Apprenticeship in France November 2015
La formation par ALTERNANCE Formation théorique école (CFA) acquisition de savoir-faire entreprise CONTRAT D’APPRENTISSAGE (formation initiale) 16-25 ans Diplômes de l’éducation nationale & Titres ou diplômes inscrits au RNCP Plutôt des métiers techniques CONTRAT DE PROFESSIONNALISATION (formation continue) Étendu aux +26 ans demandeurs d’emploi (78% ont - de 26 ans) Qualifications étendues aux branches professionnelles 45% des contrats < à 12 mois Plutôt déjà diplômés EQF 4 (76%), secteur tertiaire dominant 6 mois après, 75% sont en emploi
The work-linked trainings theorical knowledge / school (CFA) practical skills / company APPRENTICE CONTRACT (training for students) 16-25 years old Lead to well recognized qualifications : national diplomas + professional titles registered in the national directory of professional certifications (RNCP) Practical professional activities Final exam PROFESSIONALISATION CONTRACT (training for adults)
Apprenticeship contract CFA Ari@ne CONTROL Apprentice EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT REGISTRATION
For the apprentice Diploma + work experience = ++ Possibility of successive contracts (in a certain limit) Grants (transport, meals, equipment) Tutored in the company by an apprenticeship master Net salary (no social contributions) Non taxable salary (if < or = legal minimal wage) Rights and duties of employees
For the employer An apprenticeship master is designated in the company , he has the same qualification + 2 years of work experience Provides a practical training to the apprentice Pay a wage to the apprentice Exemption of social costs, totally or partially Regional grant (1000€ / year minimum) Tax credit the first year of apprenticeship if EQF <4 (1600€ minimum) Very small companies (<11 employees) recruting a minor apprentice : 0 cost 0 wage paid the first year
For the school (CFA) Accepts students according to available places (there may be specific requirements) Formalizes the contract, sends it for registration Provides academic courses Ensures the consistency between courses and work experience Supports the apprentice until the exam Promove international mobility
Key data Specific work contract, probation period (2 months) Length : 1 to 3 years (average : 20 months) 16 - 25 years old (<16 and > 25 under certain conditions) Spécificities for people with disabilities Public service private sector 1014 training institutions (2013) Source : DARES
Titles and diplomas by apprenticeship EQF 8 7 6 5 4 3 A Possibility to prepare a diploma by apprenticeship or a title registered to RNCP ONISEP
Apprentice compensation
Nouveaux contrats par niveau EQF 3 (CAP, BEP) EQF4 (Bac) EQF 5 et >(BTS, ...) Source DARES 2014
Part of the apprentices according to the qualification level EQF 3 (CAP, BEP) EQF4 (Bac) EQF 5 et >(BTS, ...) EQF 3, 4 EQF 5 et > Source DARES 2014
Levels according to professional areas 2014 : 265.000 nouveaux contrats EQF 5 et > EQF 4 EQF 3 France entière DARES 2014 – système Ari@ne
Data - 2014 265.000 new contracts in private sector 8700 in public service a total of 435.000 apprentices 46% of the apprentices have a level 4 (EQF 4) ou > at the beginning of apprenticeship 34% prepare a higher education diploma 28% contracts breakdown –> 21% dropout rate - 1st year (2/3 in probation period) - 28% EQF 3 // 21% EQF 4 - hotel & catering, hairdressing - small companies < 10 employees
Labour market inclusion 62% of the apprentices have a job 7 months after the end of the apprenticeship (EQF 3 à 5) 66% of successful students have a job 47% of unsuccessful students 55% contracts of indeterminate duration High disparities according to the diploma and the professional field Regional disparities Source : DEPP avril 2014
Involved partners SOCIAL PARTNERS COMPANIES pay the apprenticeship tax : 0,68% of the wage bill + CSA 51% 26% (quota) 23%(out-of-quota) REGIONS : in charge of vocational training, they provide a diverse range of educational opportunities and trainings included in CFA => decentralized management of apprenticeship STATE : legislation (laws and decrees), set the targets to be achieved, decide the exemptions of costs
La taxe d’apprentissage * *différent en Alsace- Moselle Formation initiale... 2015 : 146.270.000€ ©DFCTA - Service Juridique - Guide de la Taxe d’apprentissage 2015
Future prospects... Mobility for apprentices with Erasmus + Cross-border apprenticeship Target for 2017 : 500.000 apprentices