105 Scott Hall ! Lafayette College Health Professions Advising Program Application Meeting 21 November 2016 Professor Nancy Waters Acting Faculty Health Professions Advisor Dr Julia Goldberg Associate Dean Health Professions Ms Simona Glaus HP Administrative Assistant
Our Purpose TODAY: To provide the STEPS YOU NEED TO TAKE to commence your application to medical and allied health professions: Medicinae Doctor (Allopathic MD) Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Dental Medicine & Surgery (DMD &DDS) Podiatric Medicine (DPM) Veterinary Medicines (DVM & VMD) Optometry (OD) Nursing (RN, BSN, MSN) Nurse Practitioner (NP) Physical/Occupational Therapist (PT, OT) Physician Assistant (PA) Public Health practitioners (MPH) Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) A Walk-Through of Your On Campus HPAC Application and A Taste of Your Professional School Application…
You know this Timeline… 1 20 40 60 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 As the commercial says, “This isn’t your father’s Oldsmobile…” or your mother’s allopathic degree or your uncle’s MD/PhD program or your brother’s internal medicine career. The Health Professions Advising Office works with you to provide programming and feedback to enable you to maximize your chances for success in your chosen career as a health professional. Want to get an overview of the process and discuss our approach? You are in the right place 4 years, 8 semesters, that shape your future! Semester 5 is a pivotal place!
Undergraduate Preparation for Admission to Graduate Schools in Health Professions Each HP school sets their own criteria. Specialties vary in emphasis. All consider: Academic/Science grades (45-55%)* Admissions tests (20-25%)* Health-related experiences Research experiences Community service and volunteer work Letters of recommendation HP school interview …for evidence used to… * Percentages as reported by NAAHP.
Evaluating the avalanche of applicants with.. Interpersonal competencies: Service orientation, Social skill, Culturally aware, Teamwork, Oral communication Intrapersonal competencies: Ethical responsibility to self and others, Reliability and dependability, Resilience and adaptability, Capacity for improvement Thinking and reasoning competencies: Critical thinking, Science inquiry, Quantitative reasoning, Written communication Science competencies: Life systems, Human behavior The basis of ‘holistic’ review…what it is and is NOT!
Academic coursework Core requirements mostly completed by now: 2 Intro Biology with laboratory 2 Intro Chemistry with laboratory 2 Physics with laboratory 2 Organic Chemistry with Laboratory 2 English composition courses Mathematics/the Calculus Statistics; Biochemistry; Sociology? Psychology? Other useful coursework? Research, bioethics, Computational science…so many courses, so little time!…24-36 minimum upper division core science …but 46-50 credit hours are preferred!!
By now you have answered those Pressing Questions… >How do I use AP? >Can I take a summer class? >Can I take a class Pass/Fail? >Can I use MOOCs/online courses? >How much research do I need? >Can I still study abroad? >How do schools view my commitment?
Selection criteria simplified… GPA (overall AND science) Strength of transcript; ALL grades get reported Admissions Test Scores Impeccable Application Information Insightful Reflective Personal Essay Letters of Recommendation Experience & Time in Research & Clinical Setting TIMELY SUBMISSION AT EVERY STAGE!!!! …to reduce your odds of admission just ignore any below-average component in the selection criteria list !!!
MCAT https://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/ …Admissions Tests… MCAT https://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/ Target: 510 (80th %ile); GPA 3.6+ DAT http://www.adea.org/dental_education_pathways/ aadsas/Applicants/Pages/TaketheDAT(DentalAdmissionTest).aspx Target: 20-21 (75th %ile); GPA 3.6 OAT https://http://www.ada.org/en/oat Target: 350 (75th %ile); 3.5 GPA GRE General Test, Subject Tests http://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/about/?WT.ac=grehome_gr eabout_a_150213 VET and PA Target: 155-160 (70th%ile); 3.4-3.8 GPA
LANDSCAPE…? AMCAS (2015) 20,343 seats…731,595 apps AACOMAS (2015) 6,392 seats…185,162 apps ADEA-ADSAS (2013) 5769 seats…46,000+ apps AAVMC (2013) 4127 seats…50,000+ apps OPTOMCAS xxxx seats…13,164 apps AACPM (2103) 671 seats…4800+ apps CASPA (2010) 5,816 seats…106,302 apps
The landscape now? …916,757 applications were read in 2014 AMCAS IN 2015 there were 20,627 seats, up from 20,343 for 2014, up from 20,055 in 2013, and 20,343 in 2012. 52,536 (2015) 49,480 (2014) 48,014 (2013) 32,650 (2012)…781,602 applications submitted in 2015 ~15/person, UP from 731,595 the previous year,~14/person AACOMAS 2016 class: 6,592 seats, up from 6,392 entering 2015 20,720 (2016) 20,447 (2015) 17,944 (2014) 9,900 (2013)…185,602 Applications were submitted in 2016 up from 185,162 applications the previous year, ~9/person mean age is now 24-25 53.3% ♂, 47.8% ♀ …916,757 applications were read in 2014 and 967,204 in 2015…how prepared are you to be one in a million?!?!?!?!?!
…more landscape…2015-2016 10 MD schools with most applicants? Drexel (14,648) George Washington (15,653) LECOM (13,536) Drexel (15,281) Georgetown (13,016) NYMC (13,064) Temple (11,286) Georgetown (12.697) TJU (10,204) Temple-Katz (11,224) also Tufts, Boston U, NYMC, Western U of HS-CA, NYU Also Chicago-Franklin, Tufts, BU, Rush TJU-SKSOM 10 MD schools accepting the fewest? Morehouse SOM 85/5173, 1.6% Mayo MS 94/4692, 2.0% Stanford U 177/1452, 2.4% Georgetown 349/13.016, 2.7% Brown 243/8,240, 2.9% also GW, WFU, Howard, UCLA, Duke *Source https://www.aamc.org/download/321442/data/factstablea1.pdf
And even more landscape… >Dentistry applications have risen from 1990 to 2010 by 134%, or 5% APR among 65 US and 10 Canadian schools. ADEA for 5,769 seats, fielded 12,162 applicants (2013) 53%♂ 47% ♀; DAT 19.9; GPA 3.54 >For veterinary medicine, 30 Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in US, plus 9 departments of VS, 8 of comparative medicine, 5 Canadian CVMs, 14 international CVMs and 6 affiliates. AAVMC for 4,127 seats, fielded 6,769 applicants (2013) with GPA 3.56 >For optometry, 21 schools saw 2,604 applicants with 13,164 applications (~5/student) with 69% ♀ and 31% ♂, aged 21-26 with GPA 3.31. Accepted students were 70%♀:30♂%. 1,846 received 1or more offers of admission. > With 9 colleges of podiatric medicine, AACPM reports 997 applicants and 671 matriculants (2013), with 61% ♀ and 39% ♂. > With 196 accredited programs, average entering PA students are 27 years old (25-28), 72.4%♀ and 27.6% ♂, with accepted GPA 3.49, and applied to 12 programs, with BIG shift toward MS programs
Are you ready to apply? Is your application strong and competitive?
Application Timeline in AY ’16-’17 to enroll fall 2018 Come here TODAY! Complete your GreenSheet to enter HP Moodle Deadline #1: Recruit 3-5 STRONG recommenders by end of fall 2016 two science faculty +1-3 more, depending on school and area provide drafts of CV, PIF, Personal Statement Essay provide to them your SIGNED HP Cover Sheet; they must countersign! Revise in earnest your Personal Statement Essay Deadline #2: Sign up for & attend SOLO GreenSheet Advising Jan/Feb 2017 Deadline #3: Submit SIGNED Request for Dean’s Clearance by 1 February 2017 meet with Deans and HP Team to review incidents SUPER Deadline #4: Confirm submission of all Letters of Recommendation on letterhead with signatures, PLUS cover sheets by 1 March 2017 ALSO submit completed Personal Information Form 1 March 2017 ALSO submit your completed CV Curriculum Vita 1 March 2017 ALSO submit your Personal Statement Essay 1 March 2017 ALSO submit your HP Release for Composite Letter of Evaluation (CLoE)
Application Timeline …continued… Investigate your preferred schools, register for test date, prepare for test Deadline #5: Interview on-campus with HPAC in March/April/May 2017 Sit for exam by 1 May 2017 to insure scores are reported by 1 July 2017 BENCHMARK EVENT: CAS’s open ~1 May 2017—begin populating your file! Deadline #6: APPLICATIONS GO LIVE! Submit via relevant CAS >>insure your final official transcripts are submitted! YOU MUST DO THIS!! Deadline #7: Sit for your entrance examination WHEN YOU ARE READY!! From the time when application, transcripts and scores are processed, VERIFICATION can then take 3 to 6 weeks!! >>we complete your HPAC rating and CLoE; uploads by 5 July 2017 Applications are delivered by CASs to schools and reviewed; 2ndary requests extended beginning July 2017 Deadline #8: Complete and return 2ndary applications within 2-7 days Schools solicit invited candidates beginning August 2016 Interviews offered as the pool grows, within 3 weeks or even August 2017! …is it any wonder why incoming classes are ages 24-25!
Let’s go to the forms!
Costs of Application? Strong Admissions Test Score (MCAT, DAT, OAT, or VCAT/GRE), taken as early as possible when you are ready! Plan on 500 hours! Limited test dates and locations. Early registration reduces costs. TESTING FEES (scores reported 1-4 weeks): MCAT $300 DAT $385 OAT $270 GRE general $185 GRE subject test fees $150 APPLICATION FEES (verification 4-6 weeks): AMCAS $160+ $34 AACOMAS $195 + $35-50 ADEA AADSAS $244 + $90 OptomCAS $150 + 700 VMCAS $190 + $95
What does EVERY aspiring HP student need? External feedback that is -compassionate -informed -constructive Internal Self-Assessment that is -courageously honest Can I do, can I be better?
Weighing the alternatives, so consider… Submitting in Spring of your JUNIOR year only completed experiences can be included in primaries level of experiences may limit your competitiveness concurrent testing preparation and immersion in coursework …you will matriculate in the fall following baccalaureate graduation Submitting in SPRING of your SENIOR year optimizes range of experiences deepens evidence of maturity and insight enhances technical proficiency expands dossier of research and clinical experiences …delays matriculating so more time before you practice medicine Submitting after graduation enhance and deepen all of the above provide time to INSURE you are on track …HP Advising can work with you for up to 3 years post-graduation! Still not certain? How to choose the timeline that works for YOU?? >Greensheet solo advising January/February …and you can re-activate if you decide to defer! Check out the HP website!
Lafayette College Advising Office Protocols Articulate your question…the ‘real’ one! Demonstrate your avidity…search for possible answers! HP and Professional WebPages, HP Presentation Tutorials Seek reliable input: your Academic Advisor, Gateway Advisor, other mentors with credible, current perspectives Access published Advising/Office Hours Follow stated directives by staff member
All of us at Lafayette look forward to your success All of us at Lafayette look forward to your success! We want to help further your career plans! Stay abreast of what is happening by visiting our web site: http://healthprofessions.lafayette.edu Register for and Attend HP and CS events; remember—make your decisions from a position of KNOWLEDGE and STRENGTH ! Do not be a stranger! BE PROACTIVE & TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR CAREER!!!
Listen to what your data are telling you… Acceptance at GPA 3.60 + Acceptance GPA 3.59-3.2 Acceptance at GPA < 3.20 Overall accepts ALL GPAs Lafayette Applicants 2012-2016 85% (41/48) 74% (31/42) 1% (1/12) 72% (73/102) National Applicants 2008-2013 2013-2016 64% 59% 34% 30% 18% 13% 45% 42% Lafayette applicants are MD/DO combined, while national data are MD only. In addition, from 2012 to 2016 13 of 15 (87%) applicants to dental school were accepted, 8 of 10 applicants to veterinary school gained admission, 5 of 6 (83%) optometry applicants, and a few podiatry applicants all entered school. Data for PA, MPH and other allied health specialties are NA. Admission is increasingly challenging!! * Source: aamc.org, aacomas.org
Consider financing… Median cost for 4 years of HP school: $278,455 (private) or $207,868 (public) Median debt for 4 years of HP school: $174,000 Federal loans: 6.8-7.9% Undergraduate indebtedness: $29,400 Residency training salaries average $55,300 annually for 3+ years, so an added debt load of ~$30,000 yearly https://www.aamc.org/students/advisors/ first-advisors/