Chapter 11 Measurement This chapter introduces the concept of measurement, the four scale types, the major sources of error and criteria for evaluating good measurement.
Learning Objectives Understand . . . The distinction between measuring objects, properties, and indicants of properties. The similarities and differences between the four scale types used in measurement and when each is used. The four major sources of measurement error. The criteria for evaluating good measurement.
PulsePoint: Research Revelation 32.5 The percent of U.S. manufacturers experiencing unfair currency manipulation in the trade practices of other countries. See the text Instructors Manual (downloadable from the text website) for ideas for using this research-generated statistic.
Why Measurement Is Important “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Bob Donath, Bob Donath and Co, Inc This note relates to why we must understand the issues around measurement. Students can be asked to relate to their own jobs or business experiences as to what they observed being measured and why management needed to measure the things they did--the consequences of not measuring adequately and accurately. They are bound to have war stories of their own which will make the concept become more real to them.
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