The Common Application And Writing Admissions Essays 12.3.17 The Common Application And Writing Admissions Essays By: ASA College Planning Center
Introduction and Ice Breaker Common App Writing Admissions Essay Practice Essay Share Out 10:15 – 10:20 10:20 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:40 10:40 – 10:55 10:55 – 11:00 Agenda How to Plan for College
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Ice Breaker Name the song title that best describes your life… Please be school-appropriate How to Plan for College
The Common Application Fill out one application for all participating colleges. It will be sent to them automatically. Check each college’s website to see if they accept it or if they have their own The Common application will also include a personal statement known as the “college essay” Some colleges will also include a “SUPPLEMENT” This is a mini application specific to the college. It may include extra essays. Create an username and password. You can start logging on right before the start of Senior year. How to Plan for College
The Admissions Essay This is your opportunity to showcase your best qualities, both in writing style and in content. And to show the Admissions Committees what makes you stand out! If you can, find out from each school how they view the essay as an Admissions component. Some schools will consider it more than others, but usually it is of considerable or moderate importance. A powerful, well-written essay can also tip the balance in your favor! Especially where Admissions Officers are looking at applicants with very similar grades and SAT scores. How to Plan for College
The Admissions Essay SHOW, don’t TELL In short answers (50-250 words) or longer essays (max. 650 words), you have to be concise and to the point. Avoid always telling the audience how you felt, instead show them with a story that shows the feeling, without always having to tell them with the same few words. (i.e. “I was so happy”) How to Plan for College
The Admissions Essay: Three Types of Questions Type 1: The “You” Question The College wants to get to know you better- to see how students introduce themselves. Example: "The University of Montana values a diverse student body. What contributions might you make to our campus community outside of academic achievement?" Pros: Direct question, offers a chance to reveal something other than grades and scores. Cons: They can be so open-ended that it could lead to the narrative being a bit scattered. Source: Focus on just a few things and avoid the urge to "spill everything" at once. Do not simply write out your resume in paragraph form. It's better to develop one small event, person, place or feeling with a lot of narrative and specifics. This is a "tell us a story" question. You should tell a story that only you can tell Advisor’s Tips: How to Plan for College
The Admissions Essay: Three Types of Questions Type 2: The “Why Us” Question Admissions Officers want to get to know your goals and interest in their particular college. Example: "How did you become interested in Boston University?" Pros: Provides a focus for the essay; that is, why the student chose this particular college or path — and the answer to that will (hopefully) be clear. Cons: Any factual errors in the essay will reveal that the student really hasn't thought deeply about the choice. Source: Students should make absolutely sure they know their subject well. Don’t go overboard with flattery. You should sound sincere and authentic. Keep a solid focus, and don’t forget to showcase your attributes as well. Advisor’s Tips: How to Plan for College
The Admissions Essay: Three Types of Questions Type 3: The “Creative” Question The purpose of this question is to evaluate a candidate's ability to think and write creatively and to assess the breadth of the student’s knowledge. Example: "Sharing intellectual interests is an important aspect of university life. Describe an experience or idea that you find intellectually exciting, and explain why." Pros: This kind of question gives you an opportunity to convey your personality and views. Cons: Easy to take "creative" aspect of the question as license to be obscure, or to not have a clear outline. Source: Importance of writing an informed essay. Don’t make factual errors, even if it a creative piece. Don’t write about a topic that you’re not comfortable just because you think it will sound impressive. Less is more. SHOW don’t TELL Advisor’s Tips: How to Plan for College
Practice Essay “Much of the work that students do at Emerson College is a form of storytelling. If you were to write the story of your life until now, what would you title it and why? Please be brief (100-200 words).” How to Plan for College
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