The Circulatory System Chapter 15
The Cardiorespiratory System Includes function of the heart, blood vessels, circulation, and gas exchange, between the blood and atmosphere. Heart pumps blood through the body through pathways (arteries, veins, and capillaries) Blood is enriched with oxygen when it passes through the lungs As oxygen enters the bloodstream, carbon dioxide leaves it (respiration)
The Circulatory System Course taken by blood through the arteries, capillaries, and veins & back to heart Uses blood to transport dissolved materials throughout body Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste Picks up waste products of cell metabolism & takes to lungs and kidneys (to be expelled from body)
The Heart Two major circulations Location Structure Each has its own pump Both pumps are incorporated into the heart Location Middle of chest, behind sternum, within ribcage Pericardial cavity Above diaphragm Structure Primarily a shell with four chambers inside
Blood Flow Two sides of heart are anatomically and functionally separate pumping units Right side pumps blood through pulmonary circulation Left side pumps blood through systemic circulation
Heart Facts Adult human heart approx size of closed fist About 5 inches long and 3 ½ inches wide Weighs just less than 1 pound Beats about 100,000 times each day Pump about 8,000 gallons of blood through 12,000 miles of vessels each day Contracts and relaxes 70-80 bpm
Structure of Heart Four cavities Atria Ventricles Form curved top of heart Ventricles Meet at bottom of heart to form pointed base Points toward left side of chest
Structure of Heart Left Side Right Side One ventricle One atrium Mitral valve—connects left atrium to left ventricle One ventricle One atrium Tricuspid valve—connects right atrium to right ventricle valves that prevent blood that flows out of the heart from flowing back in. This system of valves keeps blood moving throught the heart in one direction, like traffic on a one-way street. The one-way flow increases the pumping efficiency of the heart. The valves are so important to heart function that surgeons often attempt to repair or replace a damaged valve. Wall, septum, separates right and left sides
Aorta Pulmonary artery Two largest veins: heart’s main artery carries blood away from heart to body’s cells Pulmonary artery artery that connects heart to lungs Two largest veins: Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Two largest veins carry blood inot hear Called “vena cava” b/c they are the “heart’s veins”
As heart contracts, it pushes blood though chambers and into the vessels Nerves connected to the heart regulate the speed of contractions Greater the activity, faster the heart will pump; faster heart pumps, more oxygen and nutrient are carried throughout body
Heart Muscle Pericardium Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium
Blood Only tissue that flows throughout body Carries oxygen & nutrients to all parts of body and transports waste products back to lungs, kidneys, and liver for disposal Essential part of immune system Crucial for fluid and temperature balance Hydraulic fluid for certain functions Highway for hormonal messages Composed of plasma and billions of cells
Plasma The yellowish, liquid part of blood River in which blood cells travel Makes up 55% of total volume Carries blood cells + Nutrients (sugars, amino acids, fats, salts, minerals) Waste products (CO2, lactic acid, urea) Antibodies Clotting proteins (called clotting factors) Chemical messengers (hormones) Proteins that help maintain body’s fluid balance
Blood—RBCs & Hemoglobin Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) Highly specialized cells that have been “stripped” of everything, including nucleus Major job: transporting oxygen Percentage of RBCs in total blood volume called hematocrit Hemoglobin Special red-colored molecule that fills RBCs Picks up oxygen in areas where O2 is abundant and releases O2 in tissues where O2 concentration lowest
Blood—White Blood Cells 5 distinct kinds Neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils Able to change according to need and situation in body Can leave blood stream , sliding out through vessel walls & attacking invaders at site of infections
Blood—Platelets Fragments of much larger cell (megakaryocyte) which stays in bone marrow after it differentiates and matures from stem cell Platelets leave bone marrow & circulate throughout the body When stimulated by substance from damaged tissue, platelets release substance to help clot blood
Blood Vessels Hollow tubes running throughout the body 5 types Arteries Arterioles Veins Venules Capillaries Provide 2 measurements: Pulse Blood pressure
Arteries Blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to organs & cells Muscular walls that allow them to dilate or constrict Arterioles: very small arteries Largest artery=aorta Runs from chest into abdomen Receives blood directly from left ventricle
Veins Blood vessels that carry blood back to heart Thinner wall Contain numerous one-way valves (keep blood moving toward heart) Deep veins in LE surrounded by large muscle groups; compress the deep veins when muscles contract Contractions in extremities helps propel blood toward heart; increase venous return
Veins Largest vein=superior & inferior vena cava Bring blood from upper and lower body into right atrium Venules: smallest veins
Capillaries Tiny, microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries to veins Responsible for transferring oxygen and nutrients to cells Wall so thin that O2 passes from arterial blood through them into cells in organs/tissues Waste products (CO2) pass into capillaries to be carried back by veins to heart/lungs
Coronary Arteries The heart’s own system of blood vessels Located around heart muscle to provide blood and oxygen to all parts of heart Two primary coronary arteries branch off into smaller vessels Right coronary artery: feeds right atrium & ventricle and bottom of left ventricle Left main coronary artery: supplies blood to rest of heart Left anterior descending Circumflex
Heart’s Conduction System Heart’s electrical system Consisting of specialized cells within heart muscle that carry an electrical signal Regulates pumping of heart
Blood Pressure Heart pumps blood into arteries; surge of blood filling vessels creates pressure against vessel walls Pressure measured by 2 numbers: Systolic: highest pressure in heart Correlates to ventricular ctx Average 120 mm/Hg Diastolic: lowest pressure in heart Relates to ventricular ctx Average 80 mm/Hg Pulse pressure: difference between diastolic and systolic pressures
Pulse Rhythmical beating of heart Created by alternating expansion and contraction of artery as blood flows through 7 areas where pulse can be felt Brachial artery Common carotid artery Femoral artery Dorsalis pedis artery Popliteal artery Radial artery Temporal artery
Target Heart Rate Percentage of the maximum heart rate that is safe to reach during exercise AHA recommends 50-75% for average healthy person Calculated 220-age THR is sliding scale that decreases with age Tool for measuring cardiovascular exercise Maintain THR for 15-30 min daily health benefits
Flow of Blood through Heart Superior/inferior vena cava Right atrium Tricuspid valve Right ventricle Semi-lunar valve Pulmonary artery Lungs 1. The right atrium receives deoxygentated blood from the systemic circuit (the body ) through the vena cavae (superior and inferior). 2. Blood flows from the right atrium through the right AV valve ( right atrioventricular valve or tricuspid valve) into the right ventricle. 3. When the right ventricle contracts it pumps blood through the pulmonary semi-lunar valve to enter the pulmonary trunk which starts the pulmonary circuit. valves that prevent blood that flows out of the heart from flowing back in. This system of valves keeps blood moving throught the heart in one direction, like traffic on a one-way street. The one-way flow increases the pumping efficiency of the heart. The valves are so important to heart function that surgeons often attempt to repair or replace a damaged valve. 4. Pulmonary trunk divides into left and right pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary arteries divide smaller and smaller until they deliver blood to gas exchange sites of lungs (alveoli). 5. Once blood is oxygentated it flows back to the heart through the right and left pulmonary veins. 6. Right and left pulmonary veins deliver blood to the left atrium. 7. Blood flows from the left atrium through the left AV valve (aka Mitral or Bicuspid valve) into the left ventricle. 8. Blood is pumped by the strong left ventricle through the aortic semi-lunar valve into the ascending aorta. 9. Blood flows through the aortic arch into the descending aorta.
Flow of Blood through Heart Back to heart via pulmonary vein Left atrium Bicuspid valve Left ventricle Semi-lunar valve Aorta Organs in the body 1. The right atrium receives deoxygentated blood from the systemic circuit (the body ) through the vena cavae (superior and inferior). 2. Blood flows from the right atrium through the right AV valve ( right atrioventricular valve or tricuspid valve) into the right ventricle. 3. When the right ventricle contracts it pumps blood through the pulmonary semi-lunar valve to enter the pulmonary trunk which starts the pulmonary circuit. 4. Pulmonary trunk divides into left and right pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary arteries divide smaller and smaller until they deliver blood to gas exchange sites of lungs (alveoli). 5. Once blood is oxygentated it flows back to the heart through the right and left pulmonary veins. 6. Right and left pulmonary veins deliver blood to the left atrium. 7. Blood flows from the left atrium through the left AV valve (aka Mitral or Bicuspid valve) into the left ventricle. 8. Blood is pumped by the strong left ventricle through the aortic semi-lunar valve into the ascending aorta. 9. Blood flows through the aortic arch into the descending aorta.
Flow of Blood through Heart
Heart Anatomy
Can you label the heart?