Israil Bryan, Diversity and Social Programme Manager, Skanska UK
The benefits of diversity and inclusion Israil Bryan Diversity and Social Programme Manager
Industry context 33% lower costs 50% faster delivery targets 33% lower costs 50% faster delivery 50% improvements in exports 50% lower emissions Construction industry context The Construction 2025 industrial strategy sets out a vision and a plan for long-term strategic action by government and industry to continue to work together to promote the success of the UK construction sector. Construction is a growing industry, although Brexit has led to uncertainty There is an industry skills gap and shrinking pool of talent We’re recruiting to deliver on major projects – but competitors are too Useful statistics: Construction accounts for 6 – 7% of UK GDP. About 2.1 million people are employed in the industry (6.1% of UK’s workforce, 10% at peak). Top 20 companies account for c. 20-25% of £135bn market March 2017
Diversity and inclusion How serious are we as an industry? We need to change how we are perceived Main business drivers for diversity and inclusion Diversity and inclusion in engineering survey report 2015 including trends, similarities and differences with the highways and transportation sector Tackling skills shortage Innovation and creativity Demonstrate diversity to clients Competitive edge when bidding Retention and turnover Better reflecting our community Better reflecting our customers Employee engagement/performance Avoiding legal action Reducing absence As the survey indicates, its clearly a commitment of business and the core driver is skills. Do we truly believe in transferable skills or MUST we have that PM with 25 years of highways experience??? Diversity shouldn’t alienate anyone…but include EVERYONE Construction is seen as traditional, white, male As we grow and recruit new talent we have a fantastic opportunity to create a very different industry Looking at the top 4 reasons on the survey…it should be a given. March 2017
Diversity and inclusion How serious are we as an industry? We need to change how we are perceived Tackling skills shortage Innovation and creativity Demonstrate diversity to clients Competitive edge when bidding Retention and turnover Better reflecting our community Better reflecting our customers Employee engagement/performance Avoiding legal action Reducing absence As the survey indicates, its clearly a commitment of business and the core driver is skills. Do we truly believe in transferable skills or MUST we have that PM with 25 years of highways experience??? Diversity shouldn’t alienate anyone…but include EVERYONE Construction is seen as traditional, white, male As we grow and recruit new talent we have a fantastic opportunity to create a very different industry Looking at the top 4 reasons on the survey…it should be a given. Main business drivers for diversity and inclusion Diversity and inclusion in engineering survey report 2015 including trends, similarities and differences with the highways and transportation sector March 2017
Diversity and inclusion How serious are we as an industry? We need to change how we are perceived Tackling skills shortage Innovation and creativity Demonstrate diversity to clients Competitive edge when bidding Retention and turnover Better reflecting our community Better reflecting our customers Employee engagement/performance Avoiding legal action Reducing absence As the survey indicates, its clearly a commitment of business and the core driver is skills. Do we truly believe in transferable skills or MUST we have that PM with 25 years of highways experience??? Diversity shouldn’t alienate anyone…but include EVERYONE Construction is seen as traditional, white, male As we grow and recruit new talent we have a fantastic opportunity to create a very different industry Looking at the top 4 reasons on the survey…it should be a given. Main business drivers for diversity and inclusion Diversity and inclusion in engineering survey report 2015 including trends, similarities and differences with the highways and transportation sector March 2017
Training and skills How can we encourage young people to consider our industry in the first place? Long-term partnerships with UTC’s Start thinking/leveraging the skills for tomorrow e.g. offsite manufacture, robotics Hair and beauty 1 job Construction 4.5 jobs Why isn’t our industry and industry of choice? How do we change the preconceptions 44000 people are needed in the construction industry every year we are currently only bringing in 9000 through apprenticeships. We need the change to be broader – with the supply chain who are so important to the way we deliver work. Better utilise Supply Chain Sustainability School – to upskill supply chain and industry. Long-term partnerships with UTC’s Peterborough Bucks Silverstone Huge mismatches of supply and demand CBI/Pearson Education and Skills Survey 2015 March 2017
Training and skills How can we encourage young people to consider our industry in the first place? Long-term partnerships with UTC’s Start thinking/leveraging the skills for tomorrow e.g. offsite manufacture, robotics Hair and beauty 1 job 5 people Construction 4.5 jobs 2 people Why isn’t our industry and industry of choice? How do we change the preconceptions 44000 people are needed in the construction industry every year we are currently only bringing in 9000 through apprenticeships. We need the change to be broader – with the supply chain who are so important to the way we deliver work. Better utilise Supply Chain Sustainability School – to upskill supply chain and industry. Long-term partnerships with UTC’s Peterborough Bucks Silverstone Huge mismatches of supply and demand CBI/Pearson Education and Skills Survey 2015 March 2017
Gender balance by sector 79% human health and social work 72% education 57% real estate activities 49% public admin and defence: social security 48% wholesale, retail and car repair 46% all employment 44% financial and insurance 44% administrative and support services 40% professional, scientific and technical 29% information and communication Gender has long been an issue of our sector, but the dials aren’t turning quickly enough. We need to change in order to attract diversity. What do the industries at the top of the scale have that we don’t? - Flexibility/Agility - Work life balance Returners programes addresses this by looking at mid to senior levels We say we need to encourage girls to chose STEM, but they are is there is 40% representation in Scientific & technical…they just aren’t choosing us! 25% manufacturing 27% agriculture, forestry and fishing 19% transport and storage 20% mining, energy and water 12% construction ONS data on % of women in each industry March 2017
How can we attract into EEH? Cambridgeshire Peterborough Northamptonshire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Luton Central Beds Bedford Milton Keynes East of England heartland What do our communities want? Large scale infrastructure projects in our back yard Apprenticeship levy – we have to think differently about our Talent pipelines Even BREXIT – there is uncertainty use the opportunity to drive the investment in the local workforce Our communities are changing, but their needs are the same. We need to truly reflect these communities if we want to open our doors to them Apprentices don’t have to be 17-18 year old school leavers, they can be 40/50 year olds retraining or securing a specialism BREXIT is very uncertain, our risk is the reliance on migrant labour at both ends of the scale. It is important to create inclusive environments, especially in context of the foreign and European labour that we employ on our sites (particularly with c.80% of our work delivered through the supply chain) Lets use the opportunity to upskill the local work force & broaden diversity to include social mobility with offender programme, military, NEETs etc What do our communities want? Skills – Jobs – Connectivity Large scale infrastructure projects in our back yard HS2 – A14 – East/West rail March 2017
March 2017