The Middle Western states review To be prepared for you test, your first step is to reread Chapter 10 in your Social Studies book. Be sure to use your study guide that highlights the main ideas of our work.
Let’s identify the states. North Dakota Minnesota South Dakota Wisconsin Michigan Nebraska Iowa Indiana Illinois Ohio Kansas Missouri
Match the capital to the state. 1. Springfield 2. Indianapolis 3. Des Moines 4. Topeka 5. Lansing 6. St. Paul 7. Jefferson City 8. Lincoln 9. Bismarck 10. Columbus 11. Pierre 12. Madison A. Wisconsin B. North Dakota C. Nebraska D. Illinois E. Iowa F. Kansas G. Ohio H. South Dakota I. Indiana J. Michigan K. Minnesota L. Missouri
Severe Weather This part of our country often experiences severe storms and weather conditions. Identify four of these conditions. Blizzards Droughts Tornadoes Hailstorms
The Interior Plains include the Central Plains and the Great Plains The Interior Plains include the Central Plains and the Great Plains. Identify the picture and describe the land. The Central Plains are located in the eastern part. They have rich, fertile soil and plenty of rainfall. They use the land for planting crops. The Great Plains are located in the western part. The land is drier and flatter than the Central Plains. The land is used for raising cattle and sheep.
The Great Lakes The Great Lakes are the largest fresh water lakes in the world. They are connected by canals so that ships can travel through them to the St. Lawrence River out to the Atlantic Ocean. Name them. Lake Huron Lake Ontario Lake Michigan Lake Erie Lake Superior
The St. Lawrence Seaway
The Mesabi Range is an area in Minnesota. The Mesabi Range has one of the largest deposits of iron ore in the world. Miners use huge power shovels to dig out the rusty-colored ore. This kind of mining is called open-pit mining.
True or False. Be ready to defend your answer. 1. The Middle West is made up of the Great Lakes States and the Middle Atlantic States. False 2. The Central Plains are west of the Great Plains. 3. Two important rivers in the Middle West are the Mississippi River and the Missouri River. True 4. It is unusual for snow to fall in the Middle West.
5. Tornadoes sometimes cause serious damage to crops in the Middle West. True 6. Kansas leads all other states in corn production. False 7. The Mesabi Range is a line of mountains cutting across the Middle West. 8. The St. Lawrence Seaway connects the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean.