Advertising on the #1 Search Engine in the World Brought to you by Proud member of the: Manitoba Chamber Of Commerce Calgary Chamber Of Commerce
Agenda Presentation Topics: Introduction to Google Advertising (AdWords) Google’s Ad Distribution Network Primary Benefits and Features of AdWords How does Adwords work? Online Advertising Stats and Trends Why choose Breeze Max Web?
Introduction to Google Advertising (Adwords) SEO? Social Media?
What Is Google? Google has a search engine that will gather, sort & report information from the Internet, based on your topic of interest But, Google also offers a lot more than search alone… Google is a search engine. A search engine is a website that gathers, sorts and reports information form the internet on a topic you specify. Google searches billions of documents, files, and websites in seconds. Google then provides a list of results with the most relevant information at the top. This list of files, documents, and websites is called the Google Search Results. Google can be accessed on internet by typing the following web address into the address bar a the top of your internet browser: The Google homepage looks like this, with a search field prominently displayed in the center. NEXT ANIMATION Above the search field are a list of links for different types of specialized searches you can perform, such as images, news, and others. Below the search field are links to different Google programs, including the link on the left which leads you to the AdWords advertising program. In the center of the page is the search field, where you would type your topic of interest. After typing your topic of interest, you can select either the Google Search or I’m Feeling Lucky button. The Google Search button will take you to the Google Search Results. The I’m Feeling Lucky button will take you to the first website or document from the Google Search Results.
What is Google Advertising? Your customers see your ad when they search Next to the search results, ads can appear both on the right hand side of the page and occasionally above the search results. These are put there by Google’s online advertising product, called Google AdWords. Ads are triggered by the user query - this is called keyword advertising. On a following slide you’ll learn more about keyword advertising. Your ad reaches users at the moment they demonstrate interest *ONLY 11 SPOTS TO ADVERTISE*
Keyword Advertising Targeted advertising Better advertiser ROI than untargeted ads Improved user experience Keywords are terms that advertisers chose that trigger their ads on Google. As in the case you just saw, the advertisers chose the keyword ‘flowers’. When a user of types a search query into the search field, as shown here, NEXT ANIMATION the appropriate ads are triggered along with the search results. These ads are relevant to the keyword ‘flowers’, and could appear on the Google search results page. These advertisers are hoping that users will click on their ads, and be taken to the advertiser’s website to conduct business. Keyword advertising has many distinct benefits. It allows you to target your ads specifically to users who are looking for your product or service, and avoid those users who are not likely to become your customers. As a result, you can get a better return on investment, also known as ROI, for your advertising budget. Targeted advertising also helps Google users find what they’re looking for, ensuring that they will continue using Google and providing a valuable source of potential customers for our advertisers. Next you’ll take a closer look at a typical AdWords ad.
Google’s Ad Distribution Network
Google Network Basics – Ad Distribution The Google Network consists of Google sites & partner properties that use Google AdSense to serve AdWords ads These properties include: Search sites, content pages, newsletters, email services & discussion boards Other 10% The Google Network reaches over 90% of Internet Users worldwide* network 90% Content publishers, including: Google properties, including: Search partners, including: The Google Network reaches 80% of Internet users worldwide. The Google Network consists of Web properties, including Google properties, partner search sites, and content properties. They include major Web portals and sites that are enrolled in the Google AdSense program. With these channels, advertisers’ campaigns can reach some of the best-known e-commerce sites on the Web, like, and content sites targeted to users with special interests, like * Source: comScore Media Metrix (September, 2004)
Google Network Basics With the Google Network advertisers can: Reach a vast and highly-targeted audience Target ads to search results and relevant Web content Opt-in or opt-out of search and content distribution The Google Network allows advertisers to reach millions of qualified users by distributing ads on search results and relevant Web content on a wide variety of sites and products. Advertisers can choose to show their ads on Google’s search network, content network, or both. Note that all ads are opted-in to appear on the Google Network unless advertisers edit their distribution preferences. ANIMATION And by default, AdWords ads appear on the search results pages of
Ad Distribution Example Search query: ‘SUV’ Here you can see a sample page of search results from one of the Google Network properties: America Online. The user has performed a search on the word flowers, as shown at the top of the screen. ANIMATION The four ads that appear in the middle of the page, under the title Sponsored Links, are AdWords ads. You can also see here that the format of the ads is slightly different from the way they appear on Google. Google adjusts the format of your ads automatically when they appear on our partner websites. Just as on, you are charged when a user clicks on your ad on this page, but not when a user views your ad and does not click. Four AdWords ads under the title ‘Sponsored Links’
Benefits of AdWords
What Google can do for Advertisers Advertising on Google can help an advertiser meet many objectives Determining, measuring, and tracking metrics helps ensure success Objective Example Success Metrics Generate awareness Build brand Educate prospects Targeted impressions Qualified visits your website Depth of involvement Generate leads Identify prospects Request for proposals Coupon downloads Newsletter registrations Email address opt-ins Advertising on Google can help an advertiser meet many objectives. When selling AdWords, determining your customers’ metrics in advance can help you sell a Google advertising program that will meet their objectives and ensure success. For example, if advertiser’s marketing objectives are branding, building awareness or educating prospects… AdWords can target that message to an audience that is likely to be receptive. If the advertiser’s objective is generating leads, or identifying sales prospects, AdWords will track ads that lead to these results, for example, driving event registrations or newsletter sign-ups. Lastly, if the advertiser wants to generate sales and acquire new customers, talk with them and find out how they measure this, is it thru sales conversions, site registrations, or thru requests for catalogs or store locations. Marketers use the AdWords platform to meet many objectives. Probe in detail, to discover the advertiser’s marketing objectives and how they plan to measure their advertising program’s success. Customer acquisition Sales Sales conversions = $$$ Lower cost per lead/sale
Benefits of AdWords The primary benefits of AdWords include: REACH COST TIMING To summarize, Google AdWords offers unparalleled results for advertisers. ANIMATION Your ads are distributed continuously and on a massive scale. With AdWords you can reach approximately 80% of the users on the internet. AdWords also offers a high return on your investment with minimal risk. It costs nothing to start, and you pay only when users click on your ads. Timing is everything, and with AdWords your ad appear when users are searching for your product or a related word, and will be there through all stages of the buying cycle. Finally, Google AdWords offers you complete flexibility and control, so that you have the power to make your advertising campaigns as successful as possible. Start advertising in 15 minutes, and enjoy the ability to make unlimited changes to your account. This concludes the lecture portion of this topic. FLEXIBILITY
Benefits of AdWords: Reach The Google Network reaches over 90% of Internet users* Other 10% Network Google Properties 80% Content Publishers New York Times As mentioned earlier, when you sell Google, you’re selling relevant, real-time distribution on a massive scale. Ads are distributed across Google properties, as well as on partner sites, newsletters and email, reaching over 80% of Internet users. NEXT ANIMATION Google properties include, and Froogle: the Google shopping search engine. In addition, there are thousands of websites in Google’s partner network where your ads could appear. These include large search engines, as well as small specialty websites. By appearing throughout this network, you increase your chances of appearing to those users who have an interest in your product or service. These are sites from which users search the Internet, including AOL, Ask Jeeves and, just to name a few. Google also serves ads on our content partners’ sites. These sites display ads next to relevant content, like product reveiws or news articles. These include The New York Times,, CNET, and many others. As a result, your advertiser’s one ad buy on Google, is matched to over 200 million searches per day and the exact content of hundreds of millions of web pages. The interplay between search and content distribution enables users to see relevant messaging at every stage of the buying cycle. AdWords has a strong global presence, which can be very useful for you if you have a global business and wish to reach users across the world. Please see the training module on Ad Distribution to learn about this subject in detail. Search Partners AOL Amazon Earthlink * Source: comScore Media Metrix (September, 2004)
Google Reaches Global Markets Reach customers around the world on one platform Your customers search Google in over 100 languages #1 search engine in 19 out of 20 countries measured Ranked #1 in 2011 Web Globalization Report Card “Google is arguably the most global commercial Web site ever built.” – John Yunker, Chief Analyst, Byte Level Research Sources: Measured by Media Metrix and NetRatings (September 2009); “2009 Web Globalization Report Card,” Byte Level Research (November 2004)
Benefits of AdWords: Timing Ads are continuously matched to Internet users’ interests Ads are placed as buying decisions are made The Result: You reach your audience at the right time, with the right message Another benefit to advertisers is the timing of AdWords. ANIMATION In internet advertising, timing is very important. Google AdWords ads connect you with new customers by being in the right place, and, more importantly, by engaging them at precisely the right moment. Ads are continuously matched to internet users’ interests. The fact that they're on the Web, actively reading pages and searching terms related to your product, means they're likely to be interested in what you have to offer. It also means they're likely to act by clicking on your ad to visit your site for more information or, even better, to convert into a customer of yours.
Benefits of AdWords: Flexibility See your ads on Google quickly, no time wasted. Target multiple locations and languages. Ads can be changed depending on season. Incorporate company promotions instantly. Flexibility is one of the key benefits of the AdWords system. ANIMATION Whether creating a new account or editing an existing ad, you can see your new ads on Google quickly. ANIMATION You also have the flexibility to change your ads whenever you like. The AdWords system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the number of changes you can make is unlimited. ANIMATION You also have the flexibility of targeting different populations by location and language, which allows you to create targeted ads that will appeal to your audience.
Benefits of AdWords: Summary Reach Access to 90%+ of Internet users worldwide Cost Low costs for high ROI Timing Ads are seen by users looking to purchase Reach your audience at the right time, with the right message Flexibility Start advertising quickly Highly optimized ads You can target ads to the specific location & language of your customers To summarize, Google AdWords offers unparalleled results for advertisers. ANIMATION Your ads are distributed continuously and on a massive scale. With AdWords you can reach approximately 80% of the users on the internet. AdWords also offers a high return on your investment with minimal risk. It costs nothing to start, and you pay only when users click on your ads. Timing is everything, and with AdWords your ad appear when users are searching for your product or a related word, and will be there through all stages of the buying cycle. Finally, Google AdWords offers you complete flexibility and control, so that you have the power to make your advertising campaigns as successful as possible. Start advertising in 15 minutes, and enjoy the ability to make unlimited changes to your account. Plus, you can target ads to the specific location & language of your users.
How does Adwords work? To summarize, Google AdWords offers unparalleled results for advertisers. ANIMATION Your ads are distributed continuously and on a massive scale. With AdWords you can reach approximately 80% of the users on the internet. AdWords also offers a high return on your investment with minimal risk. It costs nothing to start, and you pay only when users click on your ads. Timing is everything, and with AdWords your ad appear when users are searching for your product or a related word, and will be there through all stages of the buying cycle. Finally, Google AdWords offers you complete flexibility and control, so that you have the power to make your advertising campaigns as successful as possible. Start advertising in 15 minutes, and enjoy the ability to make unlimited changes to your account. This concludes the lecture portion of this topic.
What is Pay Per Click Advertising? Ongoing auction of keywords – 24/7 The more popular the keyword the higher the demand & higher the bid hence the more expensive. PPC can be purchased directly from the Search Engines (Self-Provisioning) or managed by a Search Engine Marketing firm. Usually include the top two to three listings at the top of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) – will be lightly shaded in a pastel colour and at the right hand side of the page.
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising? Cost per Click, or CPC advertising, means you are only charged when a user clicks on your ad and is taken to your website. You are not charged every time your ad appears on Google – this is an impression. (whether it is clicked or not) A click is defined as the action a user takes to select your ad, and be taken to your website.
Advantages of PPC Can quickly drive qualified prospects to your site Flexible – you determine when, where, how much and how long Target any # of keywords Great for seasonality, changing messages Ability to test and optimize
Select appropriate user-based keywords How Does It Work? Choose your Keywords You choose keywords which are words or phrases related to your business. The more specific the Keyword, the more targeted searcher you will attract. This improves your Click Through Rate (CTR) and your Quality Score. But it will also reduce the number of impressions. For Example: Car Buy Car Buy New Car Buy New Hybrid Car The next few slides are an overview of how PPC works but again you don’t have to become the AdWords expert but it will certainly help to be knowledgeable on the subject. Some of these slides were taken from the Sales Certification courses particularly the one called Introduction to Paid Search created by Search Engine People, and I would really encourage you to take this course or review it again. It only takes about one hour. Banks were bidding on RRSP but many users were typing in RSP!!!! “But it will also reduce the number of impressions”…which is not a problem; this is targeted marketing and you want a higher CTR to 1) bring you highly qualified clicks, and 2) to enhance the placement of your ad on Google (by improving your Quality Score!!!) Select appropriate user-based keywords
Ad copy is critical! Content is still King!!! How Does It Work? Write your Ads Ad title is limited to 25 characters including spaces. The next two lines of ad text are each limited to 35 characters including spaces. The last line of ad text indicates the web address to which the ad links. Ad copy should contain a unique selling proposition and a call to action! Write multiple ads for each ad group in order to learn which copy produces the most clicks! Last bullet is what YPG reps already do best!!! Ad copy is critical! Content is still King!!!
How Does It Work? PPC requires ongoing management and expertise Set Your Budget Daily budget, monthly total, and cost per click Set your maximum Cost Per Click (CPC) Higher CPCs yield higher ad positions Select your region/country/city targeting Geo-targeting options: Radius around specific location e.g. within 25 kms of Toronto Can exclude regions too e.g. all Ontario except Toronto Select day parting Best time of day for your ads e.g. pizza ads from 11am to 3am Best days of week e.g. M-F only for BTB accounts You could introduce this slide by saying: Now that you’ve created your ad groups, written different ads for each based on keywords that users actually search for, you now need to determine when, where and how often you would like your ads to appear. PPC requires ongoing management and expertise Do not ‘Set it and forget it’!
How do you optimize your PPC campaign? How Does It Work? How do you optimize your PPC campaign?
Online Advertising Stats & Trends
Search Advertising is Far More Cost Effective Search Advertising is cheap and effective vs. other ad methods $0.29 $0.50 $1.18 $2.00 $9.94 40% Search * U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray, New Methods in Search Marketing: Contextual Advertising and Other Evolutions (Safa Rashtchy), June 2004
Google’s Mobile Search Market Share. An Estimated, Whopping 98 Google’s Mobile Search Market Share. An Estimated, Whopping 98.29% GOOGLE MOBILE
Why Choose Breeze Max Web? You will have Google Adwords Certified professionals working on your campaign. Breeze Max Web is a proud member of the BBB and The Toronto Board of Trade and many other credible associations across Canada We review your company website for the highest possible optimization for Google. 2. Assist in selecting the best keywords or phrases to market with. 3. Our script writers and Google experts create your advert. 4. Within 48 hours, website placement on the first page of Google in your local area/s. 5. One stop shop for effective online advertising. To summarize, Google AdWords offers unparalleled results for advertisers. ANIMATION Your ads are distributed continuously and on a massive scale. With AdWords you can reach approximately 80% of the users on the internet. AdWords also offers a high return on your investment with minimal risk. It costs nothing to start, and you pay only when users click on your ads. Timing is everything, and with AdWords your ad appear when users are searching for your product or a related word, and will be there through all stages of the buying cycle. Finally, Google AdWords offers you complete flexibility and control, so that you have the power to make your advertising campaigns as successful as possible. Start advertising in 15 minutes, and enjoy the ability to make unlimited changes to your account. Plus, you can target ads to the specific location & language of your users.