Communications conducted by a producer to potential buyers to introduce the product and push them to buy during a given period. Goal: to influence the behavior of the potential consumer? Use: all possible means of influencing and
Promo mix or blend marketing communications advertisement Product shape Personal selling Selling shops Direct / interactive marketing Product price Public Relations Product Packaging Stimulate sales The marketing mix and blend promotion Personal selling Direct marketing Promotion product Advertisement Publishing - Public Relations Activation Sales Distribution Pricing Interactive Marketing marketing mix Promotion mix
The traditional concept of management promotion Advertising personal selling target market Stimulate sales Propaganda and publishing Modern concept of integrated marketing communications production pricing Target market distribution Advertising Stimulate sales Promotion Propaganda and publishing Interactive Marketing Direct marketing
Advertising definition Non-personal ways to provide goods, services and ideas by a known party in return for paid fees. Kinds of ads Product/ brand advertising Store advertising Direct advertising Business- to- business advertising Institutional advertising Social advertising
Goals of Advertising: Ads are divided in terms of the target to the three main types : Informative advertising Competitive advertising Reminder advertising 1. Advertising media: used heavily at the introduction of the new product 2. Comparative Advertising: is directly or indirectly compared with another product 3. Advertising reminder: important for mature products, it helps to maintain relationships with clients and consumers
The basis of selection of suitable means of advertisement: Identify the target customer Nature of the product and its unique characteristics The message required to deliver Cost Means of communication TV Radio Newspapers Magazines Direct mail Cell phone Online (an e-mail social sites, ..)
Sales Promotion Sales promotion
Sales tools oriented towards the consumer Samples Coupons Deals Premiums Contests Sweepstakes Point- of –purchase displays
Personal contact with the consumer to purchase the product Personal selling Defined Personal contact with the consumer to purchase the product
Duties of the sales man A man selling skills Search for the potential consumer Determine how, when to reach a consumer Inform the consumer about products and services Provide help and various services to the consumer Cooperation with the marketing research department. A man selling skills Conversation Skills Experience Contact Responsibility Participation The unique characteristics (intelligence, motivation, stable personality, level of education, good-looking )
The sales process steps Expectation Before Accosting for sale Initial customer contact Accosting for sale Product Display Overcome objections The closure of the sales process Follow-up
The definition of public relations The goals of public relations A form of communication seeking to improve the mental image of the organization against internal and external audiences The goals of public relations positively change individuals trends towards the organization's work and activities Raise awareness about the organization and the activities carried out by the products and the promotion of its brands Drawing on the positive image of the organization to everyone Build a solid and strong relationship with the various means of publication and advertising
Direct marketing goals Use of mail, telephone, fax and Internet for direct contact with certain customers and potential customers, urging them to direct response Direct marketing goals Repeated purchase Introduction of new products Provide new distributional channel Increase consumer loyalty
Direct marketing tools Direct mail Mobile phone E-Marketing
Marketing communications process Before selling selling After Consumption Consumption Promotional communications model Receiver Information translation Message Means Put the information in the form of a symbolic Sender noise reaction Impact of the apostate
Communication barriers Within companies The weakness of procedures The weak exchange of messages from one section to another (from top to bottom) Weak access to higher management (afraid of the senior management staff) Weak equipment (computer, imaging, fax ...) No storage of information for future use
Factors affecting the promotional mix The money available the type of item market the characteristics of the product the stage of the product life the characteristics of the market the degree of globalization the strategy of pull and push Push Strategy The company Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Pull Strategy The company Wholesaler Retailer Consumer
Questions Explain the advantages of Advertising. Compare between the Push & Pull Strategies, giving examples. What are some of the skills required in a salesman?