ENG3380 Computer Organization General Information Handout Winter 2017, January 10th
Shawki Areibi Office, Email, Phone Research Interests Office: Thorn 2335, EXT 53819 Email: sareibi@uoguelph.ca Web: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~sareibi Office Hours: Wednesdays: 12:00 –13:00 MASc, PhD, P.Eng U. Waterloo 91/95 Research Interests Computer Architecture VLSI Physical Design Automation (CAD Tools) Reconfigurable Computing Systems Embedded Systems ENG3380 Winter 2017
Outline Info about Staff (TAs, LabTech) Lecture and Lab Schedule. Course Text and References. Course contents, Tentative Schedule. Assignments, Labs, Exams. Evaluation Important Information ENG3380 Winter 2017
Lab Instructor Kyle Montgomery Thornbrough Building Room 2308, ext 53873 Email: kmontgomery@uoguelph.ca ENG3380 Winter 2017
Teaching Assistant TA: Ziad Abuowaimer, PhD. Office: Rich 3529 Email: abuowaiz@uoguelph.ca ENG3380 Winter 2017
Lecture & Lab Schedule Lectures LABS Tutorials 10:00 – 11:20, CRSC 117 (Tue, Thur) LABS Fridays: 8:30 – 10:20 AM (RICH1351) Tutorials None ENG3380 Winter 2017
Text Book and References Text Book: “Computer Organization and Design: The hardware/software Interface”, 5th Edition, by D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Morgan and Kaufmann, 2014. References “VHDL for Engineers” by Short, 2008. “Computer Organization and Architecture”, 10th Edition by W. Stallings, Pearson, 2014. “Computer Systems Organization and Architecture”, by J. Carpinelli, Addison Wesley. “Computer Organization and Embedded Systems”, 6th Edition, by Hamacher, McGraw Hill. ENG3380 Winter 2017
Resources & Communication Course Link http://www.uoguelph.ca/~sareibi Communications E-mail, listserv Eng3380 Web Page (Announcement) CourseLink (ENG3380) ENG3380 Winter 2017
Course Objectives This course provides detailed examination of modern computer organization and techniques for microprocessor architecture design. Topics Include: CPU Design, Instruction Set Design, Complex Arithmetic Circuits, Data Path Design, Internal bus structure, Control sequence design, micro-programmed control Instruction level parallelism: Pipelining Memory Organization, Cache Memory … Advanced Topics in VHDL ENG3380 Winter 2017
Relationship to Other Courses ENG364 Micro Comp Interfacing You will learn how to attach Several modules to an MCU Such as memory, LCDs, LEDs 7-Seg, Keyboards ENG4540 Advanced Computer Architecutre After learning Computer Organization, you will learn More Advanced Concepts Multi-Processing, GPUs, .. ENG3050 Reconfigurable Computing How to design Hardware Accelerators And Understand FPGAs and CAD Flows Real Time Systems & Operating Sytstems Will help you with these Courses since you will Attempt to design complete Embedded Systems. ENG3380 Winter 2017
Tentative Schedule Week #1: Introduction and Performance Evaluation Week #2: Simple Computer Organization, Instruction Set Week #3: Cont .. Instruction Set Architecture Week #4,#5: CPU Design (Micro-Programmed Control) Week #6, #7: CPU Design (Data Path) Week #8: Arithmetic Circuits Week #9, #10: Pipelining Week #11: Memory Hierarchy (Cache) Week #12: Memory Hierarchy (Virtual Memory) ENG3380 Winter 2017
Assignments Assignment#1, (Week#3) Performance Assignment#2, (Week#5) CPU Design Assignment#3, (Week#7) Pipelining Assignment#4, (Week #9) Cache Design ENG3380 Winter 2017
Labs: Reports, Preparation .. Lab#1, Week#1: Time Multiplexed 7-Segment Display Lab#2, Week#2: Register Files & Memory in VHDL Lab#3, Week#3: ALU Design Lab#4, Week#4: Busses and Peripheral Devices Lab#5, Week#5: Micro-Programmed Control Unit Design Lab#6, Week#6: ALU + RF + Memory + Control Unit We will introduce new concepts in VHDL beyond what you have learnt in ENG2410 ENG3380 Winter 2017
LABS Labs are an integral part of the course. The objectives of the labs are: Understand and assimilate lecture material Give practical experience using small scale integrated circuits and FPGAs Teach you Hardware Descriptive Language To give you hands on experience with CAD tools for digital hardware development. ENG3380 Winter 2017
Project .. You are required to design a complete CPU Data Path .. Register File, ALU, … Control Unit .. Microprogrammed Control vs. Wired Control You will be using VHDL to complete your design You will be using the NEXYS-3 FPGA Board to map your design onto the FPGA ENG3380 Winter 2017
Exam Schedule Midterm Final Exam Week#7, Saturday, March 4th, 11:30 in (TBA) Final Exam Week#14, Monday, April 19th, 14:30-16:30 PM (TBA) ENG3380 Winter 2017
Evaluation Topic Weight Details Assignments 5% 4 Assignments Labs & Project 45% (20%+25%) 6 Labs + Project Report Midterm 15% Week 7 Final Exam 35% Week 13 ENG3380 Winter 2017
Important Issues It is important to remember that the midterm and final exam will be based on the assignment problems, so it is in your best interest to seriously attempt all questions alone. No Makeup exam for Midterm. If you have a doctor note (final exam out of 50%) In order to pass the course, you must pass the lab (project) and exam course portion. Students must obtain a grade of 50% or higher on the exam portion of the course. If a laboratory is missed due to illness or other reason, arrangements must be made with the teaching assistant to complete a make-up lab. ENG3380 Winter 2017
Academic Misconduct The policy for this course is zero tolerance for any form of plagiarism and academic misconduct. All cases will be dealt by the Dean of the College. Please refer to the regulation outlined in the student handbook and course outline regarding academic misconduct. ENG3380 Winter 2017
Advice Attend all Lectures! Attend Labs! Attempt all assignments Make use of your Teaching Assistant Put sufficient hours in Project Don’t leave things to the last minute! Manage your time!!!!!!!!!! ENG3380 Winter 2017
Questions? ENG3380 Winter 2017