Natural Resource Management Land use change strategies to reduce the greenhouse gas emission-intensity of farming systems Dr John Bailey, Professor Jim McAdam, Mr Chris Johnston, Mrs Linda Walsh, Dr Erin Sherry, Dr Myles Patton, Dr Dario Fornara, Dr Rachael Carolan, Dr Donnacha Doody, Mr Alex Higgins, Dr Rachel Cassidy, Dr Gary Lyons, Dr Suzanne Higgins, Dr Rodrigo Olave Precision Agriculture & Big Data Soil Managing Nutrients Water Reducing Phosphorus loading Air Mitigating GHG & NH3 Emissions Renewable Energy Agro-Forestry Managing Biomass & tree crops Sustainable Production Natural Resource Management
Managing Soil Nutrients Challenges for Industry and Policy More than 50% of grassland is over-supplied with P and posing a threat to water quality, whereas 30% is under-supplied with P and under-performing Under-utilization of fertiliser N, S and K and lime is under-mining sustainability of grass-based production in NI N def S def K def What AFBI is doing? Providing new region-specific N and P recommendations for grassland Identifying strategies to manage organic manures sustainably in intensive livestock production systems Researching the potential of Precision Agriculture technologies to address nutrient inefficiency problems
Managing Water Quality Challenges for Industry and Policy Agriculture is one of the major contributors to eutrophication of surface waters in Northern Ireland Need to reduce P loading to water to meet requirements of the EU Nitrate and Water Framework Directives What AFBI is doing? Apportioning the contribution of agriculture to N and P losses Defining water quality targets in catchment studies Evaluating management options for lowering nutrient losses from soil to water Investigating factors controlling biological recovery in surface waters
Managing Air Quality Challenges for Industry and Policy Methane and nitrous oxide from NI agriculture account for 28% of our greenhouse gas emissions. Need to reduce carbon footprint and mitigate effects of climate change Agric 28% What AFBI is doing? Research to produce a more accurate inventory of UK GHG emissions Identifying strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from different soils, manures and fertilisers Investigating the potential for carbon sequestration by soil/forests to offset C emissions Demonstrating the low GHG footprint of livestock production