KIDCHEN – Solution For Busy Parents And For Cooking Lovers Kids Yinon Horesh, Lev Yohananov, Idan Daniel Research Design Production Evaluate Strategy OVERVIEW USER SURVEY KIDCHEN allows parents who don’t have time to prepare a meal for their kids to teach them how to do it by themselves. Especially when the kids coming back from school while the parents are at work. The parents can upload recipes and videos with explanations and by that they can choose the food their kids eating. Most children of parents who have a career, often consume unhealthy food. Almost all children love to eat homemade food and would like to learn how to prepare such food by themselves. Typically, careerists with children not always have time to cook for them and obviously would count on an app that her one of her purposes is to teach children how to cook in an easy way. OBJECTIVE Help families with parents careerists: Parents: Supervising the food consumed by their children. Children: Independent cooking of healthy and homemade food. Choose Categories EVALUATION RESULTS Major design concerns Organized vs. Creative Efficiency vs. Excessiveness Interviewees emphasized the need of a simple and enjoyable app that allows children how to prepare food for themselves. APPROACH Choose a meal Recipe