TV Series Relationship By Hieu Minh Dao #2012100130
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin They first met in a bar called Maclaren. Ted fell in love with Robin at first sight. He tried to do a lot of silly things to get Robin’s attentions. He said I LOVE YOU on the first date. They fell in love with each other. They broke up with each other. They fell in love and broke up a few more times actually.
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin They finally became friends. Ted and Robin helps each other out a lot of times. There are so many times Ted and Robin had feelings for each other again but they decided not to tell the other person. And at the end of the last season, they ended up being with each other AGAIN!! What a shockkk!
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin I think that this relationship is both healthy and unhealthy. It’s healthy because the feelings that Ted had for Robin was very real and he have done a lot of incredible things for her but at the same time it’s unhealthy because in the episode named “Benefits”, Ted and Robin are friends and Robin was staying in Ted’s house. Every time they have an argument, instead of fixing it, they sleep with each other. That is abuse of relationship and I think that is not very healthy.
Arrow: Oliver Queen vs. Slade Wilson A billionaire and a professional assassin. First met in a island called Lian Yu. Oliver’s ship was wrecked and he was stuck on the island. Oliver wasn’t alone in Lian Yu, there were a lot of bad people that were trying to kill him. And then he met Slade, another guy who was stuck on Lian Yu too. Slade taught Oliver how to fight, how to use a bow and how to survive so they could get off the island together.
Arrow: Oliver Queen vs. Slade Wilson The plan would have been perfect if Oliver didn’t accidently killed Shado, a girl that Slade had strong feelings for. From good friends, they became enemies. Oliver thought he killed Slade by an arrow through his eyes, but he didn’t die. After Oliver came back to Starling city and became the Arrow, Slade returned too for his revenge. He called himself Deathstroke. He killed Oliver’s mother in front of Oliver and his sister eyes. Finally he was killed by Oliver Queen.
Arrow: Oliver Queen vs. Slade Wilson The relationship is very very unhealthy because Slade has an ultimately hate for Oliver and he wants to do the worst things to Oliver and his family. “To kill you now would be a mercy. You cannot die until you have suffered the same way I have suffered, until you have known complete despair, and you will, I promise.” Slade said that quote to Oliver when Oliver was in Slade hands. He could kill Oliver right away (Mirakuru) but he didn’t choose that because he wants Oliver to suffer more than dead. Therefore this relationship is very unhealthy.
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Barney First met in Maclaren, just like Ted and Robin. Became best friends since then. Barney always want to be Ted’s wingman. They helped each other to get the ladies many times. Barney invented the Bro Code with Ted. Both used to be in the relationship with Robin and both could be friends with her after break up.
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Barney Ted and Barney’s relationship was very healthy because they were best friends and nothing could separate them. Ted and Barney could do everything to help each other out no matter what. When Ted had feelings for Robin again and he knows that Barney had the same feelings for her, Ted gave up and helped Barney to purpose Robin to marry him. Ted became Barney’s best man in Barney and Robin’s wedding BROES OVER H@#*@%$*!!!!!!!!
The Walking Dead: Nick And Shane Both were sheriffs in Atlanta city. Shane had a feeling for Lori, Nick’s wife for a long time. Nick was shot and left in a coma. When he waked up, all he saw are walkers around the city and his wife and son were lost. Actually, Shane took them away from the city and Lori thought that Nick was dead and started to love Shane. Nick escaped from Atlanta to find his wife and finally he found his family, Lori did not want Nick to know about her relationship with Shane and Shane was very angry. Shane was killed when attempt to try to kill his best friend, Nick.
The Walking Dead: Nick And Shane Nick and Shane’s relationship is unhealthy just because Shane wanted to love Lori. Shane and Nick were really close to each other but when Nick was in a coma, Shane took advantage of it and tried to steal Lori from Nick. When Nick got her back, even though he knew about Shane and Lori but he didn’t say anything to Shane and Lori, he kept it in silence but Shane still mad and tried to kill Nick.
Tom and Jerry A big, dark grey cat and a tiny brown mice. They lives in a kitchen in Tom’s owner house. Everyday Jerry tries to irritate Tom by a lot of ways: Get food in the fridge, tease Tom, make fun of Tom. They always chase each other. But in the end, they are always friends instead of enemies. This relationship is both healthy and unhealthy because even though Tom and Jerry fight all the time, they also help each other against other evil cats.