13 Public life of Jesus LANFRANCO, Giovanni


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Presentation transcript:

13 Public life of Jesus LANFRANCO, Giovanni Miracle of the Bread and Fish 1620-23 Oil on canvas, 229 x 426 cm National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin 13 Public life of Jesus ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

Compendium of the Catechism 108. Why did Jesus manifest the Kingdom by means of signs and miracles? 547-550 567 Jesus accompanied his words with signs and miracles to bear witness to the fact that the Kingdom is present in him, the Messiah. Although he healed some people, he did not come to abolish all evils here below but rather to free us especially from the slavery of sin. The driving out of demons proclaimed that his cross would be victorious over “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31).

Introduction We christians "have to meditate on the life of Jesus, from His birth in a stable right up to His death and resurrection (...). For we do need to know it well, to have it in our heart and mind, so that at any time, without any book, we can close our eyes and contemplate His life, watching it like a movie (...). If we do this without holding back, Christ's words will enter deep into our soul and will really change us." (Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Christ is passing by, n. 107). We christians "have to meditate on the life of Jesus, from His birth in a stable right up to His death and resurrection (...). For we do need to know it well, to have it in our heart and mind, so that at any time, without any book, we can close our eyes and contemplate His life, watching it like a movie (...). In this way we become involved in His life. It is not a matter of just thinking about Jesus, of recalling some scenes of His life. We must be completely involved and play a part in His life. We should follow Him as closely as Mary His Mother did, as closely as the first twelve, the holy women, the crowds that pressed about Him. If we do this without holding back, Christ's words will enter deep into our soul and will really change us." (Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Christ is passing by, n. 107). These words, written by a holy priest who loved Christ intensely, may help us to get better acquainted with Christ's life, and so to love Him more every day. GIORDANO, Luca Raising of Lazarus c. 1675 Oil on canvas, 256 x 362 cm Private collection

Main ideas ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

1. The mysteries of the public life of Jesus From the many events of the three years of the public life of Jesus, we can highlight: the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, the temptations in the desert, the preaching of the Kingdom of God, the transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, His messianic entry into Jerusalem, and the mysteries of His Passion, Death and Resurrection so as to redeem mankind. From the many events of the three years of the public life of Jesus, we can highlight the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, the temptations in the desert, the preaching of the Kingdom of God, the transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, His messianic entry into Jerusalem, and the mysteries of His Passion, Death and Resurrection so as to redeem mankind. CRANACH, Lucas the Elder Christ and the Adulteress 1532 Oil on panel, 82,5 x 121 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

2. Jesus' Baptism in the River Jordan The public life of Jesus begins with His Baptism. The Baptism of Jesus was the public manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God, equal to the Father, before the people of Israel. Jesus' Baptism recalls our own baptism. The public life of Jesus begins with His Baptism. John the Baptist was reluctant to baptize Him, but Jesus insisted and John consented. The Baptism of Jesus was the public manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God, equal to the Father, before the people of Israel. Jesus' Baptism recalls our own baptism. CARRACCI, Annibale The Baptism of Christ 1584 S. Gregorio, Bolonia

3. The temptation of Christ in the wilderness After being baptized, Jesus went to the desert to pray and fast, allowing himself to be tempted by the devil. Jesus' replies to the tempter showed His filial identification with the salvific plan of God, His Father. Every year the Church celebrates these forty days of Jesus in the wilderness, where, to set us example, with His fasting, He overcame the devil's temptations. After being baptized, Jesus went to the desert to pray and fast, allowing himself to be tempted by the devil. Jesus' replies to the tempter showed His filial identification with the salvific plan of God, His Father. Every year the Church celebrates these forty days of Jesus in the wilderness, where, to set us example, with His fasting, He overcame the devil's temptations. DUCCIO di Buoninsegna Temptation on the Mount 1308-11 Tempera on wood, 43 x 46 cm Frick Collection, New York

4. The preaching about the Kingdom of God Jesus came to the world to preach the Kingdom of God and to found His Church. The Sermon on the Mount and the parables are a specially significant part of His preaching. He confirmed His mission with His holiness and His miracles. From the beginning of His public life, Jesus chose twelve apostles to be with Him and to share closely in His mission. Jesus came to the world to preach the Kingdom of God and to found His Church. The Sermon on the Mount and the parables are a specially significant part of His preaching. He confirmed His mission with His holiness and His miracles. From the beginning of His public life, Jesus chose twelve apostles to be with Him and to share closely in His mission. DOMENICO DI MICHELINO Dante and the Three Kingdoms 1465 Oil on canvas Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

5. The transfiguration of Christ on the Mount Tabor Jesus was transfigured before three of His disciples -Peter, James and John- in order to strengthen their faith because His Passion was close at hand. Following tradition, this transfiguration occurred on Mount Tabor. Jesus was transfigured before three of His disciples -Peter, James and John- in order to strengthen their faith because His Passion was close at hand. Following tradition, this transfiguration occurred on Mount Tabor. ANGELICO, Fra Transfiguration 1440-41 Fresco, 193 x 164 cm Convento di San Marco, Florence

6. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Jesus went up to Jerusalem willingly, ready to die. The messianic entry into Jerusalem, which we celebrate on Palm Sunday, shows the coming of the Kingdom that the Messiah-King -greeted in His town by the children and the humble of heart- would carry out with His death and resurrection. Jesus went up to Jerusalem willingly, ready to die; He knew that in that city the salvation of mankind would be fulfilled through His sacrifice on the Cross. The messianic entry into Jerusalem, which we celebrate on Palm Sunday, shows the coming of the Kingdom that the Messiah-King -greeted in His town by the children and the humble of heart- would carry out with His death and resurrection. GIOTTO di Bondone No. 26 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 10. Entry into Jerusalem 1304-06 Fresco, 200 x 185 cm Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua

7. From the Cenacle to Calvary "When Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." (John 13:1). Then Jesus opened His Heart in a long speech framed around: the washing of feet, in which he gives His disciples example in humility and service; the new commandment of love, that He entrusts to them; the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood: "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke, 22:19); the promise of the Holy Spirit; the priestly prayer of Jesus, that opens the prospect of the glory of the Cross. BASSANO, Jacopo The Last Supper 1542 Oil on canvas "When Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." (John, 13,1). In this way John introduces the tale of the last events of the life of Jesus before His Passion. These last scenes of the life of Jesus reveal how much He suffered and how much He loved us. He sent two disciples to prepare the Passover, and Jesus with His Apostles sat at table in a room traditionally known as the Cenacle. Then Jesus opened His Heart in a long speech framed around the washing of feet, in which he gives His disciples example in humility and service; the new commandment of love, that He entrusts to them; the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood ("Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke, 22:19)); the promise of the Holy Spirit; the priestly prayer of Jesus, that opens the prospect of the glory of the Cross, whereby the glory of the Father is restored and the doors of heaven are opened to mankind. With so many sufferings -and the treachery of Judas and Peter's denials were not the least-, God the Father glorified His Son with His resurrection and His ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

8. Knowing the life of Jesus Every Christian should know the life of Jesus, and reproduce Christ's life in his or her own life. Reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture will help us, because from Scripture we will learn how to follow Jesus; He, then, will show us the way to holiness in our ordinary life, in our family and in our work. Every Christian should know the life of Jesus, and reproduce Christ's life in his or her own life. Reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture will help us, because from Scripture we will learn how to follow Jesus; He, then, will show us the way to holiness in our ordinary life, in our family and in our work. BOSCH, Hieronymus Christ Carrying the Cross Oil on panel, 150 x 94 cm Palacio Real, Madrid

Resolutions for Christian life ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

Resolutions to move forward Read and meditate every day some passage from the Gospel about the life of Jesus Jesus is our model in everything; let us imitate the life of Christ in our dealings with other people.