SOUTH AFRICA The Y shape represents the South Africa's different society and unity. Red: bloodshed, blue: the skies, green: the land, black: the black people, white: the European people, yellow: the natural resources such as gold.
HISTORY TIMELINE Zulu and Xhosa tribes establish there large kingdoms (1400s) the Dutch establish the port of Capetown. They are the first Europeans to settle in SA. (1652) the British take control of Capetown the gold is discovered in Johannesburg (1886) SA becomes an independent nation (1960) Apartheid is introduced (laws legally and physically separate racial groups) 1948 De Klerk announces the end of Apartheid (1990) The first elections in which all races can vote. Nelson Mandela president . (1994)
ROLIHLAHLA DALIBHUNGA MANDELA He was born in 1918 in a small village. He dedicated his life to the struggle for racial equality. He spent 27 years in prison for opposing the South African system of segregation. In 1994 he became the first- ever democratically elected president of SA. He was one of the most famous and loved leaders in the world.
IMPORTANT CITIES AND PLACES Capetown and the Table Mountain Capetown is the oldest port in SA and it is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Backed by the flat-topped Table Mountain, the city rises between the mountains and the sea with miles of clean beaches. The Europeans influenced the city's architecture and language.
Johannesburg It is also known with the name of”the city of gold”, because in the 19th century rich gold mines were discovered in this area. It became the centre of SA's industrial and commercial life. Now, it remains the country's financial centre, but there are a lot social problems like poverty and crimes.
Pretoria It is the capital of SA. It's the centre of political life and home of educational institutions. It is also known as the “Jacaranda city” because in October and November blue/purple flowers bloom on the 55,000 trees that line the capital streets.
Kruger National Park It was established in 1898 and it is the oldest and one of the largest wildlife sanctuary: 19.480 Km2 The park is home to more than 500 birds and 147 mammal species, including lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalos.