Map of Europe
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Union Jack: Flag of Great Britain
England and Wales: Treaty of 1535
Unification of Treaties: England , Wales and Scotland 1707 Act of Union : 1707 Between England ,Wales and Scotland and became Great Britain.
Act of Union 1800: UK and Ireland The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
London: Capital of Great Britain
Busy Lanes of London
Industrial Activities
Industries in Great Britain
A comparison of Land People Ratio Country Area in km2 Arable Land * Population ** # of People per km2 1. Russia 17,075,200 7.17 % 141,377,752 8.28 2. Canada 9,984,670 4.57 % 33,390,141 3.34 3. USA 9,629,091 18.01 % 301,139,947 31.27 4. China 9,596,960 14.86 % 1,321,851,888 137.74 5. Brazil 8,511,965 6.93 % 190,010,647 22.32 6. Australia 7,686,850 6.15 % 20,434,176 2.66 A selection of other countries to compare India 3,287,590 48.83 % 1,129,866,154 343.68 Mexico 1,972,550 12.66 % 108,700,891 55.11 Egypt 1,001,450 2.92 % 80,335,036 80.22 France 547,030 33.46 % 64,057,790 117.10 Spain 504,782 27.18 % 40,448,191 80.13 Japan 377,835 11.64 % 127,433,494 337.28 Germany 357,021 33.13 % 82,400,996 230.80 Italy 301,230 26.41 % 58,147,733 190.03 New Zealand 268,680 5.54 % 4,115,771 15.32 United Kingdom 244,820 23.23 % 60,776,238 248.25
Demographic Picture The population of the United Kingdom is estimated at 63,489,234 as of July 1 2014. U.K.'s population is equivalent to 0.88% of the total world population. The population density in the United Kingdom is 261 people per Km2. 80% of the population is urban (50,802,810 people in 2014). The median age in the United Kingdom is 40.4 years. Life expectancy: 80 Years
Comparing with India India Great Britain Life Expectancy: 67.4 years Total Population: 123 crore. Urban population : 31.33% Median age: 27 years World population : 16.66% Population density: 360 per Sq Km Life Expectancy: 80 Years Total Population: 6.35 crore. Urban population : 80% Median age: 40.4 years World population: 0.88% Population density: 261 per Sq Km
Important features of UK Constitution Parliamentary Democracy Centralized governance Conventions
Conventions: Unwritten Laws Basically an unwritten constitution. Based on Conventions. Conventions are unwritten rules of the country.
Parliamentary Democracy 1. Parliament with two chambers. 2. Monarchy: Queen 3. Prime minister with Council of Ministers. 4. Multi party democracy 5. Regular election
House of Commons at work
Queen Queen Elizabeth -II
British Prime Minister Teresa May
Centralized governance
Hierarchical Structure Central Government Regional and District County