Year 10.5 logo game starter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Switch on 2 learning dilemma One night your best mate rings you up all panicked and begs you to keep a secret. You agree because they are your best friend. Then they confess to you that they have just ran someone over in a car and killed them and driven off. They think nobody saw them do it though so there is no evidence that it was your mate who killed them. Having heard this you are faced with a decision: A) keep the secret but if he is ever found out you too could go to jail for perversion of justice OR B) Phone the police and snitch on your mate? What do you do? Debate your answers in a group.
You say we pay – re-capping prior learning on catholic beliefs
Creatio ex nihlio
The holy trinity
God is omnipotent “The power is in your hands!”
God exists outside of space and time
‘God breathed’. When god shows you right from wrong.
GCSE Religious studies: Eduqas Unit 1: Origins and meaning Lesson 5: What does the book of Genesis teach about creation? Learning objective: To examine the 2 different creation narratives in the Book of Genesis.
What does success look like today? Today’s success criteria: Lesson 4: What does the Catholic Church teach about the origins of the world? L.O. To examine the two different Creation narratives in Genesis. Today’s success criteria: You MUST be able to describe what happens in each creation narrative. You SHOULD be able to compare and contrast them. You COULD explain the term creationist and liberalism.
Brace-map: What are sweets? Think about the topic of sweets. What are they? Try and divide sweets into several different categories and sub-categories. How many categories (types) of sweets can you name? How might types of sweets link to Christianity?
Literalism/liberalism What does the phrase ‘things are looking up mean’? What do you think is meant by the terms ‘literalism and liberalism’?
Sweets vs christians Just as there are loads of types of sweets, so too are there loads of types of Christians. When we think about the origins of the world some Christians take the Bible literally in terms of the 7 days of creation. We call these people creationists. Some take the Bible more metaphorically, these are called liberalists.
Literalism/liberalism With regards to creation Christians can be split into two camps: Literalists OR liberalists. Literalists take the Bible literally! They believe that God’s word is 100% true and that the account in Genesis was exactly how the world was created 6000 years ago. Creationists are literalists.
What do you learn from the film clip? Film clip analysis What do you learn from the film clip?
Creation stories in genesis The word Genesis means ‘beginning’. This book in the Bible tells us the origins of the world according to Biblical Belief. However there are two very different stories about the creation of mankind. In the Biblical days people did not want scientific facts to why we exist, but wanted meaning – who made us? What are humans and why are we important? What is the purpose of nature? Genesis answers these questions. Is Genesis fact or fiction? The Catholic view: The Catholic Church believes that Genesis does provide some SPIRITUAL TRUTH. It teaches us that we are: Made by God. Made in the image of God. That God is omnipotent (all-powerful). That we are to be stewards of the earth and look after the world. Catholics do not believe that the 7 days are literally true. View the story on the Lego Testament and summarise what happens in each creation myth.
Creation stories in genesis Differences Similarities Differences Genesis 1 Genesis 2
What questions does genesis raise for believers? Scientists have found fossils of dinosaurs and claim they pre-date humans. Why are these not mentioned in Genesis? If only two humans were made – does that mean we are all biologically related? Does God give men and women equal rights? Why were women made from the ‘rib’ of Adam?
Creationist christians view on genesis Creationist Christians believe that the world was literally created in 6 days and that God rested on the 7th. Creationists would argue that God made the world ex nihlio in 7 days because they believe: The Bible is the direct word of God – therefore it cannot be wrong. The Bible has been approved by councils of Bishops and is accepted as authoratative scripture therefore must be right. They believe God is the only omnipotent being powerful enough to cause something as complex as the world so he must have made it. Creationists reject the idea of dinosaurs because they are not mentioned in Genesis. They believe that men are the leaders of religion as man was made first.
Creationist christians view on genesis In 2012, Emmanuel college in Gateshead made National News because it refused to teach the Big Bang Theory or Evolution. Emmanuel college is a creationist school and teaches Creationism as an accepted theory for the origins of the world. Challenge: Just imagine that you have just been appointed Head teacher of a brand new Creationist school. Many Catholic students go to your new school too. Write a persuasive speech to the parents for open evening to explain why you refuse to teach the Big Bang and Evolution and why Creationism is the most logical theory.