Physical Education 11/12 Girls Personal Fitness Unit By: Kate Ayotte Submitted to: Dr. Geoff Potter EDCI 336
Obesity What is obesity? What are the causes of obesity? What are the side effects of obesity? How can obesity be prevented?
Can Johnny come out and eat? From
The Evolution of Obesity
Prevalence of obesity among Canadian adults in 1985, 1990, 1994, 1996, and 1998. (From the Canadian Medical Association Journal)
What are the causes of obesity? Genes Environment Health Education Lifestyle Eating Habits
Kids are at risk… New research from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, indicates that the sedentary lifestyle of ‘tweens’ ages 9 to 12, plus their poor nutrition habits, puts them on the fast track to heart disease and stroke by age 30.
What is obesity? “Obesity is a condition of excessive body fat that results from a chronic energy imbalance whereby intake exceeds expenditure.” (Katzmarazyk, 2002)
The Sources of Obesity in Youth Sedentary Lifestyle Lack of appropriate physical activity Lack of funding and programs Poor nutrition
1) Sedentary Suicide Dr. Martin Collis describes the increase in the amount of TV and video games that children watch sedentary suicide. Studies show that children 8-16 years of age in the U.S.A who watch 4 or more hours of television per day have a higher body mass index and thicker skinfolds than those who watch fewer than 2 hours per day.
Most obese children reported low levels of vigorous activity and high levels of television watching (Anderson, 2000) In 1989, 15 % of U.S homes had a computer; in 1999, 54% of homes had a computer (
Hydrocarbons not carbohydrates For reasons that have to do with safety and convenience, more kids are transported to school by bus or car, instead of walking (
2) Lack of Activity Children are not engaging in enough vigorous physical activity; CAHPERD suggests that all Canadian children participate in 150 minutes a week of physical education. Unfortunately…
Students receive only 60 minutes a week in physical education instruction (Anderson, 2000)
It is recommended that children and adolescents engage in vigorous physical activity at least three times a week; Only half of adolescent boys and one quarter of adolescent girls in Canada met that criteria (McKenzie, 1999)
3) Lack of funding; expanding waistlines and skinnier budgets Unfortunately, as students, you guys do not have that much control over this cause, so let us move on to poor nutrition!
4) Poor nutrition The size of servings have increased: the 1 ounce hamburger patty is now a quarter pound or more, and the 8 ounce soft drink is now a 32 ounce ‘big gulp.’ The option of ‘biggie’ fries and ‘supersize’ drinks never existed before.
Little exercise + soft drinks = soft kids (
Convenient stores sell ‘convenient’ foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt. Packaged cookies and baked goods use cheap and damaging hydrogenated fats. (
The amount of fruits and vegetables that kids are eating is declining. Many children do not eat breakfast; not only does breakfast give you energy, it also helps you feel satisfied so that you do not eat as much later on in the day. The amount of fruits and vegetables that kids are eating is declining.
Instead… Kids are eating foods that are high in fat and sugar. “When God created potatoes And donated them to man It wasn’t to be crushed and fried And served in a tennis ball can.” (Dr. Martin Collis,
What are the side effects of being obese?
Being obese means you are at risk of getting… Type 2 Diabetes Coronary Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Osteoarthritis Poor self-esteem Birth Defects Breast Cancer
Gout Infertility Low back pain Stroke Prostate cancer…
What can you do to prevent obesity? If you are genetically prone to being obese, you can prevent obesity by eating right and exercising.
Eating right Expend more calories than you take in. Follow Canada’s Food Guide for the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Cut down on red meat, fat, oils, butter, margarine, sugar… Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein!
Exercise Try to do 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4-5 times a week. Make it activities you enjoy; otherwise, you won’t keep it up! Weight train; contrary to popular belief, when women weight train, they do not end up looking like men. Weight training helps to increase your muscle to fat ratio, and you will burn more calories at rest!
Obesity is scary, yes, but it can be prevented. In conclusion… Obesity is scary, yes, but it can be prevented. Eat right, exercise 4 or 5 times a week, and you will be able to avoid becoming obese and will be more likely to live a long, happy life.!
Get outside and get moving!!! So… Get outside and get moving!!!