v4-18-Release P. Hristov 21/06/2010
Reconstruction passes #68281 Request to reconstruct B=0 data again (MUON) #67847 Reconstruct EMCAL only for several runs, test ZS cuts #68230 Pass0 reconstruction with AliRoot Revision - AddTaskTPCCalib macro
Not ready 15/06/2010 #67596 Add a few per-object properties in the QA #68493 "busy flag cleared" and warnings from TBasket in RAW data reco
Committed changes #68796 Request to port rev. 41730 (MUON QA for Amore) #68790 Change Kink Seeding Procedure. From rev. 41747 #68750 New input file to be added for TOF in TEST SHUTTLE. From rev. 38717,41502,41271,41767 #68738 ITS QA Porting requests (SDD). From rev. 41651 #68737 ZDC - request to port code to the release #68734 port to Release AliT0QADataMakerRec #68730 Dip in reconstruction efficiency at low eta #68721 HLT breaks in simulation. From rev. 41797
Committed changes #66294: vmctest/gun simulations crash in AliT0Digitizer for SLC5 32 bit #68823: Request to port r41740 and r41741 to release: AliMagF produces AliFatal in initialization fail #68828: porting SPDDatMakerRec to the release. From rev. 41732 #67568: Geometry fixes for forward physics. From rev. 41746 #68425 AliMpDDLStore/AliMpDEStore looping #68133 Filtering of ESDFriends at reconstruction level
Changes: OCDB #68792 Please port refined TPC TimeGain calibration entry to OCDB #68708 Missing object GRP/GRP/LHCData for run 115401
Requests #68965 ZDC - request to port code to the release #68892 Port HMPID file in the release #68821 Request to port rev.41843 into release (TOF simulation code update to use raw OCDB) #68970 FMD - missing QA reference object for FMD/QA/Calib and /Cosmic #68972 Reference objects QAref/TRD/QA/Calib and QAref/TRD/QA/Cosmic missing for many detectors #68312 Improper usage of TClonesArrays in ITS #66141 Memory leak in EMCAL
Requests: OCDB #69018 Update bad channel map in OCDB (EMCAL) #69017 Port Bad Channel map to OCDB (EMCAL)
Other reports #68956 TRD/AliTRDCalibraFit.cxx- wrong 'const char *' handling #68917 Improper usage of TClonesArrays in ITS -- 2 #68914 Improper usage of TClonesArrays in EMCAL #68837 Correction for the wrong CTP alignment in the second fill of 2010 900 GeV data #68826 Request to retrieve TOF DCS datapoints for LHC10c runs@900GeV
Other reports (15/06/10) #68743 problem accessing field map during pass 1 reconstruction of chunk 10000120066030.290 #68561 Return code from loadlibs*.C macros #68603 wrong (?) material definition in ITS #68371 Propagate the bunch intenisties to the ESDs
Other reports (26/05/10) #68107 TRD: Steep efficiency drop for SA tracker after rev 41167 #68057 Big leak in analysis when using ESD friends #67958 Fortran's open call should open explicitly for read-only #67887 Crash during reconstruction of data #67870 Proposal to move the check of BX id at reconstruction #67806 Strange memory profile of some jobs (killed by batch) #68145 Bug in AliExternalTrackParam::PropagateToBxByBz
Other reports (17/05/10) #67805 AliMUONTrackExtrap crash in RAW reco #67568 Geometry fixes for forward physics #67493 Aliroot trunk breaks in reconstruction
Memory #66532 EMCAL: Clean usage of TClonesArrays in the AliEMCALLoader
Other reports (10/05/10) #66917: SPD services inside thermal screen #66689 Enabling QA in reconstruction clones the same HMPID digits to many events #66608 Optical surface set to non-existing volume
Other reports (27/04/2010) #66362 Problem in creating to instances of AliEMCALGeoUtils #66237 Errors from AliFMDv1::Init when geometry is loaded from a file
Other reports (27/04/2010) #66137 Error message in T0 ppbench simulation #66135 Provide MakeOCDB for TPC pass 0 as compiled code
Memory (27/04/2010) #66147 Very large memory allocation in ITS #66146 Very large memory allocation in TOF #66145 Very large memory allocation in TRD #66144 Very large memory allocation in AliTRDQADataMakerRec::InitRecPoints() #66143 Very large memory allocation in AliITSQASDDDataMakerRec::InitRecPoints() #66140 Memory leak in TPC #66501 Memory leak in AliITSV0Finder
Old slides
Not ready (05/05/2010) #46310 Displaying the track residuals with AliEve #63966 Propagate function in AliITSV0Finder #63914 Increasing time per event #64752 Missing OCDB entries in ITS visualization code #65803 High virtual memory consumption in the ITS local reconstruction #65677 Missing default object for some OCDB entries (TRD in AMORE) #66007 RAW reco crash on event 0 (Rev-12) #67152: AliTagAnalysis:port fix for memory leak and files opened twice
Other reports (19/04/2010) #66084-#66094 Remove gstpar calls and put parameters in galice.cuts – EMCAL, FMD, HMPID, ITS, PHOS, PMD, TPC, TRD, VZERO, ZDC #65935 TRD Offline Calibration - joining the train
Other reports (06/04/10) #64740 PHOS caf reco does not work because of gMinuit #65142 Prepare PWG1 scripts to check QA tasks on the nightly builds
Other reports (23/03/10) #64513 GetEta() method in the AliKFBaseParticle has a problem #64456 Rule checker does not recognize member functions and member variables correctly #64455 Rule checker does not recognize primitive data types used in templates #64454 Rule checker does not evaluate const'ness of function arguments correctly
Other reports: 16/03/2010 #64030 AliQAManager::SetSaveData(kFALSE) creates memory problems #64346 Additional files (AliITSPlaneEff) in the reconstruction #64367 Reconstruction stops somewhere within event 0 if ITS is missing