Visions December 11, 2016 3rd Week of Advent
Cover Work in your group to answer these questions What do these sign tell us? Can you read the sign of the times? Which show problems of our times? Fair food prices immigration Which show opportunities and hope People who care for the environment, Technology Crib scene, we remember and follow Jesus
Gospel Matthew 11: 2-11 Cycle and author Prophet - speak for God, calls people to du just deeds, help the poor, sick and disable, and to worship 5Readers: Narrator, Disciple 1, 2, Jesus 1, 2, and 3 Talk ? Blind see, lame walk, lepers are cured, deaf hear, dead are raised, poor hear good news
Jesus’ Actions continue in the Sacraments” p Jesus’ Actions continue in the Sacraments” p. 6-7 done 4th & 6th period 12/16 Read together/ in class on Tuesday 12/13 to be finished for homework When are people touched during a sacrament? Making the sign of the cross on the forehead at Baptism Laying of hands at Confirmation and Holy Orders Blessing and forgiveness in Reconciliation Anointing of the Sick with oil on forehead and hands Placing of rings at weddings Why is touch a part of almost every sacrament? It makes Jesus' loving actions visible and real What is water a sign of? Washes us and gives new life What is oil a sign of? Seal and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit What is bread and wine a sign of? Celebration of basic food we need and a pledge and promise we make
“Second Isaiah, Prophet of Hope” p.5 Read together First Isaiah (1st and 2nd week) He is a priest who images a Messiah of peace in a time of bloody war Babylonians destroy the Temple in Jerusalem, captives live in exile, called the Babylonian Exile The captives as God’s suffering servant Second Isaiah – prophet of hope, God will bring the people back, healing of people = Jesus is the Messiah Third Isaiah – trust God, your light will come