¡Hola, estudiantes! ¡Espero que Uds. tengan un buen Viernes! Hello, students! Hope you guys have a great Friday! I’m in Missouri standing up in my friend’s wedding, so this video will help you guys get the same awesome lesson as the A-day students! P.S. Be prepared to show Sra. M. the HW for today (i.e.your flipped classroom notes next class)!
Las metas… Para tener éxito… We’re learning to… We’ll know we’re successful when we can… use essential vocabulary in a variety of contexts: calendar, months, days, personality traits, family members, useful words evaluate language, determining what is negative & what is positive, & use it appropriately read in Spanish and identify vocabulary, main ideas, and supporting details complete the circle conversation sheet correctly participate in the table conversation, asking & answering each type of question correctly complete the practice sheet focusing on yo también/yo tampoco understand the passage we read and describe each person in the passage and compare/contrast them with each other based on the information we learn know what is expected of us on the evidence next class
Directions for Activity #1: The substitute will pass out a handout to each student. You will notice that there are three columns on the sheet, and in English, those are: ‘In English’, ‘Question’, and ‘Answer.’ Write in pencil (so you can correct any mistakes) and work with your table team for five minutes to try and fill in the blanks. Use the parts I’ve provided for you to help you complete this task. Substitute: Pause the video. After five minutes, press play again. Students: You must have this completed sheet with you next class with Sra. M.
Directions for Activity #2: Practice having a conversation with one of your tablemates in pure Spanish for 6 minutes. Make sure to start with a greeting, ask and answer all of the questions on this sheet, include additional questions from our last unit to review, and farewells. - greetings - names - spelling of names - courtesies - age - origin - translation questions - time - farewells Substitute: Pause the video. After six minutes, press play again. Students: This is a good example of a resource to use and an activity to do in ACP or any other time outside of class to improve your speaking/conversational skills.
Directions for Activity #3: Turn over your Circle Conversation sheet that you were just using. Substitute: Pause the video. After four minutes, press play again. Students: You must have this completed sheet with you next class with Sra. M.
Directions for Activity #4: The substitute will pass your reading passages back out to you. He/she will also put the containers of colored pencils in the center of your tables. Grab one of each color. Your small table group has 15 minutes to complete task numbers 2 and 4 in the list above. Substitute: Pause the video. After fifteen minutes, press play again. Students: You must turn this sheet in completed after the activity is finished.
Directions for Activity #5: Next class you will have a writing evidence – Criterion D: Using language in written form (grammar!). The substitute will now pass out the directions, rubric and example for you to look at. Substitute: Pause the video to pass out the packet and then press play once everyone has one. Students: You must have this packet with you next class with Sra. M. when you actually do the evidence!
¡Tenemos una evidencia la clase próxima! Be prepared! Must know how to use the essential vocabulary correctly all forms of ser (soy, eres, es, somos, son) family member vocabulary adjectives palabras útiles May practice all of the above using the resources on our website and even writing practice sentences, but your actual poem must be written in class on the day of the evidence. Must bring in all of your Spanish materials on the day of the evidence, including your blue sheet. You are able to use your materials during the evidence – a rare opportunity! Must think creatively & bring in any photos/craft supplies needed to make the presentation reflect your awesome personality
Directions for Activity #6: Use the rest of the class time to get out a lined sheet of paper and to write a rough draft of your poem. You must work alone and do this independently, but you may use any of your resources in your binder to help you. Make sure your heading is on your paper. You will turn this rough draft in to the substitute before leaving today. Sra. M. will read them & underline any errors you have. Substitute: Pause the video and allow students to work until 2-3 minutes before the bell is going to ring. Collect all rough drafts and place them in the class’ basket (B1, B2, or B4).