Integrated policy frameworks


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated policy frameworks Calliope Panoutsou, Imperial College London

The work plan Inform policy Work with national agencies & stakeholders Provide technically sound evidence Spatial outlook of biomass cost supply in Member States. Resource efficiency in the form of concrete indicators. Inform policy Biomass policy landscapes (energy & non energy) in EU and per participating Member State & benchmarking Future integrated policy frameworks & impact assessment Guidelines for policy and administration at national level To estimate and monitor biomass cost supply To select resource efficient value chains Work with national agencies & stakeholders National workshops, consultations and interviews

Biomass Policies: Integrated policy framework for the resource efficient use of biomass Work plan: large datasets for EU28 and disaggregation at Member State level Value chain Current policy Future policy National administration Sustainable biomass Efficient value chains Policy landscapes Benchmarking for sustainability & resource efficiency Introducing new balanced integrated policy frameworks Model effectiveness Workshops Consultations Interviews Key outputs: Inform debates & influence future policy and support mechanisms Up-to-date, uniform resource knowledge Key policy principles Policy/ support mechanism recommendations Modelling results for 2020 (NREAPs) & 2030

Aim of the work for future policy Identify the required policy framework to assist Member State(s) get closer to their 2020 targets. Define the costs, benefits and necessary conditions to apply cooperation mechanisms that can help Member States harness their bioenergy resources cost-effectively Identify synergies and conflicts related to bioenergy targets and the resource efficiency concept in the medium to long term and

Task 4.1: Policy frameworks The work will perform “bottom up” policy analysis and build a framework for integrated policy setting Policy aim & Justification Analysis & Direction setting Policy framework design Baseline WP3- D3.1 Map of “current’ policy landscapes WP5- First round of national workshops WP2- D2.4 Value chains in MS (at least 3 per participating country) Key issues under analysis Selection of indigenous biomass (sustainability- resource efficiency- competition) Selection of efficient pathways/ value chains Stakeholders: network formation- involvement- input/ output EU28 Policy integration Indigenous supply oriented strategy Prioritize- focus- target setting/ benchmarking with demand policies 11 Member States Indigenous supply Smart policy for resource efficiency

Framework building process Resources Modelling Indigenous capacities Infrastructures Policy aim & justification Initial policy mix Final policy package Supply Current policy landscape Stakeholders Analysis/ direction Demand

Issues addressed at national level Sector 2020 targets as in NREAP (2010) & expected deficits according to baseline scenario. Type of feedstocks & current deployment value chains Policy mechanisms & financial incentives in place Budget (if available) & number of installations Policy/ financial frameworks that can facilitate the fulfilment of targets & mobilisation of indigenous potentials estimated in WP2 Cost benefit and estimated carbon reductions

Question 3:Policy priorities The following issues have been identified within the project as key principles for future biomass policy and support frameworks (please rank them and explain how is your top priority choice relevant in your context) Resource efficiency in indigenous biomass supply Costs/ prices to industry/ consumers/ government Potential to reduce GHG Displacement effects (land & water use, biodiversity, ecosystem services, food prices, etc.) Energy security Job creation Technology development towards long-term solutions Other (please add) Questions: Should indigenous biomass resources be prioritised or should biomass policy be homogeneous with imports from other continents? What would be an acceptable level of cost increase and who should cover it (industry, policy, joint actions, etc.)? Which priorities are most relevant to be integrated across the different policy fields in a future resource efficient biomass strategy?

Prioritisation Issue Priority (H, M, L) Impact (short, medium, long term) Implementation (in which policy sector & framework) Resource efficiency Costs/ prices to industry/ consumers/ government Potential to reduce GHG Displacement effects Energy Security Job creation Technology development Other

Key principles (Initial ranking responses for the three most important during the workshop discussions)

Preferred support schemes (AT) draft Options Supply Conversion Consumers Obligation Incentive for feedstock Incentives for utilizing waste material Bio-electricity Feedstock sustainability Technology Innovation Fixed price payments Support scheme for biomethane Reduced cost for consumer Strategy Resource Efficiency Cascading Long term bioeconomy Other…