanish within the past 9 months, who have been in an ELD program for fewer than 5 years When Training: same as CMAS Administer: April 9-27, 2018 Paper-based form only Consider Is this the best assessment for your student? Academic vs. communicative language Students may use the Spanish accommodation for Math CMAS Make this decision with ELD team Resources Eligibility flowchart: http://www.cde.state.co.us/assessment/csladecision

CoAlt Sci and SS/DLM ELA and Math Purpose Alternate to CMAS: determine the level at which students with significant cognitive disabilities meet the Extended Evidence Outcomes of the CAS Who Students with most significant cognitive abilities; typically less than 1% of student population When Training: same as CMAS/ required supplement training online Administer: At the same time as general education students take CMAS Consider One-on-one assessment Requires additionally trained staff DLM is computer-based (only) CoAlt is paper-based, scores entered into Pearson Access

Colorado PSAT 8/9 and 10 Purpose Assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level coursework in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing and Language. Who Students in 9th and 10th Grade When April 10, 11, or 12, 2018 Accommodations window: April 10-17 Make-up testing: April 11-20 Resources CDE PSAT Resource Bank & CollegeBoard Colorado Page **Schools will work directly with CollegeBoard to implement the PSAT. This assessment does not run through CSI. Remind about SAT/PSAT training provided by CollegeBoard- email sent last week.

Colorado SAT Purpose Assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level coursework in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing and Language. Who Students in 11th Grade When April 10, 2018 Accommodations window: April 10-13 Make-up testing: April 24 Resources CDE SAT Resource Bank & CollegeBoard Colorado Page **Schools will work directly with CollegeBoard to implement the SAT. This assessment does not run through CSI.

Student Biographical Data (SBD) Review Purpose Allows schools to review data submitted for each student (demographics and invalidation coding) post-testing, but prior to official scoring by the vendor. Who School SACs work with data submissions contacts When ACCESS: March SAT/PSAT: May CMAS: May Resources Training on the SBD process will be provided in February CSI's SBD page Common issues: double check FRL and opt-out codes

Accommodations The number one cause of testing misadministration comes from the inappropriate use (either over-administering or under-administering) of accommodations. Start collecting and documenting state assessment specific accommodations now! CMAS accommodations training will take place in November, but you may reference the following documents if you’d like more information: CMAS and CoAlt Procedures Manual (DO NOT use PARCC Accommodations Manual) ACCESS accommodations: CDE’s English Language Proficiency Additional Resources Page Give examples of ways to collect and organize accommodations by assessment

Upcoming Trainings September 7th, 10 am: School Readiness webinar October 17th, 10 am: ACCESS training webinar November 14th, 10 am: CMAS Accommodations training webinar Feel free to call or email at any time, with any question!

Next webinar: School Readiness Data Collection, 9/7/2018